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Max Darkness

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He then summoned a second one' date=' but did not activate its effect or attack (I had a few face-downs...).



I wonder why he didn't nuke the field again, Max. At least take a risk.


I think it was because he thought I had a second "Dark Illusion" down (which I did)...and he only had 800 Life Points left. (Thank you "Ookazi")


Now that I think about it, that might have been the over-riding reason... :?


And since I had "The Dark Door" in play, he'd used up his attack with his first dragon. (Had attacked, I'd activated "Negate Attack", then tried to nuke the field.)


Hahaha. Ookazi. Something that the mighty JD can't even stand up to, a raging house fire. XD


Dark Door is also pretty interesting. I might look into it's use...


Speaking of old cards' date=' I'm at the moment in the middle of creating a Deck based around cards they had during Duelist Kingdom, and based on those rules. (2000 LP, no direct attacks, no tributing, only one attack per turn)


It's rather interesting.



What stunk about Duelist Kingdom was, that the player could just sit there with no monsters and not take damage. (No direct attacking, people.)


Exactly...They need to redo the ban listcompletely and let the duelists choose...


I can see how that would be...


Unlimited - Monster Reborn, Dark Armed Dragon, Judgement Dragon, Solemn Judgement, Magic Cylinder, Mirror Force, Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed, Raiza the Storm Monarch, Mirror Force, Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, etc.


Semi-Limited - None.


Limited - None.


Forbidden - None.



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He then summoned a second one' date=' but did not activate its effect or attack (I had a few face-downs...).



I wonder why he didn't nuke the field again, Max. At least take a risk.


I think it was because he thought I had a second "Dark Illusion" down (which I did)...and he only had 800 Life Points left. (Thank you "Ookazi")


Now that I think about it, that might have been the over-riding reason... :?


And since I had "The Dark Door" in play, he'd used up his attack with his first dragon. (Had attacked, I'd activated "Negate Attack", then tried to nuke the field.)


Hahaha. Ookazi. Something that the mighty JD can't even stand up to, a raging house fire. XD


Dark Door is also pretty interesting. I might look into it's use...


A pretty good use for Dark Door in a burn deck is when you use it together with Fox Fire and Backfire while you have a Solar Flare Dragon out. Good game.


Speaking of old cards' date=' I'm at the moment in the middle of creating a Deck based around cards they had during Duelist Kingdom, and based on those rules. (2000 LP, no direct attacks, no tributing, only one attack per turn)


It's rather interesting.



What stunk about Duelist Kingdom was, that the player could just sit there with no monsters and not take damage. (No direct attacking, people.)




Exactly...They need to redo the ban listcompletely and let the duelists choose...


I can see how that would be...


Unlimited - Monster Reborn' date=' Dark Armed Dragon, Judgement Dragon, Solemn Judgement, Magic Cylinder, Mirror Force, Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed, Raiza the Storm Monarch, Mirror Force, Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, etc.


Semi-Limited - None.


Limited - None.


Forbidden - None.




[b']That would actually be fun[/b]

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Remember, in the first ever banlist, there were Limited and Semi-Limited cards, just no Forbidden ones.


And "The Dark Door" works perfectly with "Relinquished" since you can absorb their strongest monster during your Main Phase, giving you complete control. (Especially if you have two or more equipped ones out...)


I quite liked the idea of no direct attacks, because it made the game slower. Before the present meta-game, YGO was actually quite slow due to the lack of Spells, Traps and Effect Monsters. Which is why I'm thinking about writing a short fic about someone from just before Paradox's era going back in time to duel with Duelist Kingdom rules and cards as a test.


Of course, I have to make it interesting, so (like most of my characters) he'll have a deceptive streak and arrange with Pegasus to use four prototype cards that had not been released back then. (See if you can spot them, it's not hard).


[spoiler=[b]The Deck so far[/b]]



Seiyaryu x 3

Prevent Rat

Barrel Dragon

D.D. Warrior

Princess of Tsurugi

The Unhappy Maiden

Mystical Elf

Man-Eater Bug


Armed Ninja

Mask of Darkness

Magician of Faith

Sanga of the Thunder

Air Eater



Spell Cards


Ancient Rules x 2

Summoner's Art

Swords of Revealing Light

Harpie's Feather Duster

Dark Hole


Shine Palace x 3

Monster Reborn

Paralysing Potion

Stop Defense

Pot of Greed

Germ Infection

Sword of Deep-Seated

Mystical Space Typhoon

Final Flame

Goblin's Secret Remedy

Soul Release




Trap Cards


Gryphon's Wing

Magic Jammer

White Hole


Mirror Force

Call of Darkness



Extra Deck


Seiyaryu-Dragonic Divinity








As for a Banlist, I would Forbid "Judgment Dragon", "Red-Eyes Metal Dragon", "Honest", "Brionac" and "A.o.J. Catastor"; while Semi-Limiting "Demise King of Armeggedon" amongst others.

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whats duelist kingdom?


The first arc of the second series anime. Very different rules and gameplay.


- 2000 Life Points.

- You don't need to Tribute.

- No Direct Attacks.

- Only one attack per turn.

- Rituals were probably the strongest monsters (aside from "Blue-Eyes Ultimate" and "Gate Guardian").

- Most of the mechanics and effects were different. ie. "Swords of Revealing Light" only worked on monsters on the field when it was summoned, "Perfect Great Moth" reduced its opponent's ATK, several Fusion monsters were played as Normal/Effect monsters, Machine-Type monsters were unaffected by magic attacks and "Call of the Haunted" was a Continuous Trap that continually revived Zombie-Type monsters from the Graveyard. Finally, there were Field Power Bonuses (instead of Field Spell Cards) which changed depending on where you were on the island.

- Card combinations were virtually unheard of.

- There were no Forbidden cards, so "Harpie's Feather Duster", "Dark Hole", "Raigeki", "Pot of Greed" and "Thousand-Eyes Restrict" were still around.

- There were few Spell and Trap Cards and very limited numbers of Effect Monsters (most were Flip Effects).

- The only instant win condition was "Exodia".

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Have just watched 5Ds episode 96. We're getting towards story, but it's dragging its heels. Also, one of the bad guys asks the eternal question; "What will you do now Yusei Fudo?"


The answer usually being: "I'll summon the overpowered Synchro dragon that I've used to win every major duel through the series." (If "Stardust" doesn't show up I will be very surprised.)


Also, they've now crushed the fourth wall by calling themselves 'Team 5Ds' (or the writers were being very unimaginative).


Finally, they've decided to axe the revival of the Dark Signers and Earthbound Immortal vs. Machine Emperor (so now, both archetypes are incomplete) duel in favour of what appears to be:


- 97: End of Yusei's current duel.

- 98: 'Start' of the WRGP.

- 99: Aki doing something. (I swear, she's basically Tea now. She used to be a main character...)

- 100: Jack and Crow get defeated and Yusei's left...just like the duel vs. Godwin. My, Konami are being creative this time round...

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Why that Max?


Because 4Kids destroys everything it touches. It's like a horrific anime-killing behemoth with a venomous touch.



but is there any place that has them in english but the orginal version. And i read on wiki that 4kids reduced akizas breast size by alot or something.




Aki's cleavage and stockings are erased. All mentionings of death are removed (ie Carly and Divine/Sayer both fall into a fog in the 4Kids version while you see their deaths in the original), and all the dialog is reworked to make it more suitable for American children (ie Kiryu no longer declares a direct attack on Yusei with the words "Die! And burn in hell Yusei!").

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I think they left pokémon alone pretty well.


Besides removing 12 episodes (4 of them being vital to the plot), changing all cultural references, attempting to make us believe rice-cakes were donuts, making several script errors, and removing all violence or allusions to violence.


4Kids destroys everything. How they are still around I don't know. (At least they lost the Pokemon license, which was a good thing)

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