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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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O_O XD da fauk?!


Excuse me?! You've already been banned once for using barely censored swear words. Delete it or you're banned again.

xD sorry! i didn't mean to offend anyone. i edited my post. but for future reference' date=' is it possible for me to use ze fak in the future? if no, then i will just do something else. sorry for causing any trouble. xD

If he doesn't delete it let me take Chaos' temp-ban, I won't let him go again. Temp-ban me and unban Chaos!

that would not do anything. bans are meant to teach people lessons. what lesson would i learn if you were to be banned in my place? and even aside from that, it would make me feel really bad, having someone banned in my place.

Striker be quiet...I know your upset but calm down. Your yelling is more likey to upset Necro than plead your case. Gosh you guys act more like a family than you know.

whamo-kun, this is a sad and strange truth. xD weird, huh?


and necro, i was not banned on the spot. i was just told that i needed to change my post if i didn't want to be banned.


max, i will not delete that post, as it would cause new page glitch problems. i will edit it so that it is more acceptable though. sorry if i caused any trouble.

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Ughh you guys...*SCREAMS*BAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Ughh the chaos that ensued because of Chaos...lol


Anyways, Ive made a card that you can special summon to infinite life points since there is no limit to how many times you can special summon a card. its been posted a few pages back so look at it


And I think I will be starting that contest soon (within in the next few weeks), So I need to change the topic of the thread to that. Sorry for being Self centered guys, but It is time.

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Is giving someone Compassion, Mercy, and Forgiveness to someone who didn't deserve it not acting maturely? You really need to learn those three things if yoiu want to become a sucessful leader.

[spoiler=Why Compassion is important for a leader]It shows that you understand and care for the people you are leading.


[spoiler=Why Mercy is importan for a leader]Say that someone does something wrong and the leader bans them on the spot. The person who was banned wouldn't learn anything. Giving Mercy shows that you care.


[spoiler=Why Forgiveness is important for a leader]So that no hard feelings are kept between the leader and the people the leader is leading. " ...'Every kingdom that fights against itself will be destroyed. Every city or family that is divided against itself will not stand' " (Matthew 12:25)


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HE IS STRIKER LOL...I've come to expect it from him. But Yes those of you who are particpating in the contest say I, the names of at least 2 of your decks and a description if possiible. Lightsworn decks can only have 1 judgement and lyla a piece.


@Striker: A leader needs more than that. They can have those things but their followers could still end in downfall. It takes more than to be a good leader.


Also who doesn't know that monster's have priority...B/C they do.


They first round will go with you selecting an oponent to duel from any of the people here. If you lose connection During a duel oOR there are lag problems that effect the outcome of a duel BOTH PLAYERS GET 5 POINTS, NO MATTER WHO WOULD WIN OR LOSE. There are someother things, bhut first who deosn't know how to use Yugiohnetwork or needs a refresher.


BTW...I need a new copy of YVD so can someone post the link...else I will have to find it.

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Striker, you have made it a way bigger deal then it was. Even if he was banned, it would only be for a couple days (5-ish). Now, you insult me. Bad move. Bad move. I have PM'd Max on what we should do with you, but I think I know what his decision will be. But, to be fair, I must wait for him. You are on as thin as the ice can get right now.

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Thats it!


Necro I think its about time for someone to put you in your place!

I've officially snaped and its aimed towards you!

So I'm going to make this short and sweet, I don't care if I get banned, but I want you to know that I forgive you.

I had to learn Compassion, Mercy, and Forgiveness the hard way and I don't want you to suffer what I suffered.

You need to find your own place in this world.

I was being the good person and teaching you and Chaos Compassion, Mercy, and Forgiveness but I see it fell on deaf ears.

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ugh *Facepalms*, there's just no stopping you, and you have officially gotten me angry for the first time I have been on YCM. Forgive me? Forgive me for what? FOr keeping order in the club? For trying to keep you under control? If Max disagrees with me, then that's fine he can undo it. But you are officially Banned. We will PM you (hopefully) sometime tomarrow, when I hear back from Max. If you continue to post here, your ban shall be lengthened.




EDIT: Hiya Sweet. Not sure how I did on my exams, I'll find out friday though... I know long wait, long story.

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i just came against a Baka duelist


he has mage power and Axe of despair equiped to giant germ

i activated book of moon and make it go face down

and he says the equips are not destroyed because giant germ was only switch from Face-up to FACE DOWN and thus his equips are destoryed and hes saying they are not

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O wow...people...just...Ughh AND I set the current top[ic necro which actually NEEDS to be discussed. I will follow up with Striker myself. I must go to bed however, I have been on YCM for about 18 hours today i think.


The topic was set at the begiining of Page 183, and Sweet can you manage it while I'm gone? It'll only be for a few hours.

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Geez. It's like a bad soap opera in here. XD


Good one' date=' Delano. Oh and yugiohnetworks server kind of stinks so...you'll get lost often. ;) it is a great site though.


Necro, shake off the haters (bad line from an American show I watched. :D)



i know this on top of the thread but

it says u should use firefox so maybe that y

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