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Max Darkness

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Well today has been slow hasn't it...I've actually left for mor than 5 hours lol and well nothing has really happened...And Swet sorreh I know what ya going thru...and necro lol...all i can say today is lol...


My achievement for the Day: Beating my friends lightsworn deck with darktown...

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Managed to pwn a Lightsworn user with my 'Abandonment' Deck today.


Had "Relinquished" absorb his "Wulf, Lightsworn Beast", he Special Summoned "Judgement Dragon" and tried to nuke the field (stopped that with "Dark Illusion"). He then summoned a second one, but did not activate its effect or attack (I had a few face-downs...).


Used (as in RFPed) "Djinn Releaser of Rituals" to summon a second "Relinquished", absorbing his first "Judgment Dragon", then used "Hand Destruction" to get my last "Relinquished" into my hand and used "Ritual Forgone" to summon it, swallowed his second "Judgment Dragon", and when it was destroyed, it took the dragon with it.


And of course, due to "Djinn Releaser of Rituals", it was stuck in the Grave for the rest of the Duel. (Which wasn't long actually, seeing as I had a 3000 ATK "Relinquished" at my disposal...) That shows how powerful my Deck can be.



@ Necro: Well, normality is always a relatively good sign.


@ DarkMark: If you join YuGiOh Network, you could duel a decent number of us.

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He then summoned a second one' date=' but did not activate its effect or attack (I had a few face-downs...).


@ Necro: Well, normality is always a relatively good sign.


@ DarkMark: If you join YuGiOh Network, you could duel a decent number of us.



Necro, that's long enough. Good luck. ;)


I wonder why he didn't nuke the field again, Max. At least take a risk.


My new Deck made a rather smelly debut vs. Whamo, but just because I didn't draw the right cards. (And he has a good deck.)


I can definitely duel you tomorrow Max.

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Heres a little of the story I'm righting I want you to read. I think its my favorite part of it yet.

[spoiler=Here Ye Go!]

“No…It’s still here…” Joe said and stared straight ahead. And sure enough, there it stood, the same dragon that they drove away before. Except, this time it had something on its back, and something in its mouth. In its mouth it held a crunched helicopter, now just compacted metal. It dropped it on to the ground and it shook everyone. Something jumped off its back and swooped towards them. It headed straight towards Dylan, and he quickly dodged out of the way. It was another Necron, but this one, was once again unlike the others. This one did not have tentacles or knives, but wings. It laughed as it swooped and then turned around and perched onto the dragon. It spoke in a high pitched voice, but easy to hear.

“So! You’re the ones who killed my brothers, eh? Hah! I can’t believe they died by some pathetic humans…and then theirs you…” The Necron stared straight at Dylan.

“Guys, you take the dragon. Ricky, Justin, we’ll kill flyboy over there.” Dominic said and glared at the Necron. Everyone nodded and Ricky, Justin, and Dominic separated themselves from the rest of the group. “The brothers Spenn…” Dominic stopped it there.

“Kick zombie ass again.” Ricky and Justin finished at the same time. The Brothers Spenn, that’s what they called themselves. They have always been The Brothers Spenn, and they were ready to die The Brothers Spenn. They had a feeling that that day was today.

"Ok Brothers Spenn, shoot the friggin thing!!" Brad screamed, loading a silenced submachine gun she found on the ground. There was no way she could fight the zombie dragon with a sword or crowbar.

"Will do, Brad." Justin responded, eyes never leaving the flying zombie thing.

"How did a miserable group of children defeat my brethren? Why, I expected, well, stronger powerful men. Certainly no whimpering litle girls.

Brad and Sarah shouted in perfect unison, "SEXIST!!" and shot the thing in its head before turning back to the dragon. The thing kept breathing streams of fire on them and all had singed something or another. Brad and Sarah's hair are now about three inches shorter.

"Die stupid dragon thing!!" Kieran yelled, firing his gun at its head.

The bullets went got through the decaying skin, but made no effect. The dragon roared and blew flames at Dylan. He tried to block it out with his zombie arm. The flames just bounced off and Dylan felt no pain. He looked at his arm and smiled. While the others tried to attack and kill the dragon, Dylan served as a distraction. Meanwhile Ricky, Justin, and Dominic were trying to dodge the flying Necron. “Guys, bullets don’t work on these things, but they do slow em down. Ricky, Bessie can knock his head off. Justin, shoot him. I’ll distract him, Ricky, when you get a clear shot, whack him.” Dominic said and pulled out his pistols. Ricky and Justin nodded.

“Be careful Dominic, this things fast.” Ricky said.

Dominic nodded as the creature perched itself on the top of a nearby small business building. Justin shot at him, but it just ignored the bullets and swooped down. Dominic ran towards the building and shot into the air. The creature saw him and swooped down. When it came close, Dominic threw his pistols in the air. He kicked the Necron away with full force and then grabbed his pistols as they were coming down and shot at him.

"Ricky NOW!" Dominic yelled, while the Necron was off guard. Ricky swung Bessie with as much force as he could. The zombie leg made contact with its head and stuck squarely in the middle of its forehead. Ricky pulled back sharply and the head came with it.

"One down, big bad and ugly left." Justin said, turning to the zombie dragon.

Everyone shooting the thing had kept it distracted enough for Joe to sneak behind it. He climbed a burnt tree until he was level with its neck.

"Guys distract it i can't get a clear shot!" Joe screeched out, almost invisible.

"Guys, I got this! Good-bye. The fat man is down and out." Bauer dropped his weapon and ran forward to stand, unarmed, in front of the dragon. It opened its jaws and swallowed Bauer whole.

"Ohmahgawd!!" Brad said in one word, dumfounded.

When it swallowed Bauer, the dragon tilted its head up and Joe was able to jump forward and cleanly cut the head off of the dragon. It slumped to the ground, dead as a doornail but no one smiled or even showed any emotion. Brannon Bauer the fat man no one took notice of just sacrificed himself for the good of the team.

"I ain't in the mood for fightin any more zombies right now. Can we find somewhere to chrash for the rest of the day?" Brad asked, a little depressed.

"Sure." Somebody said.

The group left the bodies of the zombies and found a still standing bookstore to spend the rest of the day in. After cleaning it out of zombies and barricading the doors and windows the guys and Sarah lay down on the couches while Brad skimmed the shelves.

"Hey look! The Zombies Survival Guide, we could use this! Look wear tight clothes and short hair." Brad looked over what everyone was wearing. She had on knee-high rainbow socks, Doc. Martins's boots, mid-thigh shorts, and a tie-dye tank top. Sarah had on skinny jeans, black tennies, and a black skull and crossbows tank top. Joe wore black jeans and a hoodie, Callum the same just with a Guns and Roses t-shirt, slightly baggy. Kieran had on vans gray shorts and a white t-shirt. Dominic, Justin, and Ricky all had on plain jeans and t-shirts but Brad was more concerned with her and Sarah's shoulder length hair.

"Can i borrow a knife?" Brad asked. Joe handed her one and everybody watched as she took a handful of hair and cut it off. She did it to the rest of her hair until it was a ruffled mix of uneven chunks. Brad smiled and shook it out. Then she handed the knife to Sarah. Instead of taking the blade to her own blond locks, Sarah pulled out a hat and purried her hair under it.

"Sorry Brad but, unlike you, I like my hair." Sarah gave a half apologetic grin but Brad just shrugged.

"No prob, I've bugged my mom to let me do this for a while now."

"WHat else does that book say?"

“10 people in a group at Max. Well, no problem with that now.” Brad choked on the words at the end.

“Guys, lets go back and rest. I…I don’t feel good…” Dominic said, a single tear swept down his face. The group trecked back. They walked for hours until they reached the hotel again. When they reached the hotel they went straight back to their rooms and went to sleep. They didn’t say a word the entire time. When they woke up, they walked out. No one said a word. They all knew where they were headed. They knew where they had to go. They had nowhere else to go, but the white house itself.

“Hey, guys… Doesn’t Daniel live in DC now?” Callum said, hauling his chainsaw. Daniel was a long time friend of Dominic, Joe, Callum, Brad, and Sarah.

“Oh, yeah! He does!” Sarah said, with a huge smile on her face.

The group was somewhat uplifted as they walked on. They walked across towns, across fields, across areas of land where the ground wasn’t visible; it was just bodies among bodies. Dylan just couldn’t get one thing out of his mind, the strange zombies they have seen before, when they fought the Necron that turned him into the creature he was now.

“Hey guys, do you know what tho-“ Dylan said when he saw a horde of 10 zombies, those strange, deformed ones they saw before.

“Great…” Joe said and pulled out his sword.

Dominic pulled out the pistols in his back pockets and sneered. “This is for Bauer…” At that moment 2 things appeared through the shroud of odd zombies. The first was a horde of zombie turkeys. They were normal turkeys, with decaying skin, and a bad attitude. When Justin saw this he immediately started walking away. “Where do you think your going?” Dominic asked him, confused.

“Zombie turkeys, I’m in the wrong zombie apocalypse” Then Justin snapped out his shotgun and shot at one of the turkeys. It missed, not by much, but it missed. The second thing was another Necron, but this one was familiar to Dominic and Brad.

“Cody…” Brad said and glared. Cody Ryan was, as Brad knew, the person Dominic hated most. He was the exact definition of ‘jabroni’, the kind of person that did what he wanted because he was ‘Stronger’ than you.

Cody laughed and shouted, “Dominic! Brad! HA! You guys aren’t dead yet! Well, you will be…” There was a giant hole in his chest, but no wings, no tentacles, no weapons, it was weird.

“Cody, I’m going to kill you…well, your already dead…but… YOU GET THE POINT!” Dominic yelled and shot at him. He hit him straight in the chest, in the hole, but they just bounced off.



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He then summoned a second one' date=' but did not activate its effect or attack (I had a few face-downs...).



I wonder why he didn't nuke the field again, Max. At least take a risk.


I think it was because he thought I had a second "Dark Illusion" down (which I did)...and he only had 800 Life Points left. (Thank you "Ookazi")


Now that I think about it, that might have been the over-riding reason... :?


And since I had "The Dark Door" in play, he'd used up his attack with his first dragon. (Had attacked, I'd activated "Negate Attack", then tried to nuke the field.)

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Thanks for the duel sweet & max, I forced my friend to summon out judgement as I read out all of his moves and completely destroy it & render it useless. He gave up. He did get w=me with X-sabers, which btw are the reasons why they can't be in the tourney & i thought relinquished was limited...hmm guess not.

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