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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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oh isnt that kinda like copying


It's continuing the story. Since Paradox failed' date=' Travesty tries to complete his work.

[/quote']u have seen the movie?

i would prefer if they didnt go back in time but that they were alll in the same time preoid

wait...we have to pm our decks for the dueling of the tournament variety today? :o no fair! i wanted my deck to remain secret until the duel! :x



i just noticed its the gawian right?




ALL METAS SHOULD BE should be completely banned. :(

i agree but ive never dueled blackwings

and Fix'd



[spoiler= Must read duel' date= a very intense duel]

this is log window

chrid97|>joined the duel.

chrid97|>loaded their deck Pyschic Extreme.

chrid97|>ready to duel.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

pioneercadet|>joined the duel.

pioneercadet|>loaded their deck second experiment.

pioneercadet|>ready to duel.

pioneercadet|>shuffled their deck.


pioneercadet|>rolled 3.



chrid97|>rolled 2.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>drawn a card


pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>ill go first XD

pioneercadet|>move a card from hand to field


pioneercadet|>move a card from hand to field

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>move Destroyersaurus from hand to field

pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

pioneercadet|>end their turn.


chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>lol wat


chrid97|>did u draw an extra xard

pioneercadet|>i have never played against a psy deck


pioneercadet|>yeah i did


pioneercadet|>i have 3 in hand and 3 on field

chrid97|>i was going to use my earthbound deck


pioneercadet|>that sounds fun


chrid97|>but i forgot 2 set that as active


pioneercadet|>lets see how this goes

chrid97|>move Dimension Wall from hand to field

chrid97|>flip Dimension Wall facedown.

chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>damn it


chrid97|>-.- this has been happening lately




chrid97|>move a card from hand to field


chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field


pioneercadet|>this seems like fun

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>move Hyper Hammerhead from hand to field

pioneercadet|>come to Battle Phase.

pioneercadet|>Hyper Hammerhead attacks their Face-down monster at #1.







pioneercadet|>you have a chain dont you? XD

chrid97|>its okay


chrid97|>yes but im deciding wat 2 do

pioneercadet|>lets see what you can think up




chrid97|>got it

chrid97|>move Genetic Woman from field to graveyard

chrid97|>flip Psychic faceup.

chrid97|>activated effect of Psychic.


pioneercadet|>um not sure thatll work


pioneercadet|>it was facedown wasnt it?

chrid97|>its doesnt matter

chrid97|>it say when u destroy a pyschic

chrid97|>so it doesnt matter

pioneercadet|>it says face up psychic

chrid97|>its deos


chrid97|>flip Psychic facedown.


chrid97|>then illl active this


chrid97|>flip Psychic Soul faceup.

chrid97|>if it works

pioneercadet|>ok it would work i guess

pioneercadet|>but if i attacked it, and you destroy it

chrid97|>actually nvm

chrid97|>flip Psychic Soul facedown.

pioneercadet|>i get to reassign both my attacks



chrid97|>i know

chrid97|>so nvm

pioneercadet|>Destroyersaurus attacks their Opponent LP.

chrid97|>flip Dimension Wall faceup.

chrid97|>activated effect of Dimension Wall.


pioneercadet|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6200.


chrid97|>move Dimension Wall from field to graveyard






pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

pioneercadet|>end their turn.


chrid97|>drawn a card


chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>you are gonna love this XD

chrid97|>moved Psychic to spell zone 1.

pioneercadet|>move Destroyersaurus from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>move Hyper Hammerhead from field to graveyard

chrid97|>lets find out

pioneercadet|>move Black Tyranno from hand to field



pioneercadet|>well you own spells and traps, but its strong enough lol


pioneercadet|>come to Battle Phase.

pioneercadet|>Black Tyranno attacks their Face-down monster at #1.


chrid97|>flip Mind Protector faceup.

chrid97|>move Mind Protector from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

pioneercadet|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card


chrid97|>damn it

chrid97|>end their turn.


pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>move Sabersaurus from hand to field

pioneercadet|>come to Battle Phase.

pioneercadet|>Sabersaurus attacks their Opponent LP.

pioneercadet|>Black Tyranno attacks their Opponent LP.

chrid97|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6100.

chrid97|>changed their LP from 6100 to 3500.

pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

pioneercadet|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card




chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

pioneercadet|>lets see what you got?


chrid97|>its ur doom

chrid97|>okay wait

pioneercadet|>really? XD

chrid97|>no XD

pioneercadet|>lets see what you can do?


chrid97|>move Psychic Jumper from hand to field

chrid97|>move Psychic Sword from hand to field


pioneercadet|>whats all this? XD


pioneercadet|>so your monster gains how much?

chrid97|>i screwed up

pioneercadet|>um yeah i noticed

chrid97|>i think



chrid97|>so it has 2100



pioneercadet|>a little more than that


chrid97|>its says max 200


chrid97|>read it


chrid97|>yea so im screwed

chrid97|>end their turn.


pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>hmmm screwed more XD


pioneercadet|>wait *counts*

pioneercadet|>ok this will do more

pioneercadet|>move Sabersaurus from hand to field

pioneercadet|>come to Battle Phase.

pioneercadet|>Black Tyranno attacks their Psychic Jumper at #1.

chrid97|>flip Mirror Force faceup.

chrid97|>activated effect of Mirror Force.



pioneercadet|>move Black Tyranno from field to graveyard

chrid97|>i know

pioneercadet|>move Sabersaurus from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>move Sabersaurus from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Mirror Force from field to graveyard


chrid97|>moved Psychic Sword to spell zone 4.

pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

pioneercadet|>end their turn.

chrid97|>i tricked u

pioneercadet|>do your worst


chrid97|>by saying i was screwed

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move Power Injector from hand to field

pioneercadet|>oh trust me i am not out of the game yet

chrid97|>activated effect of Power Injector.

chrid97|>i believe u

chrid97|>changed their LP from 3500 to 2900.


chrid97|>moved a sticky.

chrid97|>moved a sticky.

chrid97|>moved a sticky.

chrid97|>come to Battle Phase.

pioneercadet|>2600 +1800 right?


pioneercadet|>changed their LP from 6200 to 3600.

pioneercadet|>changed their LP from 3600 to 1800.

pioneercadet|>im way ahead of you LOL


chrid97|>how do u do the evil emo

chrid97|>end their turn.

pioneercadet|>but remember thats only till the end of the turn

pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

chrid97|>i know

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>no clue lol


chrid97|>how do i change a stciky

chrid97|>changed a sticky.


pioneercadet|>double click on it

chrid97|>moved a sticky.

chrid97|>changed a sticky.


pioneercadet|>move Mad Sword Beast from hand to field

pioneercadet|>come to Battle Phase.

pioneercadet|>remember your other monster has only 1300 att


chrid97|>i know

pioneercadet|>Mad Sword Beast attacks their Power Injector at #2.

chrid97|>move Power Injector from field to graveyard

chrid97|>flip Psychic faceup.

chrid97|>activated effect of Psychic.

pioneercadet|>changed their LP from 1800 to 600.

chrid97|>monster is destroyed and u lose 1200

pioneercadet|>move Mad Sword Beast from field to graveyard


chrid97|>how do u remove a stciky

pioneercadet|>that all? XD

pioneercadet|>doubld click and press ok




pioneercadet|>if it has no value its removed

chrid97|>changed a sticky.

pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.


pioneercadet|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move Draining Shield from hand to field

chrid97|>move Psychic from field to graveyard

chrid97|>flip Draining Shield facedown.

chrid97|>moved Draining Shield to monster zone 2.

chrid97|>moved Draining Shield to spell zone 1.


pioneercadet|>um lol


chrid97|>Psychic Jumper attacks their Opponent LP.

pioneercadet|>lets see you try this

pioneercadet|>flip Survival Instinct faceup.

pioneercadet|>activated effect of Survival Instinct.

chrid97|>oh wait

chrid97|>its atk is 100 agian

pioneercadet|>oh wait what?

chrid97|>changed a sticky.

pioneercadet|>lol it is isnt it?

chrid97|>there is no more LP diference


chrid97|>i have more than u

pioneercadet|>flip Survival Instinct facedown.

pioneercadet|>so ill only take 100?

chrid97|>do u mind if i change 2 def

chrid97|>and stop the atk

pioneercadet|>no i dont


chrid97|>turn Psychic Jumper into defend position.

chrid97|>end their turn.



pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

pioneercadet|>drawn a card




pioneercadet|>move a card from hand to field

pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

pioneercadet|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

pioneercadet|>drawn a card


pioneercadet|>move Babycerasaurus from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>move Dark Driceratops from hand to field

pioneercadet|>Dark Driceratops attacks their Psychic Jumper at #1.



chrid97|>i wasnt paying attention


pioneercadet|>i tributed my face down monster to normal summon my dino


chrid97|>move Psychic Jumper from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Psychic Sword from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>and you take damage equal to the difference

pioneercadet|>activated effect of Dark Driceratops.

pioneercadet|>because of my dark triceratops effect


pioneercadet|>so you take 900 and i end my turn


pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

pioneercadet|>end their turn.

chrid97|>changed their LP from 2900 to 2000.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.



pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>move Hyper Hammerhead from hand to field


pioneercadet|>flip Survival Instinct faceup.

pioneercadet|>activated effect of Survival Instinct.

pioneercadet|>ill rfp all my monsters

chrid97|>u son of a ******

pioneercadet|>in the grave

pioneercadet|>and gain 2800


pioneercadet|>move Destroyersaurus from graveyard to RFP

pioneercadet|>move Hyper Hammerhead from graveyard to RFP

pioneercadet|>move a card from graveyard to bottom of deck

pioneercadet|>move Sabersaurus from graveyard to RFP

pioneercadet|>move Destroyersaurus from RFP to graveyard

pioneercadet|>move Sabersaurus from graveyard to RFP

pioneercadet|>move Mad Sword Beast from graveyard to RFP

pioneercadet|>move Babycerasaurus from graveyard to RFP

pioneercadet|>move Destroyersaurus from graveyard to RFP

pioneercadet|>how am i an sob?


pioneercadet|>move Survival Instinct from field to graveyard


pioneercadet|>come to Battle Phase.

pioneercadet|>Dark Driceratops attacks their Face-down monster at #2.


chrid97|> no

chrid97|>flip Draining Shield faceup.

chrid97|>changed their LP from 2000 to 4400.

chrid97|>move Draining Shield from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>ok you gain 2400

pioneercadet|>changed their LP from 600 to 3400.

pioneercadet|>but im still happy

pioneercadet|>Hyper Hammerhead attacks their Face-down monster at #2.

chrid97|>flip Doctor Cranium faceup.

chrid97|>activated effect of Doctor Cranium.


pioneercadet|>so you are gonna pay the 800

pioneercadet|>right? XD

chrid97|>changed their LP from 4400 to 3600.

chrid97|>looking into their deck.



pioneercadet|>you find a psychic type you want yet?


chrid97|>move Overdrive Teleporter from deck to hand


chrid97|>okay hope this works

chrid97|>move Doctor Cranium from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>byebye dr cranium


pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

pioneercadet|>end their turn.

pioneercadet|>lets see what you have planned


chrid97|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>i really wanna see this

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

pioneercadet|>so are you done?

chrid97|>move Doctor Cranium from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Overdrive Teleporter from hand to field

pioneercadet|>ok so you are gonna pay lp to special summon monsters right?


chrid97|>but wait



pioneercadet|>im waiting lol


chrid97|>changed their LP from 3600 to 3400.

chrid97|>changed their LP from 3400 to 1600.

chrid97|>looking into their deck.


chrid97|>move Krebons from deck to field

pioneercadet|>flip Hunting Instinct faceup.


pioneercadet|>activated effect of Hunting Instinct.



chrid97|>im going 2 get another


pioneercadet|>you still have another

chrid97|>but i want 2 check something


chrid97|>looking into their deck.

pioneercadet|>im just waiting to resolve its effect

chrid97|>move Krebons from deck to field

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.


chrid97|>move Overdrive Teleporter from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Krebons from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>activated effect of Hunting Instinct.

chrid97|>move Thought Ruler Archfiend from extra deck to field

pioneercadet|>move Ultimate Tyranno from hand to field

pioneercadet|>move Hunting Instinct from field to graveyard



chrid97|>didnt notice


chrid97|>i took krebons instead of another 1

chrid97|>do u mind

pioneercadet|>i am still gonna have fun with this

chrid97|>if i change


pioneercadet|>no not really

chrid97|>move a card from field to bottom of deck


chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move Mind Master from deck to field

chrid97|>move Thought Ruler Archfiend from field to graveyard


chrid97|>move Mind Master from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>that works

chrid97|>move Hyper Psychic Blaster from extra deck to field

chrid97|>wat now

pioneercadet|>not much


pioneercadet|>but wait till my turn


chrid97|>hold on

pioneercadet|>youll love to see this

chrid97|>let me read its effect

pioneercadet|>you arent done?





pioneercadet|>lol i really wanna see what else you got

chrid97|>u suck

chrid97|>i know what ur going 2 do

pioneercadet|>yeah i no

chrid97|>im screwed


pioneercadet|>you dont actually


pioneercadet|>are you done this turn?

chrid97|>come to Battle Phase.

pioneercadet|>you attacking?



chrid97|>which should i atk

pioneercadet|>idk its your choice

pioneercadet|>you only have one safe choice actually

chrid97|>Hyper Psychic Blaster attacks their Hyper Hammerhead at #2.

chrid97|>u take 1500

pioneercadet|>activated effect of Hyper Hammerhead.


pioneercadet|>move Hyper Hammerhead from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>changed their LP from 3400 to 1900.

pioneercadet|>but read his effect

chrid97|>i know

pioneercadet|>move Hyper Hammerhead from graveyard to field

pioneercadet|>your synchro will be gone


pioneercadet|>if you really wanna do that

chrid97|>i have chian

pioneercadet|>you do?


chrid97|>but lets say i do

pioneercadet|>ok lets see it then


chrid97|>ull atk it next turn


pioneercadet|>move Hyper Hammerhead from field to graveyard

chrid97|>and atk me directly

chrid97|>flip Psychic Soul faceup.


chrid97|>activated effect of Psychic Soul.

chrid97|>move Hyper Psychic Blaster from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Psychic Soul from field to graveyard



chrid97|>changed their LP from 1600 to 4300.


pioneercadet|>but is that enough?


chrid97|>i still have my face downs

chrid97|>end their turn.

pioneercadet|>lets see

pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

pioneercadet|>move Fossil Dig from hand to field

pioneercadet|>activated effect of Fossil Dig.

pioneercadet|>looking into their deck.

pioneercadet|>move Gilasaurus from deck to hand

pioneercadet|>move Fossil Dig from field to graveyard



pioneercadet|>move Gilasaurus from hand to field

pioneercadet|>activated effect of Gilasaurus.

pioneercadet|>i special summon gilasaurus based off of his effect


pioneercadet|>and you can put one monster from your grave into play


pioneercadet|>go ahead and pick one

pioneercadet|>so i can continue

chrid97|>im deciding

chrid97|>any right



chrid97|>move Hyper Psychic Blaster from graveyard to field

pioneercadet|>ok just what i wanted



pioneercadet|>move Gilasaurus from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>move Super-Ancient Dinobeast from hand to field

pioneercadet|>and then!

pioneercadet|>oh damn nevermind that is not perfect


pioneercadet|>thats the only monster on your field right?

pioneercadet|>come to Battle Phase.

pioneercadet|>Ultimate Tyranno attacks their Hyper Psychic Blaster at #1.


pioneercadet|>both die, unless you chain

chrid97|>both wat

pioneercadet|>both my ultimate tyranno and your monster die


chrid97|>flip Psychic Tuning faceup.

pioneercadet|>unless you chain

chrid97|>activated effect of Psychic Tuning.


pioneercadet|>is that all you are doing?


chrid97|>let me pick wait




chrid97|>-.-such a hard decsion


chrid97|>i have a choice of 2 cards

pioneercadet|>well decide which one is better


chrid97|>damn damn dman damn



pioneercadet|>having problems?




chrid97|>should i pick krebons or thought ruler



pioneercadet|>i would pick thoughtruler, but thats just me


chrid97|>but i would take 3200 becasue of effect a 300 becasue of ultimate

chrid97|>and if i pick krebons i could negate ur atks

pioneercadet|>not actually

chrid97|>for this turn

pioneercadet|>my ultimate will die

chrid97|>y becasue ull atk my blaster

pioneercadet|>no i cant

pioneercadet|>the trap did not negate my attack

pioneercadet|>which means both of our monsters are gonna die after the effect resolves


pioneercadet|>because they are equal att and in att position


chrid97|>but u can stop ur atk and not atk

pioneercadet|>they both have 3k att, so both psy blaster and my ultimate will die

pioneercadet|>no i cant

chrid97|>yea it happeneed in one of games

pioneercadet|>i already declared it, and the trap did not effect it

pioneercadet|>well how about this

chrid97|>something semilur when i was playing

pioneercadet|>wait till both of my mons die


pioneercadet|>and then activate your trap



pioneercadet|>timing is everything


chrid97|>move Hyper Psychic Blaster from field to graveyard


chrid97|>flip Psychic Tuning facedown.

pioneercadet|>move Ultimate Tyranno from field to graveyard

chrid97|>flip Psychic Tuning faceup.

chrid97|>move Hyper Psychic Blaster from graveyard to field

pioneercadet|>ok there you go

pioneercadet|>and then when you summon him, theres not much else i can do


pioneercadet|>because i dont want to kill off all my mons if you have a chance for comeback


pioneercadet|>so im done

pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

chrid97|>drawn a card





pioneercadet|>why is your hyper psychic blaster there?

pioneercadet|>oh nevermind



pioneercadet|>good move


chrid97|>come to Battle Phase.

chrid97|>Hyper Psychic Blaster attacks their Dark Driceratops at #1.



chrid97|>y didnt u change em 2 def


pioneercadet|>because it would deal me more if i did so

pioneercadet|>look at your monsters effect


chrid97|>i know XD



chrid97|>thats y i asked

chrid97|>to see if u would change


pioneercadet|>oh no im not stupid

chrid97|>XD i know


chrid97|>u lose 600


pioneercadet|>move Dark Driceratops from field to graveyard

pioneercadet|>changed their LP from 1900 to 1300.

chrid97|>end their turn.

pioneercadet|>come to Draw Phase.

pioneercadet|>drawn a card

chrid97|>moved Mind Over Matter to spell zone 2.

chrid97|>oh crap

chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>chrid97|>pioneercadet|>come to End Phase.

pioneercadet|>i guess im done

pioneercadet|>whats wrong?



chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move Power Injector from hand to field

chrid97|>activated effect of Power Injector.

chrid97|>changed their LP from 4300 to 3700.

chrid97|>were is the sticky

pioneercadet|>that means ill take 800 from your main mon and be finished by the other one


chrid97|>i win


pioneercadet|>doesnt matter i know how itll work out


chrid97|>wat do u mean

pioneercadet|>my monster dies and you finish me off

pioneercadet|>i have no traps or spells to counter





pioneercadet|>good game


chrid97|>connection has been lost.


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Wonderful here is the list of participants...Ive basically chosen people whove posted in thread in the last 4 pages as well as some others


Chaos 0


Daily News

Death Seeker- Delano

Deept97(over the phone)

Lord Ursus [if you have to duel him PM, him)

Max Darkness


PokeMaster Calvin


Sweet Lightning



Any complaints, questions, add-ons, removals? Because I will start picking names if there are none....

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A good duel between myself and Sweet.


[spoiler=[b]Aztecs vs. WW2[/b] (SL vs. MD)]

Max Darkness|>joined the duel.

Max Darkness|>loaded their deck Blitzkrieg.

Max Darkness|>ready to duel.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>joined the duel.

Thunder Wave|>loaded their deck Day and Night.

Thunder Wave|>ready to duel.

Thunder Wave|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>Blitzkrieg....

Thunder Wave|>I wonder if its fast?

Thunder Wave|>Hello?

Max Darkness|>Its faster than my other decks.

Max Darkness|>And I am here.

Max Darkness|>It just took a LONG time to load up.

Max Darkness|>Plus I took your advice and have brought along a few Synchros.

Thunder Wave|>Ah, I see.

Thunder Wave|>This should be interesting.

Max Darkness|>Hopefully.

Max Darkness|>rolled 1.

Thunder Wave|>Thank you.

Max Darkness|>Goddam it!

Thunder Wave|>rolled 2.

Thunder Wave|>Hahaha.

Thunder Wave|>Ill go.

Max Darkness|>Okay.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Off we go.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>Indeed.

Thunder Wave|>come to Main Phase 1.

Thunder Wave|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>3 face-downs.

Max Darkness|>Is that two S/Ts and a monster?

Max Darkness|>Or 3 S/Ts?

Thunder Wave|>Whenever youre ready.

Thunder Wave|>Is it lagging already?

Max Darkness|>Yep.

Max Darkness|>XD

Thunder Wave|>Yup.

Thunder Wave|>Phew.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>Not a good start for this Deck...

Thunder Wave|>thats all?

Thunder Wave|>no monsters?

Max Darkness|>...

Max Darkness|>No Summonable monsters

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Everythings appeared.

Thunder Wave|>flip Supay faceup.

Max Darkness|>Incas?

Thunder Wave|>move Apocatequil from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Apocatequil.

Thunder Wave|>Yes.

Thunder Wave|>moved a sticky.

Thunder Wave|>Synchro!

Thunder Wave|>move Supay from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Brionac.

Thunder Wave|>move Apocatequil from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Moonlight Dragon Quilla from extra deck to field

Thunder Wave|>changed a sticky.

Max Darkness|>Oh.

Max Darkness|>Still cant see it...

Thunder Wave|>Im trying not to use hime here.

Max Darkness|>Never mind.

Thunder Wave|>Do you see a Quilla?

Max Darkness|>No!

Max Darkness|>XD

Max Darkness|>But I know its there.

Max Darkness|>Its like Yami vs. Panik.

Max Darkness|>I can hide my monsters with darkness...

Thunder Wave|>Cause hes cheap....

Thunder Wave|>Okay. XD

Thunder Wave|>Ugh.

Thunder Wave|>That duel was a load of bollocks...

Thunder Wave|>flip Imperial Iron Wall faceup.

Max Darkness|>Okay...

Thunder Wave|>come to Battle Phase.

Thunder Wave|>Moonlight Dragon Quilla attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>flip Sakuretsu Armor faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Sakuretsu Armor.

Max Darkness|>Counter?

Thunder Wave|>Moonlight Dragon Quilla attacks their Opponent LP.

Thunder Wave|>Oh crud...

Thunder Wave|>move Moonlight Dragon Quilla from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>flip Fake Explosion faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Fake Explosion.

Thunder Wave|>Well, Ill be!

Max Darkness|>Since you declared an attack...

Thunder Wave|>Good move...

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>move Sakuretsu Armor from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Summon Reactor SK from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move Fake Explosion from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>Oh man!

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>See why I choose the name Blitzkrieg...?

Max Darkness|>Summon Reactor SK attacks their Opponent LP.

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 8000 to 2000.

Thunder Wave|>oops!

Max Darkness|>XD

Max Darkness|>Wow!

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 2000 to 6000.

Max Darkness|>I didnt think it was that powerful!

Thunder Wave|>Well, thats embarrassing.

Max Darkness|>LMAO

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>The Reactor has caused me to forget basic mathematics!

Max Darkness|>Its its special effect.

Max Darkness|>Not many people activate it.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>hrm.

Thunder Wave|>come to Main Phase 1.

Thunder Wave|>flip Limit Reverse faceup.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Limit Reverse.

Max Darkness|>Interesting.

Thunder Wave|>move a card from graveyard to field

Thunder Wave|>flip Supay faceup.

Max Darkness|>Attack position.

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>If its in defense its destroyed.

Thunder Wave|>Stupid Reactor.

Thunder Wave|>Do you activate the burnage?

Max Darkness|>I thought so.

Max Darkness|>And Supay has to be in Attack Position.

Max Darkness|>Ill activate it again.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Summon Reactor SK.

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 6000 to 5200.

Thunder Wave|>And that was the point.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Supay.

Thunder Wave|>move Supay from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Limit Reverse from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>looking into their deck.

Thunder Wave|>move Oracle of the Sun from deck to field

Thunder Wave|>Get it?

Max Darkness|>2000 ATK.

Max Darkness|>Youre going to ram me.

Thunder Wave|>Not quite.

Thunder Wave|>move Red Ant Azcatl from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Tuning.

Thunder Wave|>MOAR SYNCHRO

Thunder Wave|>move Red Ant Azcatl from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Mental person...

Thunder Wave|>The cycle has begun...

Thunder Wave|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>Have you summoned it?

Thunder Wave|>XD

Max Darkness|>Because your oracle is still there.

Max Darkness|>And Inti is nowhere to be found.

Thunder Wave|>I wont forget any more mathematics!

Thunder Wave|>So much lag....

Thunder Wave|>move Sun Dragon Inti from field to extra deck

Thunder Wave|>move Sun Dragon Inti from extra deck to field

Thunder Wave|>Sun Dragon Inti attacks their Summon Reactor SK at #1.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Summon Reactor SK.

Thunder Wave|>See it now?

Max Darkness|>No.

Max Darkness|>But since I burned you I can negate your attack.

Thunder Wave|>Huh?

Max Darkness|>Summon Reacter SK.

Thunder Wave|>Curses.

Max Darkness|>Such a good monster.

Thunder Wave|>move Sun Dragon Inti from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Sun Dragon Inti from graveyard to field

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>I still cant see it...

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>Reactors FTL.

Thunder Wave|>Can you imagine? XD

Max Darkness|>Hmm.

Max Darkness|>And why is your oracle still around?

Max Darkness|>come to Main Phase 2.

Max Darkness|>turn Summon Reactor SK into defend position.

Thunder Wave|>Lag fest.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>All I have is inti.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>move Heavy Storm from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Heavy Storm.

Max Darkness|>move Dark Illusion from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Call Of The Haunted from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Fake Explosion from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Ultimate Offering from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Imperial Iron Wall from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move The Tricky from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>move Foolish Burial from hand to graveyard

Max Darkness|>gave away control of Summon Reactor SK.

Thunder Wave|>The TRICKY.

Max Darkness|>Meant to activate its effect.

Max Darkness|>Can I have it back?

Thunder Wave|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>I want my SK back...

Thunder Wave|>NO!

Thunder Wave|>XD

Thunder Wave|>gave away control of Summon Reactor SK.

Max Darkness|>Thank you!

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Summon Reactor SK.

Max Darkness|>- 800 for the Tricky

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 5200 to 4400.

Thunder Wave|>So I have Inti, The Tricky, and a Set card.

Thunder Wave|>Yep.

Max Darkness|>Interesting.

Thunder Wave|>My life points are at 4400

Max Darkness|>I see 3 monsters and Heavy Storm...

Max Darkness|>The life points are fine.

Thunder Wave|>come to Battle Phase.

Thunder Wave|>Thou Reactor shall be no more!

Max Darkness|>Come on then.

Thunder Wave|>LOL

Thunder Wave|>what a Lag.

Thunder Wave|>The Tricky attacks their Summon Reactor SK at #1.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Summon Reactor SK.

Thunder Wave|>Sun Dragon Inti attacks their Summon Reactor SK at #1.

Max Darkness|>move Summon Reactor SK from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Damn you.

Thunder Wave|>The Reactor has fallen.

Max Darkness|>At least it took away almost half your life points...

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>brb

Thunder Wave|>Yeah.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>Okay.

Max Darkness|>Im back

Thunder Wave|>Cool.

Thunder Wave|>This will help both of us...

Thunder Wave|>come to Main Phase 1.

Thunder Wave|>flip Morphing Jar faceup.

Max Darkness|>Damn you.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Morphing Jar.

Max Darkness|>move Pot of Avarice from hand to graveyard

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>move Sangan from hand to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>move Supay from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>Synchro.

Max Darkness|>Okay.

Thunder Wave|>move The Tricky from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Supay from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Moonlight Dragon Quilla from extra deck to field

Thunder Wave|>move Ancient Forest from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>Now I have Moon and Sun!

Thunder Wave|>turn Morphing Jar into attack position.

Thunder Wave|>Turn your monster to attack position.

Thunder Wave|>Because of Ancient Forest.

Max Darkness|>Im waiting for everything to appear.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Ancient Forest.

Max Darkness|>flip Mystic Tomato faceup.

Max Darkness|>turn Mystic Tomato into attack position.

Thunder Wave|>Ah.

Thunder Wave|>come to Battle Phase.

Thunder Wave|>Sun Dragon Inti attacks their Mystic Tomato at #1.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6400.

Max Darkness|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Mystic Tomato.

Max Darkness|>looking into their deck.

Thunder Wave|>Hmm.

Thunder Wave|>Curses.

Max Darkness|>move Trap Reactor - YFI from deck to field

Thunder Wave|>Oh snap!

Thunder Wave|>I BRB.

Max Darkness|>Okay.

Thunder Wave|>Sorry about that.

Thunder Wave|>Moonlight Dragon Quilla attacks their Trap Reactor - YFI at #1.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 6400 to 4700.

Thunder Wave|>Good strategy with the tomato!

Max Darkness|>move Trap Reactor - YFI from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Thanks.

Thunder Wave|>Morphing Jar attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 4700 to 4000.

Thunder Wave|>Do you have any Dark Eruption?

Thunder Wave|>come to Main Phase 2.

Max Darkness|>Yes.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Ancient Forest.

Thunder Wave|>move Sun Dragon Inti from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Moonlight Dragon Quilla from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Morphing Jar from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Good grief.

Thunder Wave|>Grrr.

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>And thats destroyed my strategy.

Thunder Wave|>Hmmm.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>Its a nice combo, IMO.

Max Darkness|>*Evil Laugh*

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>?!

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dark Armed Dragon.

Max Darkness|>move Dark Armed Dragon from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dark Armed Dragon.

Max Darkness|>move Mystic Tomato from graveyard to RFP

Max Darkness|>Your forest.

Thunder Wave|>Holy crap!

Thunder Wave|>move Ancient Forest from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>Its DAD!

Max Darkness|>Normal summon next.

Max Darkness|>move Black Salvo from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Black Salvo.

Max Darkness|>move Trap Reactor - YFI from graveyard to field

Max Darkness|>turn Trap Reactor - YFI into defend position.

Thunder Wave|>flip Imperial Iron Wall faceup.

Max Darkness|>Thats why I summon Trap Reactor, not Spell Reactor.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Imperial Iron Wall.

Max Darkness|>You had that?

Thunder Wave|>Shouldve done that earlier....

Max Darkness|>Fine, your forest is back.

Max Darkness|>move Mystic Tomato from RFP to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>Yeah.

Thunder Wave|>I activated it before you summoned Salvo.

Max Darkness|>Fine.

Max Darkness|>Salvo was a Normal Summon.

Max Darkness|>I RFPed Tomato for DADs effct.

Max Darkness|>So your forest is back.

Thunder Wave|>Will do.

Thunder Wave|>Really?

Thunder Wave|>Why...?

Thunder Wave|>move Ancient Forest from graveyard to field

Max Darkness|>I have 2 more.

Thunder Wave|>Intrigue.

Max Darkness|>Just to clarify.

Max Darkness|>S.Summoned DAD.

Max Darkness|>Then, effect was negated due to your Trap.

Max Darkness|>N.Summoned Black Salvo.

Max Darkness|>S.Summoned Trap Reactor.

Thunder Wave|>Sounds good..

Max Darkness|>Everything good?

Max Darkness|>Cool.

Max Darkness|>Synchro Shoka!

Max Darkness|>move Black Salvo from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Trap Reactor - YFI from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Power Tool Dragon from extra deck to field

Thunder Wave|>I wonder why you risked Salvo in ATK Position...

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>Power Tool Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.

Thunder Wave|>What did you just do?

Max Darkness|>Synchro summoned P.T.D and then attacked.

Max Darkness|>With P.T.D.

Max Darkness|>Counter?

Thunder Wave|>Power Tool and DAD?

Max Darkness|>Ive only attacked with PTD

Max Darkness|>At the moment.

Thunder Wave|>How did you...

Max Darkness|>Black Salvo (Lv.3) Special Summons a Level 4.

Max Darkness|>4 + 3 = 7 (Power Tool Dragon)

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 4400 to 0.

Thunder Wave|>hm?

Thunder Wave|>I noticed

Max Darkness|>Ill explain that turn again if you want.

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 2300 to 4000.

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 4000 to 4400.

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 4400 to 2100.

Thunder Wave|>Finish me?

Max Darkness|>Fine.

Max Darkness|>Dark Armed Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.

Thunder Wave|>No, I get it.

Max Darkness|>Cool.

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 2100 to 0.

Thunder Wave|>But Im in shock.

Thunder Wave|>I only had to survive ONE MORE TURN...

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>move Mystical Space Typhoon from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Mystical Space Typhoon.

Max Darkness|>Ah.

Max Darkness|>connection has been lost.



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lol well 1 minute ppl and here is more to the list!!!





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