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Max Darkness

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lol XD what are they


They're an archetype used by Paradox in the new movie. They are dark counterparts to famous cards from the anime. As such there is "Sin Stardust Dragon"' date=' "Sin Cyber End Dragon", "Sin Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Sin Red-Eyes B. Dragon".


They are the same Level and stats as their originals, but have contrasting armour plating covering their bodies.


[spoiler=Sin Blue-Eyes']






They all have near-identical effects; there has to be a face-up Field Spell otherwise they're destroyed and there can only be one of them on the field at any one time. Also, other monsters you control cannot attack. And they are all DARK.


As such, they are incredibly weak for their stats and Levels. Also, to summon them, you must remove from play the original from your Deck or Extra Deck.



@ Whamo: Only one can be on the field at any one time, so you have to get rid of one before you can summon another.

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Just looked at Sin cards


the are basically Weaker versions but easier to summon of there counterparts :/

i mean i would rather have regular BWED , RBD, or Stardust over the Sin

i mean seriously only than they do is "Keep your other monsters from attacking", and easy blow up targets unless field barrier is on the field

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You haven't looked up Sin world or the others yet have you...


All 'Sin World' allows you to do is add an extra "Sin" monster to your hand by skipping your normal draw.


The whole purpose of the "Sin" Archetype is to get "Sin Paradox Dragon" out then Special Summon your rfp Synchros (non-"Sin") to cripple your opponent.



EDIT: On a seperate note' date=' these are the incarnations I've come up with for the E.I.s and 5 Dragons (as in, what they represent):


[b']Stardust Dragon[/b] = Piousness

Red Demon's Dragon = Justice

Black Rose Dragon = Courage

Ancient Fairy Dragon = Temperance

The 5th Dragon = Prudence



Uru = Sloth

Aslla Piscu = Lust

Cusillu = Greed

Ccarayhua = Envy

Ccapac Apu = Anger

Chacu Challhau = Discouragement

Wiraqocha Rasca = Pride


Ayahuasca Coatl = Blasphemy

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They all have near-identical effects; there has to be a face-up Field Spell otherwise they're destroyed and there can only be one of them on the field at any one time. Also' date=' other monsters you control cannot attack. And they are all DARK.



Hmmm...that sounds familiar. >.>


Also, the 10th Anniv. Movie looks kind of odd. In 5D's Episode 94, during the intro, it shows Yugi holding his Grandpa's bandanna, tears streaming down his face, in the middle of a explosion crater.


Konami...did you...?


@Delano: I love swarming the field with Coelacanth. XD

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They all have near-identical effects; there has to be a face-up Field Spell otherwise they're destroyed and there can only be one of them on the field at any one time. Also' date=' other monsters you control cannot attack. And they are all DARK.



Hmmm...that sounds familiar. >.>


Also, the 10th Anniv. Movie looks kind of odd. In 5D's Episode 94, during the intro, it shows Yugi holding his Grandpa's bandanna, tears streaming down his face, in the middle of a explosion crater.


Konami...did you...?


I know! It's almost as if Konami have run out of ideas...


And have you seen the end of that trailer; where Paradox's time-travelling motorcycle becomes a flipping starship?

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Yes. I think Konami planned it that way or something.




Or it could be that there are just seven Nazca lines.


But the Five Dragons could certainly symbolize the Virtues.


I just don't see how different E.I.'s relate to different Deadly Sins.


I hope they didn't blow up his grandpa...



Hopefully not. Then this children's card game movie would have to be rated Teen Audiences. O_O

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Yes. I think Konami planned it that way or something.




Or it could be that there are just seven Nazca lines.


But the Five Dragons could certainly symbolize the Virtues.


I just don't see how different E.I.'s relate to different Deadly Sins.


There are hundreds of Nazca lines' date=' ranging from simple lines and geometric shapes, up to the Earthbound geoglyphs.


As for the Earthbounds:


[b']Uru[/b] takes control of your opponent's monster, signifying sloth or unwillingness to do something yourself. Aslla Piscu inhabited Carly due to her drive and lust to live. Cusillu was summoned from the gathered Duel Monster spirits (It's greed fed its summoning). Ccarayhua chose Misty because of her want for revenge against Aki.

Ccapac Apu chose Kiryu due to his anger at Yusei's apparent betrayal. Chacu Challhau was summoned with the souls of Bomber's village (Discouragment can also refer to sorrow or grief). And Wiraqocha Rasca was used by Godwin, whose pride drove him to try to become a god.

As for Ayahuasca Coatl, since it is a fusion of two of the Earthbounds, it represents the ultimate rejection of the light and purity.



(Regardless, I'm probably going to use the concept, since it fits nicely)

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They better not kill/blow up yugi's Granpa


I think he's supposed to get squashed under wreckage...



@ Whamo: After episode 67, it becomes terrible. The Dark Signer arc is incredibly good, but in many ways, underdeveloped, since the monsters' finer details were not discussed. And the guy with the monkey had no backstory whatsoever...

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How do you know that this wasn't intentional like some season...or such?


The horrible fact is, it is intentional. With most of Konami's staff working on the movie, they've let 5Ds stagnate as they wait for the movie to pass before getting 5Ds back on track.


It'll be at least episode 100 before we get back to actual story.

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