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Max Darkness

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While I'm in the mood:


Why is it Obelisk-coloured?



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 Fiend-Type monsters you control. This face-up card is unaffected by Spell, Trap and Effect Monster Card effects. During each of your End Phases, destroy 1 face-up DARK or Fiend-Type monster you control. If you do not, this card is destroyed. If this card is destroyed, except by its own effect, Special Summon as many "Death Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1900/DEF 1900) cards as possible to your side of the field. These tokens cannot be switched to Defense Position and can only be Tributed for the Tribute Summon of a Fiend-Type monster, except "The King of Darkness - Zorick".

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and did you re write the whole thing?


I balanced it.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 Fiend-Type monsters you control. This face-up card is unaffected by Spell' date=' Trap and Effect Monster Card effects. During each of your End Phases, destroy 1 face-up DARK or Fiend-Type monster you control. If you do not, this card is destroyed. [b']If this card is destroyed, except by its own effect, (1)[/b] Special Summon as many "Death Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1900/DEF 1900) cards as possible to your side of the field. These tokens cannot be switched to Defense Position and can only be Tributed for the Tribute Summon of a Fiend-Type monster, except "The King of Darkness - Zorick" (2).


(1) Allowing you to Summon the tokens even if it was destroyed by its own effect is overpowered. Even "Aslla Piscu" cannot activate if it's removed by the lack of Field Spell.


(2) So you've just lost your trump card. Next turn, activate "Monster Reincarnation", and if you have at least three of the tokens left over, you can Summon this card once again with, in essence, no cost.




EDIT: Could you two please comment on my "Inca" set? (The link is the words 'Taste away' in a recent post of mine) I'd like to get some views before I add the rest of them.

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I finally made a card after while with my own creations :P

(i just made this one)

[spoiler=original picture(larger version]3x6xj.jpg


[spoiler=the card]341559b.jpg

[spoiler=lore]You can remove from play 2 FIRE monsters on your side of the field to Special Summon this card. If this card is Summoned this way inflict 200 times the total level of the monsters removed to summon this card to your opponent. Than inflict half of the damage your opponent took to your Life Pionts. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 FIRE monster from your hand or Graveyard to the field. Each time a monster is Special Summoned by this effect inflict damage equal to half that monsters ATK to your opponent than inflict half of this card's DEF to your own Life Pionts.



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OCG Fix:


You can Special Summon this card by removing 2 FIRE monsters you control from play. If this card is Summoned in this way, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the combined Levels of the removed monsters x 200. Then, lose Life Points equal to half the damage your opponent took. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower FIRE monster from your hand or Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. If you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the summoned monster's original ATK and damage to your Life Points equal to half the summoned monster's original DEF.

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I finished my set. We'll not the set but I finished what I made atleast. And for the ones that don't have names, effects, names is the ones I need them because I cant think of anything. And if you can think of better names/effects feel free to tell me ^^


[align=center][spoiler= TDGFA-EN001 Nightmare Dragon]Nightmare Dragon


Dragon/Effect/DARK/ATK 3000/DEF 3500



2bbktj.jpg[spoiler=Lore]When this card is destroyed, inflict 500 damage to your opponent. Your opponent discards 2 cards from the top of their Deck or hand. You can Tribute 1 DARK monster to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. When this card is Summoned this way, destroy all cards on the field, except this card. Take damage equal to the number of cards destroyed by this effect x 300.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN002 Mak Mak Black Warrior]Mak Mak Warrior


FIEND/Dark Tuner/Effect/DARK/ATK 0/DEF 0



69jkpe.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card [spoiler=Lore]This card does not need to be tributed if you discard 1 card in your hand. If that card was a monster the ATK of that monster it becomes the orginal ATK for this card until the end of your opponenets next turn.. If this card is used for a Dark Synchro Summon of "Maj Maj Black Warrior of The Darks" Increase its ATK by 500.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN003 The Face Less Fiend - No-Face]The Face Less Fiend - No-Face


FIEND/Effect/Dark Tuner/DARK/ATK 0/DEF 0



69jkpe.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card does not need a Tribute to be summoned if you have another DARK monster on the field. When this card is used for a Dark Synchro Summon of a DARK FIEND-Type monster double its ATK. At the end of the turn send it back to your extra deck and inflict damage equal to the ATK of the monster sent back to the extra deck.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN004 Armageddon Knight]Armageddon Knight





24ezucg.jpg[spoiler=Lore]When this card is succesfully summoned you can destroy all cards on the field and inflict damage equal to all the cards sent to the grvaeyard x300.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN005 Deadly Clown]Deadly Clown


FIEND/Effect/DARK/ATK 1700/DEF 0



53scc6.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card is unaffected by Trap cards. When this card is Special Summoned or Normal Summoned, Special Summon 2 "Deadly Clown Tokens"



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN006 Energy Feeder]Energy Feeder


FIEND/Effect/DARK/ATK 2000/DEF 1100



2lwlrf4.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Once per turn you can send 1 card from your field or hand to the graveyard. Increase this cards ATK and DEF equal to the monsters ATK until the end of your oppenents next turn. If this cards Atk reaches above 5000 destroy this card and inlfict 5000 points of damage to the owner of this card.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN007 The Black Knight Of Death]The Black Knight Of Death


FIEND/Effect/DARK/ATK 1900/DEF 1800



j0k23a.jpg[spoiler=Lore]You can decrease or increase this monsters level by one by paying x200 for each level lowered or added. If this card is destroyed on the turn it is summoned, Special Summon onto your field during your next Main Phase.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN008 The Power Multiflier]The Power Multiflier





27xpkis.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is used for a Synchro Summon, Dark Synchro Summon, Ritual Summon, Fusion Summon, Tribute Summon for a FIEND-Type monster increase its ATK and DEF by 1000 at the begging of the battle phase. When the battle phase has ended decrease its ATK by 1000.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN009 The Queen Of Darkness - Zoricka]The Queen Of Darkness - Zoricka





2ludgm8.jpg[spoiler=Lore]I need an effect.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN010 Undead Bone Knight]Undead Bone Knight


FIEND/Effect/DARK/ATK 100/DEF 100



15p64h5.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card is also treated as a ZOMBIE-Type monster. If this card is used for a Synchro Summon or Dark Synchro Summon draw 1 card and Special Summon 1 "Bone Token".



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN011 Masked Fiend - Shadow]Masked Fiend - Shadow


FIEND/Spirit/DARK/ATK 2200/DEF 2100



2nt8u81.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. If this card destroys a monster by battle inflict damage equal to its ATK to both players. When this card is returned to your hand Special Summon the monster(s) this card destroyed by battle to your side of the field.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN012 Diva - The Death Charmer]Diva - The Death Charmer


FIEND/Effect/DARK/ATK 1800/DEF 1900



11afofl.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Once per turn by discarding 1 spell card you can destroy 1 card on the field. This card can also be treated as a "Dark Tuner" monster. If this card is destroyed by a spell card Special Summon this card to the field the next turn.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN013 Power House Fiend]Power House Fiend





szkknk.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card is also treated as a FIEND-Type monster. Once per turn you can send 1 monster card from your hand or field to the graveyard. Inflict damage equal to the monsters ATK or you can send 1 card from the field to the graveyard to destory 1 card on the field.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN014 ]No Name







[spoiler= TDGFA-EN015 The King Of Darkness - Zorick]The King Of Darkness - Zorick


FIEND/Effect/DARK/ATK 4000/DEF 0



oa10y0.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 Fiend-Type monsters you control. This face-up card is unaffected by Spell, Trap and Effect Monster Card effects. During each of your End Phases, destroy 1 face-up DARK or Fiend-Type monster you control. If you do not, this card is destroyed. If this card is destroyed, except by its own effect, Special Summon as many "Death Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1900/DEF 1900) cards as possible to your side of the field. These tokens cannot be switched to Defense Position and can only be Tributed for the Tribute Summon of a Fiend-Type monster, except "The King of Darkness - Zorick".




[spoiler= TDGFA-EN016 Undead Fiend - ]Undead Fiend -


FIEND/Fusion/Effect/DARK/ATK ?/DEF ?



mtw19u.jpg[spoiler=Lore]1 Zombie-Type monster + 2 Fiend-Type monsters




[spoiler= TDGFA-EN017 Death - The King Of Terror]Death - The King Of Terror


FIEND/Dark Synchro/Effect/DARK/ATK 3000/DEF 2200



ac39t0.jpg[spoiler=Lore]1 Dark Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Fiend-Type monsters

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control the value must equal the Level of this card. When this card is Dark Synchro Summoned send the top card or bottom card of your deck to the graveyard. If it is a DARK or FIEND-Type monster inflict damage to your opponent equal to half of its ATK or DEF and increase this cards ATK equal to the level of the monster x200. This card is unaffected by trap and spell cards. If this card is destroyed by a monster effect inflict 1000 points of damage to the owner of this card.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN018 Maj Maj Black Warrior Of The Darks]Maj Maj Black Warrior Of The Darks


FIEND/Dark Synchro/Effect/DARK/ATK 2700/DEF 2000



16a4e8g.jpg[spoiler=Lore]1 Dark Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Fiend-Type monsters



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN019 Thousand Eye Fiend]Thousand Eye Fiend


FIEND/Dark Synchro/Effect/DARK/ATK ?/DEF ?



25s2aex.jpg[spoiler=Lore]1 Dark Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Fiend-Type monsters

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control the value must equal the Level of this card. When this card is succesefully Dark Synchro Summoned increase this card ATK equal to both monsters ATK, and it becomes the original ATK for this card until the end of the duel. Once per turn you can discard one card. This card gains the discarded card effect. If there are no cards in your hand inflict 1000 points of damage to the owner of this card.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN020 ]2a6m2ab.jpg[/[spoiler=Lore]



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN021 ]2dgqlmv.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Can't think of name or effect. Help.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN022 Dark Deal]fv8qdv.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Draw 3 cards. Discard 2. Then add 1 card from your graveyard to your deck. Then draw a card and if its a level 4 or lower DARK monster Special Summon it to the field. The monsters Atk is halfed and is snet back to the deck at the end of the turn.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN023 Dark Gateway]10xdgtw.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Once per turn you choose one monster on your field and treat it as a Dark Tuner or a non-tuner till the end of the turn. Add 1 "Demise" Counter for each time this card effect is activated. Once per turn by sending 1 DARK monster on the field you can add 1 extra "Demise" counter to this card. By tributing 1 card you can negate an effect targeting this card and add 1 "Demise' counter to this card. If there are 8 or more "Demise" counters on this card you can Special Summon "The King Of Darkness - Zorick" regardless of its summoning condition.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN024 Devour and Conquer]2di0bj6.jpg][spoiler=Lore]When a monster with 1500 Atk or more is Special Summoned, Normal Summoned, or Flip Summoned remove it from play and either:

*Increase Your Life Points equal to the monsters Atk or DEF.

*Increae one of your monsters ATK or DEF equal to the ATK or DEF of the monster send to the graveyard.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN025 Metallic Overdrive]2ypmdqq.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Double the ATK and DEF of one monster on the field. Destroy both cards at the end of the turn. Inflict damage equal to the ATK and DEF of the monster destroyed.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN026 Special Zone]9jeo07.jpg[spoiler=Lore]As long as this card remains face-up on the field both players can:

* Synchro Summon without a tuner

*Dark Synchro Summon without a Dark Tuner.

*You can Dark Synchro or Synchro Summon from your hand.

*You can change the level of any monster on the field.

*Fusion Summon from your hand, graveyard, field without a spell card.

At the end of each turn inflict 1000 points of damage to the owner of this card and 500 to your opponent.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN027 Armor Addition]2wfvaqh.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Choose a monster on your side of the field. Switch your monster to deffense postion if it is not already. Double its DEF until the end phase.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN028 Energy Realease]103dgev.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Choose one face-up monster on the field. Send it to the graveyard and increase the ATK of one monster on your side of the field equal to the monsters ATK until the end phase and send it to the graveyard.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN029 Bomb Bomb Boom]qrdq83.jpg[spoiler=Lore]When a monster is Special Summoned, Normal Summoned, Set Summoned, Flip Summoned destroy it and inflict damage equal to that monsters ATK. Then Special Summon "Bomb Bomb Token". Its ATK, DEF, Level become that of the monster destroyed.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN030 Darkness Power Increase]35m46tj.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Send 1 DARK monster you control to the graveyard and Special Summon 1 DARK-Type monster from either you hand, deck, extra deck, or graveyard regardless of summoning conditions.. The monster that was Special Summoned double its ATK. At the end of your turn destroy it and inflict damage equal to the monsters ATK.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN031 Rebuke]2145s02.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Activate only when one of your monsters is bieng attacked. Negate the attack and destroy the attacking monster. Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the monster destroyed ATK.



[spoiler= TDGFA-EN032 Two Of Equal Power]t7emah.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be activated when either two monster with the same ATK battle or two cards with the same effect are activated. Roll a die. If you or your oppenent roll is higher destroy the opposing card. If it is a tie destroy both cards.



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