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Max Darkness

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Greetings Sweet's lady-friend! ;)


Myself and Chrid just had a pair of short duels. My Rock Deck vs. E.I. W.R. (the condor). Rocks won both times!



this is log window

Max Darkness|>joined the duel.

Max Darkness|>loaded their deck Natural Darkness.

Max Darkness|>ready to duel.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>joined the duel.

chrid97|>loaded their deck Wiraqocha Rasca 2.

chrid97|>ready to duel.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>fliped TAIL.

chrid97|>rolled 5.

chrid97|> got a 5



Max Darkness|>It takes time to load.

Max Darkness|>rolled 4.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

chrid97|>i go 1st

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move Star Blast from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Star Blast.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7000.

Max Darkness|>move Granmarg the Rock Monarch from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move Star Blast from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>so rock eh?

Max Darkness|>Yep.


Max Darkness|>Your move.


chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Dark World Dealings from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dark World Dealings.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Earthquake from hand to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Dark World Dealings from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move Depth Amulet from hand to graveyard

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Dark Fusion from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dark Fusion.

Max Darkness|>move Granmarg the Rock Monarch from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Infernal Gainer from hand to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Dark Gaia from extra deck to field

Max Darkness|>moved Evil Hero Dark Gaia to monster zone 3.

Max Darkness|>move Dark Fusion from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Dark Gaia.


chrid97|>what 2 monsters did u send



Max Darkness|>moved a sticky.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Face-down monster at #2.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Dark Gaia.

Max Darkness|>Flip them all into Attack Position.

chrid97|>wow 4000 and y

Max Darkness|>Its effect.

chrid97|>flip Mystic Tomato faceup.

chrid97|>flip Hardened Armed Dragon faceup.

chrid97|>flip Nimble Momonga faceup.

chrid97|>flip Giant Germ faceup.

Max Darkness|>Attack Position

chrid97|>turn Mystic Tomato into attack position.

chrid97|>turn Hardened Armed Dragon into attack position.

chrid97|>turn Nimble Momonga into attack position.

chrid97|>turn Giant Germ into attack position.

chrid97|>and wich did u atk

Max Darkness|>Hardened Armed.

chrid97|>move Hardened Armed Dragon from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>So - 2500

chrid97|>changed their LP from 8000 to 5500.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>damn i messed up

chrid97|>i could of stopped ur monster


chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>Remember' date=' Dark Fusion renders it immune to all effects on the turn its summoned.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>come to Main Phase 1.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Infernal Gainer.

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Infernal Gainer from graveyard to RFP

Max Darkness|>Now Dark Gaia can attack twice!


Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Mystic Tomato at #1.

chrid97|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>- 2600

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move Sangan from deck to field

chrid97|>move Mystic Tomato from deck to field

Max Darkness|>You can only summon 1.

chrid97|>move Sangan from field to top of deck

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>And you lose 2600 LP

chrid97|>changed their LP from 5500 to 2900.

chrid97|>i know

chrid97|>messed up

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Mystic Tomato at #2.

Max Darkness|>- 2600 again!

chrid97|>changed their LP from 2900 to 300.

chrid97|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move Mystic Tomato from deck to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Call Of The Haunted.

Max Darkness|>moved Call Of The Haunted to spell zone 3.

Max Darkness|>moved Call Of The Haunted to spell zone 4.

Max Darkness|>flip Call Of The Haunted faceup.

Max Darkness|>move Granmarg the Rock Monarch from graveyard to field

Max Darkness|>moved Granmarg the Rock Monarch to monster zone 4.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>Your last turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move Heavy Storm from hand to field

chrid97|>move Dark Bribe from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>flip Destruction Jammer faceup.

chrid97|>move Solemn Judgment from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Destruction Jammer.

Max Darkness|>Sorry.

chrid97|>move Heavy Storm from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Giant Rat from hand to graveyard

Max Darkness|>You get your Traps back.

chrid97|>im done

Max Darkness|>I stopped your storm.

chrid97|>wanna go agian

Max Darkness|>One moment.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Mystic Tomato at #1.

Max Darkness|>Now youre dead.


Max Darkness|>And yes. I will have a rematch.

Max Darkness|>I like this deck!

Max Darkness|>has performed a soft reset.

Max Darkness|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Max Darkness|>changed a sticky.


chrid97|>me 2

chrid97|>has performed a soft reset.

chrid97|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>You go first.


chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>flip Black Garden faceup.

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Im going to activate a field spell now.

Max Darkness|>From experience its better if you destroy yours first.




chrid97|>move Black Garden from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Chorus of Sanctuary from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Cupid has joined us...

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move Terraforming from hand to field

Max Darkness|>flip Rock Bombardment faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Rock Bombardment.

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

Max Darkness|>looking into their deck.

Max Darkness|>move Gaia Plate the Earth Giant from deck to graveyard

Max Darkness|>- 500 for you.

chrid97|>move Mausoleum of the Emperor from deck to hand

chrid97|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7500.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>move Rock Bombardment from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Terraforming from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Will you activate Mausoleum?


chrid97|>not yet

Max Darkness|>Okay.

Max Darkness|>You done?

chrid97|>i already set right?

Max Darkness|>Yes.

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>I ended.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>flip Call Of The Haunted faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Call Of The Haunted.

Max Darkness|>moved Call Of The Haunted to spell zone 5.

Max Darkness|>move Gaia Plate the Earth Giant from graveyard to field

Max Darkness|>moved Gaia Plate the Earth Giant to monster zone 5.

Max Darkness|>flip Evil Hero Infernal Gainer faceup.


Max Darkness|>turn Evil Hero Infernal Gainer into attack position.

Max Darkness|>Yes?

chrid97|>sweets friend joined

Max Darkness|>Oh okay.

Max Darkness|>Ill note it after this.

Max Darkness|>May I continue?


Max Darkness|>Thanks.


Max Darkness|>flip Dark Fusion faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dark Fusion.

Max Darkness|>

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Infernal Gainer from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Gaia Plate the Earth Giant from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Dark Gaia from extra deck to field

Max Darkness|>moved Evil Hero Dark Gaia to monster zone 3.

Max Darkness|>move Call Of The Haunted from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Dark Fusion from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Now with 5400 ATK!


Max Darkness|>And since its still my Main Phase...

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Infernal Gainer.

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Infernal Gainer from graveyard to RFP

Max Darkness|>Now it can attack twice. And due to Dark Fusion, cannot be targeted by Spells, Traps or Monsters!

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Face-down monster at #1.


Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Dark Gaia.



chrid97|>wait so I can activate a rap right now?

Max Darkness|>It wont effect Dark Gaia.

Max Darkness|>But you can I guess.


chrid97|>Y NOT

Max Darkness|>Because of Dark Fusion.

Max Darkness|>On the turn it summons a monster, that monster is immune to card effects.

chrid97|>so only this turn

Max Darkness|>Yes.

chrid97|>flip Double Coston faceup.

chrid97|>flip Double Coston faceup.

chrid97|>flip Mystic Tomato faceup.

chrid97|>turn Mystic Tomato into attack position.

chrid97|>turn Double Coston into attack position.

chrid97|>move Double Coston from field to graveyard

chrid97|>- what

Max Darkness|>I think I attacked the middle one.

Max Darkness|>And why did you send your monster to the Grave?

Max Darkness|>I didnt attack that one, I dont think.

chrid97|>because u atked it

chrid97|>and it was #3

Max Darkness|>Okay.

Max Darkness|>5400 - 1700 = 3700 damage

chrid97|>i checked and it doesnt rlly matter becausw its the same monster

Max Darkness|>Fine. You take 3700 damage.

chrid97|>changed their LP from 7500 to 3800.

Max Darkness|>And now I finish you.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Mystic Tomato at #1.

Max Darkness|>You take 4000 damage.


chrid97|>i lost already


Max Darkness|>Sorry for the pounding, but I got really good hands both times.

chrid97|>*falls to ground in defeat*

Max Darkness|>Both had Dark Fusion and Dark Gaias materials.

chrid97|>-.- die

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca from deck to hand

chrid97|>move a card from deck to field

chrid97|>move a card from deck to field

chrid97|>move Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca from hand to field

chrid97|>flip Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca faceup.

chrid97|>flip Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca faceup.

chrid97|>moved a sticky.

Max Darkness|>flip Draining Shield faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Draining Shield.


chrid97|>Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca attacks their Opponent LP.

chrid97|>omg lol

Max Darkness|>I gain 99999999 LP

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 8000 to 100007999.


Max Darkness|>Thanks.


Max Darkness|>!


chrid97|>ur welcome

Max Darkness|>Good duels.

Max Darkness|>Ill see you back on YCM.

chrid97|>im working on 2 cards for my ROTEG(RISE OF THE DIVIBE GOD)SET

chrid97|>k bye





That makes sense. You beat me Max and Chrid beat me. I alomst beat Chird by deck out. Curse you E.I.


Have you tried "Needle Worm"? Just Set it and wait for them to attack it. Then they lose 5 cards. Then, activate "Soul Reverse/al", putting your faithful worm back on top of your Deck, ready to Summon again. Or even use "The Shallow Grave" to immediately re-summon it, in face-down Defense Position.


No, and he had one card left in his deck when Rasca came and won it for him

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  • Replies 13.2k
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I HATE Needle Worm. And you decide to runit. Although' date=' funny to use against Lightsworns.



I run it because it helps me win duels. Plus, it can utterly destroy "Lightsworns" in two ways:


1. If you mill "Judgment Dragon" direct from their Deck to their Graveyard, it's stuck.


2. If you're running an RFP Mill Deck, then "Lightsworns" are utterly destroyed.



The best was when I was facing a Failsworn user, and I milled away one of his "Judgment Dragon" cards. He said something along the lines of 'I'll be able to get it back'.


Next turn, "Needle Worm" mills his second "Judgement Dragon", "Pot of Avarice" and "Hidden Book of Spell", completely ruining him. He Decked out three turns after.

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RFP Milling is even more fun. One duel, I got "Dimensional Fissure" in my starting hand along with a pair of "Needle Worm" cards. Set it and used "Double Summon" to Set the second one.


Failsworn attacks (he had started so had two monsters) and loses 10 cards; and of course can't activate "Wulf" or any of the "Lightsworn" effects since they need to sent to the Graveyard! (Plus, one of his "Judgment"'s went with them) It's so enjoyable watching your opponent's Deck go from 40 to 23 in two turns...


If you're interested, my best ever was when I had all three "Needle Worm" cards face-down. Opponent activated "Swords of Revealing Light", flipping all of them face-up (Deck goes from 29 to 14). Destroys all of them.


In my turn, I activated 2 "The Shallow Grave" cards and "Soul Reversal", bringing all three back. Then, I activated a Trap which forces all your opponent's monsters to attack (I can't remember which one..."Final Attack Orders" maybe?) and so he lost all his cards in two turns...



@ Sweet: I managed to summon him ridiculously quick in both duels. (In my third and second turns) It doesn't seem right. That's what happens when you draw "Dark Fusion" and the Fiend-Type material in your starting hand...

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Greetings Sweet's lady-friend! ;)


Myself and Chrid just had a pair of short duels. My Rock Deck vs. E.I. W.R. (the condor). Rocks won both times!



this is log window

Max Darkness|>joined the duel.

Max Darkness|>loaded their deck Natural Darkness.

Max Darkness|>ready to duel.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>joined the duel.

chrid97|>loaded their deck Wiraqocha Rasca 2.

chrid97|>ready to duel.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>fliped TAIL.

chrid97|>rolled 5.

chrid97|> got a 5



Max Darkness|>It takes time to load.

Max Darkness|>rolled 4.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

chrid97|>i go 1st

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move Star Blast from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Star Blast.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7000.

Max Darkness|>move Granmarg the Rock Monarch from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move Star Blast from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>so rock eh?

Max Darkness|>Yep.


Max Darkness|>Your move.


chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Dark World Dealings from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dark World Dealings.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Earthquake from hand to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Dark World Dealings from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move Depth Amulet from hand to graveyard

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Dark Fusion from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dark Fusion.

Max Darkness|>move Granmarg the Rock Monarch from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Infernal Gainer from hand to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Dark Gaia from extra deck to field

Max Darkness|>moved Evil Hero Dark Gaia to monster zone 3.

Max Darkness|>move Dark Fusion from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Dark Gaia.


chrid97|>what 2 monsters did u send



Max Darkness|>moved a sticky.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Face-down monster at #2.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Dark Gaia.

Max Darkness|>Flip them all into Attack Position.

chrid97|>wow 4000 and y

Max Darkness|>Its effect.

chrid97|>flip Mystic Tomato faceup.

chrid97|>flip Hardened Armed Dragon faceup.

chrid97|>flip Nimble Momonga faceup.

chrid97|>flip Giant Germ faceup.

Max Darkness|>Attack Position

chrid97|>turn Mystic Tomato into attack position.

chrid97|>turn Hardened Armed Dragon into attack position.

chrid97|>turn Nimble Momonga into attack position.

chrid97|>turn Giant Germ into attack position.

chrid97|>and wich did u atk

Max Darkness|>Hardened Armed.

chrid97|>move Hardened Armed Dragon from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>So - 2500

chrid97|>changed their LP from 8000 to 5500.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>damn i messed up

chrid97|>i could of stopped ur monster


chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>Remember' date=' Dark Fusion renders it immune to all effects on the turn its summoned.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>come to Main Phase 1.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Infernal Gainer.

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Infernal Gainer from graveyard to RFP

Max Darkness|>Now Dark Gaia can attack twice!


Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Mystic Tomato at #1.

chrid97|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>- 2600

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move Sangan from deck to field

chrid97|>move Mystic Tomato from deck to field

Max Darkness|>You can only summon 1.

chrid97|>move Sangan from field to top of deck

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>And you lose 2600 LP

chrid97|>changed their LP from 5500 to 2900.

chrid97|>i know

chrid97|>messed up

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Mystic Tomato at #2.

Max Darkness|>- 2600 again!

chrid97|>changed their LP from 2900 to 300.

chrid97|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move Mystic Tomato from deck to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Call Of The Haunted.

Max Darkness|>moved Call Of The Haunted to spell zone 3.

Max Darkness|>moved Call Of The Haunted to spell zone 4.

Max Darkness|>flip Call Of The Haunted faceup.

Max Darkness|>move Granmarg the Rock Monarch from graveyard to field

Max Darkness|>moved Granmarg the Rock Monarch to monster zone 4.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>Your last turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move Heavy Storm from hand to field

chrid97|>move Dark Bribe from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>flip Destruction Jammer faceup.

chrid97|>move Solemn Judgment from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Destruction Jammer.

Max Darkness|>Sorry.

chrid97|>move Heavy Storm from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Giant Rat from hand to graveyard

Max Darkness|>You get your Traps back.

chrid97|>im done

Max Darkness|>I stopped your storm.

chrid97|>wanna go agian

Max Darkness|>One moment.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Mystic Tomato at #1.

Max Darkness|>Now youre dead.


Max Darkness|>And yes. I will have a rematch.

Max Darkness|>I like this deck!

Max Darkness|>has performed a soft reset.

Max Darkness|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Max Darkness|>changed a sticky.


chrid97|>me 2

chrid97|>has performed a soft reset.

chrid97|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>You go first.


chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>flip Black Garden faceup.

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Im going to activate a field spell now.

Max Darkness|>From experience its better if you destroy yours first.




chrid97|>move Black Garden from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Chorus of Sanctuary from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Cupid has joined us...

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move Terraforming from hand to field

Max Darkness|>flip Rock Bombardment faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Rock Bombardment.

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

Max Darkness|>looking into their deck.

Max Darkness|>move Gaia Plate the Earth Giant from deck to graveyard

Max Darkness|>- 500 for you.

chrid97|>move Mausoleum of the Emperor from deck to hand

chrid97|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7500.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>move Rock Bombardment from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Terraforming from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Will you activate Mausoleum?


chrid97|>not yet

Max Darkness|>Okay.

Max Darkness|>You done?

chrid97|>i already set right?

Max Darkness|>Yes.

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>I ended.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>flip Call Of The Haunted faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Call Of The Haunted.

Max Darkness|>moved Call Of The Haunted to spell zone 5.

Max Darkness|>move Gaia Plate the Earth Giant from graveyard to field

Max Darkness|>moved Gaia Plate the Earth Giant to monster zone 5.

Max Darkness|>flip Evil Hero Infernal Gainer faceup.


Max Darkness|>turn Evil Hero Infernal Gainer into attack position.

Max Darkness|>Yes?

chrid97|>sweets friend joined

Max Darkness|>Oh okay.

Max Darkness|>Ill note it after this.

Max Darkness|>May I continue?


Max Darkness|>Thanks.


Max Darkness|>flip Dark Fusion faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dark Fusion.

Max Darkness|>

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Infernal Gainer from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Gaia Plate the Earth Giant from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Dark Gaia from extra deck to field

Max Darkness|>moved Evil Hero Dark Gaia to monster zone 3.

Max Darkness|>move Call Of The Haunted from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Dark Fusion from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Now with 5400 ATK!


Max Darkness|>And since its still my Main Phase...

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Infernal Gainer.

Max Darkness|>move Evil Hero Infernal Gainer from graveyard to RFP

Max Darkness|>Now it can attack twice. And due to Dark Fusion, cannot be targeted by Spells, Traps or Monsters!

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Face-down monster at #1.


Max Darkness|>activated effect of Evil Hero Dark Gaia.



chrid97|>wait so I can activate a rap right now?

Max Darkness|>It wont effect Dark Gaia.

Max Darkness|>But you can I guess.


chrid97|>Y NOT

Max Darkness|>Because of Dark Fusion.

Max Darkness|>On the turn it summons a monster, that monster is immune to card effects.

chrid97|>so only this turn

Max Darkness|>Yes.

chrid97|>flip Double Coston faceup.

chrid97|>flip Double Coston faceup.

chrid97|>flip Mystic Tomato faceup.

chrid97|>turn Mystic Tomato into attack position.

chrid97|>turn Double Coston into attack position.

chrid97|>move Double Coston from field to graveyard

chrid97|>- what

Max Darkness|>I think I attacked the middle one.

Max Darkness|>And why did you send your monster to the Grave?

Max Darkness|>I didnt attack that one, I dont think.

chrid97|>because u atked it

chrid97|>and it was #3

Max Darkness|>Okay.

Max Darkness|>5400 - 1700 = 3700 damage

chrid97|>i checked and it doesnt rlly matter becausw its the same monster

Max Darkness|>Fine. You take 3700 damage.

chrid97|>changed their LP from 7500 to 3800.

Max Darkness|>And now I finish you.

Max Darkness|>Evil Hero Dark Gaia attacks their Mystic Tomato at #1.

Max Darkness|>You take 4000 damage.


chrid97|>i lost already


Max Darkness|>Sorry for the pounding, but I got really good hands both times.

chrid97|>*falls to ground in defeat*

Max Darkness|>Both had Dark Fusion and Dark Gaias materials.

chrid97|>-.- die

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca from deck to hand

chrid97|>move a card from deck to field

chrid97|>move a card from deck to field

chrid97|>move Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca from hand to field

chrid97|>flip Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca faceup.

chrid97|>flip Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca faceup.

chrid97|>moved a sticky.

Max Darkness|>flip Draining Shield faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Draining Shield.


chrid97|>Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca attacks their Opponent LP.

chrid97|>omg lol

Max Darkness|>I gain 99999999 LP

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 8000 to 100007999.


Max Darkness|>Thanks.


Max Darkness|>!


chrid97|>ur welcome

Max Darkness|>Good duels.

Max Darkness|>Ill see you back on YCM.

chrid97|>im working on 2 cards for my ROTEG(RISE OF THE DIVIBE GOD)SET

chrid97|>k bye





You guys talk some heavy dueling here don't you? O_o


What is this site called, and who has the best record here? I'm interested...


And thanks for the welcome, Max. ;)

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It couldn't be a FTK, since you can't activate Flip Effects on the turn a monster is Set, but a OTK is certainly viable with the right cards. (Namely 3 "Needle Worms" on the field, an "Ultimate Offering"/"Double Summon", 1 or 2 high-level monsters in your hand to summon, 3 "The Shallow Graves" or a couple of the "Book of..." cards)

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OCG Fix: When this card is Tribute Summoned, flip all face-down Defense Position monsters face-up. Increase this card's ATK by 100 for each card flipped face up by this effect. During your End Phase decrease this card's ATK by 300.


Some things out of order, but overall very good. 8/10

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(If you are reading this' date=' Sweet, yeah, I'm talking about the tournament. ;))



....You got lucky...


*grumbles about the cheapness of Aslla piscu/Swallow's Nest combo*


Tsk tsk. Someone's a sore loser...I'll just have to beat you again next year. ^^


I am better. ;)


Hahaha! Your cheap nuking batteries don't even compare to Aslla piscu.


PS: Thank you for your quick fix, Striker. ^^

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(If you are reading this' date=' Sweet, yeah, I'm talking about the tournament. ;))



....You got lucky...


*grumbles about the cheapness of Aslla piscu/Swallow's Nest combo*


Tsk tsk. Someone's a sore loser...I'll just have to beat you again next year. ^^


You can just beat him now on yugioh network


I am better. ;)


Hahaha! Your cheap nuking batteries don't even compare to Aslla piscu.


PS: Thank you for your quick fix' date=' Striker. ^^


[i']*laughs at Sweet*

He was talking to me and your welcome[/i] ;)

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cheap is right. darned friggin pet dragon of the lightsworns......*grumbles*

*facepalms at NPG*


I'm in a 1v1 against Yankeefan. Here's the link So far I'm losing 7-0. The problem' date=' the pic is too realistic.


"i'm not doing it."

(If you are reading this' date=' Sweet, yeah, I'm talking about the tournament. ;))



....You got lucky...


*grumbles about the cheapness of Aslla piscu/Swallow's Nest combo*


*facepalms at SL's failure*


And I thought you were better. How disappointing

*lols at the sig worthiness of this failure* :lol:


welcome to the Newb Defense League Clair. I see that the dragon gym leader is your favorite.

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"My name is Shadow."


lol i wonder how many times i quoted that by now.


i liked the music for when you first enter the kanto region from newberry town. (i think it's called that?) i can't remember what it was called, but i do remember that you had to go through a cave and climb a waterfall to continue onwards.

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