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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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This is gunna be a doule post but this randomly epic duel is straight worth it... I was about to lose but then I got montage dragon and that changed everything! It was 3 duels and I lost the 1st but the second 2 I made a great comeback.


[spoiler=The Heart of The Cards gave me DAD& a Montage!] Zonixs|>joined the duel.

Zonixs|>loaded their deck Terror Time Again.

Zonixs|>ready to duel.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>joined the duel.

turboxchaz|>loaded their deck beatdown.

turboxchaz|>ready to duel.

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>rolled 3.




Zonixs|>rolled 5.

Zonixs|>Ill start I suppose

Zonixs|>this is a eck im testin...so

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>I dont expect to win


Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.


Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>take ur time


Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move Dark Valkyria from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Lava Golem.

turboxchaz|>move Lava Golem from hand to field

turboxchaz|>gave away control of Lava Golem.

Zonixs|>move Dark Valkyria from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>flip Compulsory Evacuation Device faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Compulsory Evacuation Device.

Zonixs|>move Lava Golem from field to hand

Zonixs|>move Lava Golem from hand to field

Zonixs|>gave away control of Lava Golem.

Zonixs|>move Compulsory Evacuation Device from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Lava Golem from field to hand

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>chaos deck im guessing?

Zonixs|>move Phantom of Chaos from hand to field

Zonixs|>sumphin like dat

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>move Swords of Revealing Light from hand to field

Zonixs|>activated effect of Swords of Revealing Light.

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>flip Giant Germ faceup.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>added 1Counter counter on Swords of Revealing Light.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>twas my first turn

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>turn Phantom of Chaos into defend position.

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Lava Golem.

turboxchaz|>move Lava Golem from hand to field

turboxchaz|>gave away control of Lava Golem.

Zonixs|>flip Torrential Tribute faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Torrential Tribute.

Zonixs|>move Torrential Tribute from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Phantom of Chaos from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Man-Eater Bug from field to graveyard


Zonixs|>move Lava Golem from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>added 1Counter counter on Swords of Revealing Light.

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>move Swords of Revealing Light from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move Sangan from hand to field

turboxchaz|>Sangan attacks their Opponent LP.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7000.

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.


Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>sorry i was talking on the phone


turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move Wave-Motion Cannon from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.


Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card


Zonixs|>end their turn.


turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>added 1Clock counter on Wave-Motion Cannon.

turboxchaz|>move Krebons from hand to field


turboxchaz|>flip Marshmallon faceup.

turboxchaz|>move Krebons from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Sangan from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Marshmallon from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Stardust Dragon from extra deck to field

turboxchaz|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

Zonixs|>flip Man-Eater Bug faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Man-Eater Bug.


Zonixs|>move Man-Eater Bug from field to graveyard


turboxchaz|>i beleive i can activate its effect?




turboxchaz|>i dotn do anything else

turboxchaz|>come to End Phase.

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>added 1Clock counter on Wave-Motion Cannon.

turboxchaz|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

Zonixs|>move Dark Valkyria from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.

Zonixs|>flip Rainbow Life faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Rainbow Life.

Zonixs|>move Rainbow Life from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare from hand to graveyard

turboxchaz|>come to End Phase.

turboxchaz|>move Upstart Goblin from hand to graveyard

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 7000 to 9500.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move Montage Dragon from hand to field

Zonixs|>move Yubel from hand to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from hand to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon from hand to graveyard

Zonixs|>hes at 5400

Zonixs|>end their turn.


turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>added 1Clock counter on Wave-Motion Cannon.

turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from hand to field

turboxchaz|>flip Upstart Goblin faceup.

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Nurse Reficule the Fallen One.


turboxchaz|>activated effect of Upstart Goblin.



Zonixs|>changed their LP from 9500 to 8500.

turboxchaz|>move Upstart Goblin from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>flip Book of Moon faceup.

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Book of Moon.

turboxchaz|>on ur monster

Zonixs|>flip Montage Dragon facedown.

turboxchaz|>move Book of Moon from field to RFP

turboxchaz|>move Book of Moon from RFP to graveyard

Zonixs|>turn a card into defend position.

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>Nurse Reficule the Fallen One attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

Zonixs|>move Montage Dragon from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 8500 to 6000.

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move Giant Trunade from hand to field

Zonixs|>activated effect of Giant Trunade.

Zonixs|>move Giant Trunade from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move a card from field to hand

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Gift Card.

turboxchaz|>flip Gift Card faceup.

Zonixs|>move a card from field to hand

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 6000 to 3000.

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move Wave-Motion Cannon from field to hand

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from field to hand

turboxchaz|>move Gift Card from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move Wave-Motion Cannon from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 3000 to 500.

turboxchaz|>Nurse Reficule the Fallen One attacks their Opponent LP.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 500 to 0.

Zonixs|>good game!


turboxchaz|>good game


turboxchaz|>has performed a soft reset.

turboxchaz|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Zonixs|>has performed a soft reset.

Zonixs|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Zonixs|>has performed a soft reset.

Zonixs|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Zonixs|>come to Main Phase 2.

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>brb 5 seconds

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.


turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>I guess i start...

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card


Zonixs|>move Geartown from hand to field

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>move Dark Resonator from hand to field

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>activated effect of Mystical Space Typhoon.

Zonixs|>flip Mystical Space Typhoon faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Mystical Space Typhoon.

Zonixs|>move Mystical Space Typhoon from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Geartown from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Geartown from graveyard to field

Zonixs|>move Geartown from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>activated effect of Geartown.


Zonixs|>looking into their deck.

Zonixs|>move Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon from deck to field


Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Dark Resonator attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Giant Germ.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7500.

turboxchaz|>looking into their deck.

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from deck to field

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from deck to field

Zonixs|>Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon attacks their Giant Germ at #2.

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6000.

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>turn Giant Germ into defend position.

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon attacks their Giant Germ at #1.

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 7500 to 7000.

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>flip Book of Moon faceup.

turboxchaz|>ancient gear

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Book of Moon.

Zonixs|>flip Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon facedown.

Zonixs|>turn a card into defend position.

turboxchaz|>move Book of Moon from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move Upstart Goblin from hand to field

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Nurse Reficule the Fallen One.

Zonixs|>flip Dark Illusion faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Dark Illusion.

turboxchaz|>move Upstart Goblin from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Dark Illusion from field to graveyard


turboxchaz|>flip Gift Card faceup.

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Gift Card.

Zonixs|>nurse is destoyrd

Zonixs|>flip Compulsory Evacuation Device faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Compulsory Evacuation Device.

Zonixs|>move Compulsory Evacuation Device from field to graveyard



Zonixs|>i just compulsories ypu card

turboxchaz|>so what should i do with gift card

Zonixs|>so thanks 4 a Lifepoints


Zonixs|>just nuthin

turboxchaz|>move Gift Card from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from field to hand

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 7000 to 10000.

turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from hand to field

turboxchaz|>flip CeaseFire faceup.

Zonixs|>u summoned him dis turn

turboxchaz|>activated effect of CeaseFire.



turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from field to hand

turboxchaz|>ok just ceasefire

Zonixs|>flip Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon faceup.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 10000 to 9000.

turboxchaz|>move CeaseFire from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>flip Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon facedown.

Zonixs|>flip Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon faceup.

Zonixs|>turn Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon into attack position.

turboxchaz|>my friend says upstart goblin doesnt target



Zonixs|>if that was the case I wuudve just cumplusoried.

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.

turboxchaz|>changed their LP from 6000 to 3000.

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from hand to field

turboxchaz|>flip Gift Card faceup.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 9000 to 6000.

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Nurse Reficule the Fallen One.

turboxchaz|>move Gift Card from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move Tribute to The Doomed from hand to field

Zonixs|>activated effect of Tribute to The Doomed.

Zonixs|>move Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon from hand to graveyard

Zonixs|>destroy nurse



turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Call Of The Haunted.

Zonixs|>move Tribute to The Doomed from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>flip Call Of The Haunted faceup.

turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from graveyard to field

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon attacks their Nurse Reficule the Fallen One at #1.

turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>changed their LP from 3000 to 1400.

turboxchaz|>move Call Of The Haunted from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

turboxchaz|>move Morphing Jar from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Morphing Jar.

Zonixs|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from hand to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Montage Dragon from hand to graveyard

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>Dark Resonator attacks their Opponent LP.

turboxchaz|>flip Mirror Force faceup.

Zonixs|>flip Dark Bribe faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Dark Bribe.

turboxchaz|>ahaha gg

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move Dark Bribe from field to graveyard


turboxchaz|>nvm lol

turboxchaz|>move Mirror Force from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>changed their LP from 1400 to 100.

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from hand to field


Zonixs|>yu are sooo lucky I messed p that mov

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

turboxchaz|>flip Marshmallon faceup.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 6000 to 5000.

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Lava Golem.

turboxchaz|>move Lava Golem from hand to field

turboxchaz|>gave away control of Lava Golem.

turboxchaz|>van and ur tuner

Zonixs|>flip Torrential Tribute faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Torrential Tribute.

Zonixs|>naaah im good

Zonixs|>move Torrential Tribute from field to graveyard


Zonixs|>move Dark Resonator from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Marshmallon from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Lava Golem from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Newdoria from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>is that right? u have 41 cards left

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>yups ^^

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move Gold Sarcophagus from hand to field

Zonixs|>activated effect of Gold Sarcophagus.

Zonixs|>move Gold Sarcophagus from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>looking into their deck.

Zonixs|>looking into their deck.

Zonixs|>move The Dark Creator from deck to RFP

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move Wave-Motion Cannon from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>come to Stanby Phase.

Zonixs|>move The Dark Creator from RFP to hand

Zonixs|>come to Main Phase 1.

Zonixs|>move Giant Trunade from hand to field

Zonixs|>activated effect of Giant Trunade.

turboxchaz|>move Wave-Motion Cannon from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Gravity Bind from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Giant Trunade from field to graveyard


turboxchaz|>move Gravity Bind from graveyard to hand

Zonixs|>move a card from field to hand

turboxchaz|>move Wave-Motion Cannon from graveyard to hand

turboxchaz|>move a card from field to hand

Zonixs|>move a card from field to hand

Zonixs|>move The Dark Creator from hand to field

Zonixs|>activated effect of The Dark Creator.


Zonixs|> have to chain sumpihin to dat...

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>flip Rainbow Life faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Rainbow Life.

Zonixs|>move Rainbow Life from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Yubel from hand to graveyard



Zonixs|>special summon

Zonixs|>activated effect of The Dark Creator.

Zonixs|>move Newdoria from graveyard to RFP

Zonixs|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from graveyard to field

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

turboxchaz|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Mystic Tomato.

turboxchaz|>looking into their deck.



turboxchaz|>nothing worth summoning



turboxchaz|>has performed a soft reset.

turboxchaz|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Zonixs|>has performed a soft reset.

Zonixs|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Zonixs|>has performed a soft reset.

Zonixs|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>shuffled their deck.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>u choose

turboxchaz|>ill go first

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move Geartown from hand to field

Zonixs|>move Gold Sarcophagus from hand to field

Zonixs|>activated effect of Gold Sarcophagus.

Zonixs|>move Gold Sarcophagus from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>looking into their deck.

Zonixs|>move Dark Armed Dragon from deck to RFP

Zonixs|>move Geartown from field to hand


Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>end turn?


Zonixs|>i has some lag

turboxchaz|>or was that clicking mistake

turboxchaz|>ok lol


turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>wait is geartown still on field or not?


turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move Sangan from hand to field

turboxchaz|>Sangan attacks their Opponent LP.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7900.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 7900 to 7000.

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move Wave-Motion Cannon from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move Mystic Tomato from hand to field

turboxchaz|>Sangan attacks their Opponent LP.

turboxchaz|>Mystic Tomato attacks their Opponent LP.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 7000 to 5600.

Zonixs|>move Gorz The Emissary of Darkness from hand to field

Zonixs|>activated effect of Gorz The Emissary of Darkness.

Zonixs|>created Wild Fire Token on the field.


turboxchaz|>Mystic Tomato attacks their Wild Fire Token at #2.


Zonixs|>changed their LP from 5600 to 4600.

Zonixs|>no I was doing it a the right time

turboxchaz|>the token is 1400 then




turboxchaz|>Mystic Tomato attacks their Wild Fire Token at #2.


Zonixs|>i have to do it after

turboxchaz|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>so no suicide

turboxchaz|>move Mystic Tomato from graveyard to field



turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>move Geartown from hand to field

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>come to Stanby Phase.

Zonixs|>move Dark Armed Dragon from RFP to hand

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>but u didnt lose 140 from mystic?


turboxchaz|>or is it lag


Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field


turboxchaz|>7900 to 7000, then next time it says 5600 to 4600

Zonixs|>I think Ive lost

Zonixs|>b/c if im right...

Zonixs|>one of those face downs is gift card

Zonixs|>the other is prolly coth or mirror force

Zonixs|>and if I attack to deal damage you can summon a nurse this turn or next

Zonixs|>And Id be pissed if that face down is anything but giant germ

Zonixs|>so i think Ive lost...

Zonixs|>lets find out

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Wild Fire Token attacks their Sangan at #2.

turboxchaz|>move Sangan from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Sangan.

turboxchaz|>looking into their deck.

turboxchaz|>move Morphing Jar from deck to hand

turboxchaz|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7600.

Zonixs|>oh ell no...


Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Gorz The Emissary of Darkness attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Giant Germ.

turboxchaz|>looking into their deck.

Zonixs|>changed their LP from 4600 to 4100.

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from deck to field

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from deck to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>added 1Clock counter on Wave-Motion Cannon.

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>turn Giant Germ into defend position.

turboxchaz|>turn Giant Germ into defend position.

turboxchaz|>Mystic Tomato attacks their Wild Fire Token at #2.

Zonixs|>destroyed Wild Fire Token from the field.

turboxchaz|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Mystic Tomato.

turboxchaz|>looking into their deck.

turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from deck to field

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>shuffled their deck.

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>move a card from hand to field

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Gorz The Emissary of Darkness attacks their Face-down monster at #4.

turboxchaz|>flip Book of Moon faceup.

turboxchaz|>activated effect of Book of Moon.

Zonixs|>flip Dark Illusion faceup.

Zonixs|>activated effect of Dark Illusion.

Zonixs|>move Dark Illusion from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>flip Dark Bribe faceup.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>flip Gorz The Emissary of Darkness facedown.

turboxchaz|>move Book of Moon from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>turn Dark Bribe into defend position.

turboxchaz|>move Dark Bribe from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>turn a card into defend position.

Zonixs|>Thank You!

Zonixs|>move Montage Dragon from hand to field

Zonixs|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from hand to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Yubel - Terror Incarnate from hand to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare from hand to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Dark Armed Dragon from hand to field

Zonixs|>montage is at




Zonixs|>activated effect of Dark Armed Dragon.

Zonixs|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from graveyard to RFP

Zonixs|>move Yubel - Terror Incarnate from graveyard to RFP

Zonixs|>move Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare from graveyard to RFP

Zonixs|>destroy nurse

Zonixs|>then wave motion

turboxchaz|>move Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Wave-Motion Cannon from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>and then the face s/t

turboxchaz|>move Zoma the Spirit from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>That was epic!!!!!!\\


Zonixs|>best comeback ever!!!!

Zonixs|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>come to Draw Phase.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>flip Gorz The Emissary of Darkness faceup.

Zonixs|>turn Gorz The Emissary of Darkness into attack position.

Zonixs|>move Dark Valkyria from hand to field

Zonixs|>end their turn.

turboxchaz|>come to Draw Phase.

turboxchaz|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>move a card from hand to field

turboxchaz|>end their turn.

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>come to Main Phase 1.

Zonixs|>move Dark Resonator from hand to field

Zonixs|>move Dark Valkyria from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Dark Resonator from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>move Black Rose Dragon from extra deck to field

Zonixs|>im not nuking!


Zonixs|>activated effect of Dark Armed Dragon.

Zonixs|>move Dark Valkyria from graveyard to RFP

Zonixs|>move Dark Resonator from graveyard to RFP

Zonixs|>the s/t

Zonixs|>and the 3rd monster

turboxchaz|>move Dark Bribe from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Dark Bribe from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Morphing Jar from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>damn you

Zonixs|>come to Battle Phase.

Zonixs|>Black Rose Dragon attacks their Giant Germ at #1.

Zonixs|>Gorz The Emissary of Darkness attacks their Giant Germ at #2.

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from field to graveyard

Zonixs|>Dark Armed Dragon attacks their Face-down monster at #4.

turboxchaz|>move Giant Germ from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>move Krebons from field to graveyard

turboxchaz|>looking into their deck.


Zonixs|>Montage Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.

turboxchaz|>looking into their deck.

Zonixs|>good game!

Zonixs|>and nice bluff btw

turboxchaz|>what bluff?


turboxchaz|>oh the morphing jar?

Zonixs|>I yea

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

Zonixs|>drawn a card

turboxchaz|>mill Level Limit - Area B from top of their deck.

turboxchaz|>mill Magic Cylinder from top of their deck.

turboxchaz|>mill CeaseFire from top of their deck.

turboxchaz|>haha but damn no good trap cards came for me

Zonixs|>showed their hand: Swords of Concealing Light, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Dark Bribe, Rainbow Life, Dark Resonator.

turboxchaz|>move Mystic Tomato from hand to field

turboxchaz|>move Gorz The Emissary of Darkness from hand to field

Zonixs|>and gorz came too late

Zonixs|>great duel man!!!

Zonixs|>I had fun!

turboxchaz|>man i shouldnt underestimate a 60 card deck lol

Zonixs|>yea It has its tricks!

turboxchaz|>alright well gg i gotta go to the bathroom now rofl

Zonixs|>me 2

Zonixs|>have a good 1

turboxchaz|>cya man


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hi guys whats going on?

Things I have accomplished:

1. I beat Striker

2. I got YVD dueling thiny up

3. Some other stuff


In accomplished:

Have not figured out how to put custom Card in YVD or Yu-Gi-Oh Network.

Thats pretty much it


You know that all the time I posted my decks I went to the trouble writing out my deck when I figured out how to export my deck :). So you go to "DECK" on the top bar and at the bottom it should say export, then you pick a deck and you put it in "WEB FORMAT". Then copy and paste. But if you want to put it into YVD format then do so, copy and paste into the .dek file they give you and finally you upload it. But some of the things are wrong and it would say card not found and then you search that card and fix the correction in the .dek file and then save it and re lload the deck.=) My free tutorial to you. I figured all this out yesterday.

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@ Dark Magician: We have a rule against spam. So don't break it. It's all outlined in the first post.


@ Chrid: Put that log in a spoiler.


@ Sweet: Lucky you...(Although for you it's not really as big a deal as going from Europe or the US). Also, who is this lady-friend of yours? I'm guessing you've invited her to this club?

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