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Max Darkness

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But Sweet you haven't finished the one with Max yet, and I wish to win a one on one contest, Which Is why i challenged chaos to an OP'ed Card contest. But I don't think that will be happening soon...


Also this was posted but it didn't go through before so I will re post it.


I need OCG fixes. Not effect. It supposed to be Crazy


[spoiler=Jack the Revellionutioner]




Effect:This card can only be Normal Summon by tributing at least 3 monsters on your side of the field. This card has to be on the field 2 of your turns to gain its effects. When this card is Normal summmoned, It gains 2900 ATK & DEF.While this card is face up on the field, you can Special Summon it and when this card is Special Summoned, it gains 1000 ATK & DEF. This card cannot switch controllers. When this card is summoned your opponent must destroy all Spell & Traps on their side of the field or all monsters. This card cannot cannot be removed from the field, except by its own effect. This card is unaffected by your opponent's card effects. During your opponent's Draw Phase, you can have this card lose 1000 ATK & DEF to negate the activation of all of your opponent's Spells, Traps, and Effect monster effect's for that turn. Any card negated by this effect can be destroyed as well.




EDIT: And we need not argue here I have enough of that with my family.

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i lol'd when chaos zero aked if ur a member' date=' it was clear he didnt know sweeny changed his name

(srry if its spam)


don't worry' date=' that's not spam Chrid. I lol'd too. I was wondering how he didnt know it was me though...


...........huh? wait, that's sweeny?! xD well now he is stuck with that name, so hah! XP

dagnabitall sweeny, you could have said that it was you! xD

and yes, i failed to notice that his sig was the same, and i have not looked at the first post in a long time. this therefore led to, and contributed to, my failure! xD

[spoiler=Andx's Law of the Conservation of Failure]My simple theory to present about failure. Firstly, every human is born with the same inherent amount of failure. However this fail is often dormant and thus people do not constantly fail. In order for a failure to be observed this inherent fail must be activated. The key to activating fail is stupidity. Once something truly stupid is done the person's inherent fail is activated. Thus we all laugh at them for failing. However, fail once activated draws all the inherent fail of others into itself. So when someone fails you are momentarily pure win. And we see that your initial fail plus the other person's initial fail is equal to your final fail plus their final fail. Once the fail is over all others present for the fail receive their dormant fail back and the failure's fail slowly becomes dormant again. That is all. Thank you for reading.


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My new contest, if your interested. I thought I would share, because it is sponsored b the NDL, to draw attention to us.


I love the law of Failure, Chaos. And actually, I still have a name change. I won a free one from Opal. So i can still change it once more.

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where i've been its called not here and doing other things like watching anime :P


wow now u made me want to visit "not here"

how was it' date=' was it nice. But it must be nice there if u left here to be at "not here" lol


do u have a YGO Network account?



and "not here" was nice because i was off doing w/e i wanted XD

YGO network?(that means no)

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My new contest' date=' if your interested. I thought I would share, because it is sponsored b the NDL, to draw attention to us.


I love the law of Failure, Chaos. And actually, I still have a name change. I won a free one from Opal. So i can still change it once more.


O_O XD the crap?!


anyway, there is a thread for dueling already. it is a yvd/ygn/im duel thing. shall i post the linkage? =/

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