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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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I hope you like the changes I made...


The Fusion Material for this card are any 5 different Warrior-Type monsters. When this card attacks, remove 1 Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard from play. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, add 1 of the Warrior-Type monsters you removed from play to by this card effect to your hand.

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I hope you like the changes I made...


The Fusion Material for this card are any 5 different Warrior-Type monsters. When this card attacks' date=' remove 1 Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard from play. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, add 1 of the Warrior-Type monsters you removed from play to by this card effect to your hand.



No one wants to say anything about this?

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@ Sweet: That wasn't a conversation that was me answering General questions, which anyone could of had.

@ Chrid97/Everyone who cares to know: The reason why I started with the NDL was to prepare for an YCM tournament, so that once I have figured out the kinks of the original plan, I would present it to a mod who listens and if it gets approved host it with limited access to everyone and change features so that there can be qualifiers. Basically like Konami has YuGiOh World Tournament.


(BTW This will be a major part in my Role to be the Revellionutioner or YCM, and then the world. And Yes I am completely serious.)


@Everyone: As promised here is what you need to know. If I didn't say it here, it might just be because I didn't make it up yet.


[spoiler=NDL Duel Tournament Need to Know. You Should read [b]ALL [/b] of it]


I said this first:


Alrighty then, so let's see. In this tourney, everyone will duel each other. This is a requirement. There will be a total of 4 preliminary duels where you must win at least 2 duels with different people to proceed to the next round. (If you do a match and win 2/3 duels, you have won 2 with 1 person. You still have 3 more people to duel.) If you reach 3 or more (same way as before) losses, you will be eliminated. During the prelims, you may only use 1 deck. This deck my not be used again until the semifinals have been reached or you have used all of you others. To enter into the duels, you must have at least 5 different decks that you can use and no more than 9. At least 2 of these decks MUST be double themed for example, Dragon Swarm and Bringing out Fusion Monsters. They can be on a number of places, including real life or on yugiohnetwork. Make sure, for those of you who use the new god cards or yubels, that you have the correct effect and you can show it to your opponent when necessary. The only god card that is legal is Obelisk currently, so it is the only one you may use. The tournament can begin when 4 people have submitted their deck entries. I shall submit mind. The prelims end in a month or when every1 has done their required duels.


I said this second:


And thanks Max for the commentary/suggestions a point based system is a better idea than wins so here are some changes. Also I know the Double strategy may not have been the best so let me try this one. Zombie LightSworn (Uses Zombies to mill and special summon from the grave and lightsworns to attack/get cards in the graveyard.) This is what I mean by a double strategy Max, so it is very similar to what you said.


And for the portion that made no sense basically was to say that do not use incorrect effects. If the site has a different effect than what the Actual card says, (which is the case with a card like Yubel the Ultimate nightmare)




I didn't know that Ra has been released, so add it to the list. But I don't think it is in circulation everywhere yet though which is why I didn't include it.


The reason I said have 5 decks is because for the semifinals the deck you duel with will be chosen out of a hat, by someone who has lost. At the finals there were supposed to be 2 duels and 1 match with any of your decks. I suggested that someone have multiple decks so it makes things more interesting basically. Also people may want to use different decks that they own. But for now... (And to be brutally honest) all you will need up until the semifinals is a total of 3 decks. Deck building however is sometimes annoying...so it is subject to change depending on how much people quarrel over it.



The duel will be a round robin. The points will be distributed as thus:

5 For a Win, 3 for a Tie, 1 FOR A LOSS. PLEASE KEEP A RECORD OF THIS OR SEND ME (currently)/post THE LOGS. To enter a round, submit the deck you wish to use. For the preliminaries any deck may be used. Submissions are public and must include a deck name and may have a short description of the deck.


The tournament will start when we have at least 4 entrants and will end 3 weeks after its beginning or when all the participants have dueled each other, so as to have time and not take away from other activates including school and etc.



I said this Last:


The first Round is a round Robin Themed. The Next round will be on Tag Team Thread Pick-Your Name-Out-Of-A-Hat Duels, followed by Bracket Eliminations w/submission. The winner hmmm will get A banner and I will ask Icyblue, the cool mod, if he could give us an award. The entry fee and other rules have been stated around the 140s and if you want them PM me. Admission is the decks that you will be using and 10 points/1 rep to a NDL member of your choice. Look for the requirements of the decks before you send them to me. And any questions about what I mean think of a Zombie Swarm Beatdown/Manipulation Mill Deck OR a DARK WORLD Swarm Exodia Discard Deck and be happy. If those don’t clear up your questions, PM me them because unless it’s a FAQ it can't go on the NDL thread. (Actually now that I think about it, since this is an NDL tournament IT CAN GO on here, but please be respectful to club rules.)




EDIT: This is a part of the rules to. The Number of DECKs will be at least 4 Decks, 3 of which are regular and the final is the double strategy, which has been mentioned in the whole EXODIA/DARK WORLD MOMENT. Please take time to build them b/c it shouldn't take long IF your inspired. If your not, give it time.

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Its perfectly fine if none of them are real life. And I will need a partner to help me manage the tournament. Someone responsible and who will be on enough so that they cover anything I don't. Also for the Tag Team Section, we will be thread dueling since everyone and their partner can't meet up. The thread will be public so commentary can be allowed. Finally, the Number of DECKs will be at least 4 Decks, 3 of which are regular and the final is the double stragey. Please take time to build them b/c it shouldn't take long IF your inspired. If your not, give it time. Google helps)


EDIT: I need to duel someone, to test out meh Zombie Deck. Any takers? And Striker to join, give a user of your choice 1 rep or 10 points.

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whamo ill duel you and i just beat sweet

But he could have one but just maybe if i didnt make that mistake

[spoiler= How I won]

this is log window

chrid97|>joined the duel.

chrid97|>loaded their deck Power.

chrid97|>ready to duel.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>joined the duel.

Thunder Wave|>loaded their deck Accelerator! - Returner.

Thunder Wave|>ready to duel.

Thunder Wave|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>shuffled their deck.

Thunder Wave|>Hey.


Thunder Wave|>BRB


chrid97|>btw buzz if i dont say anything

Thunder Wave|>BUZZ!.

Thunder Wave|>Back.



Thunder Wave|>Heads or Tails?

chrid97|>heads brb


chrid97|>fliped HEAD.

chrid97|>i go first


Thunder Wave|>Okay.

chrid97|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>Im second.

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field


chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

chrid97|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>come to Main Phase 1.

Thunder Wave|>move Dark World Dealings from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Dark World Dealings.

chrid97|>dark world deck or no

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>nope.

Thunder Wave|>test deck.

Thunder Wave|>draw 1 and discard 1

chrid97|>what does it revolve around

Thunder Wave|>move Ordeal of a Traveler from hand to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>Speed.

chrid97|>move Turbo Synchron from hand to graveyard

chrid97|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>Draw Power, Sp.Summons, etc.

Thunder Wave|>move Dark World Dealings from field to graveyard

chrid97|>i had a feeling its was draw power

Thunder Wave|>move Dark World Dealings from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Dark World Dealings.


Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move Chaos End Master from hand to graveyard

chrid97|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>yup.

chrid97|>damn do u have another of those

Thunder Wave|>move Robbin' Goblin from hand to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Dark World Dealings from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>nope.


Thunder Wave|>move Gravekeeper's Servant from hand to field

chrid97|>no u dont have it when i need it

chrid97|>your a lot of help

Thunder Wave|>haha

chrid97|>max had that same card in his deck gravekeppers servant and he still lost

chrid97|>not that the vard helped him

Thunder Wave|>move Mist Valley Soldier from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>this will be a different story

Thunder Wave|>come to Battle Phase.

Thunder Wave|>Mist Valley Soldier attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

chrid97|>flip Negate Attack faceup.

chrid97|>move Negate Attack from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>bummer

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

chrid97|>wait did u mill

Thunder Wave|>why do I have to mill?

chrid97|>oh it says oppenent

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>yup/

chrid97|>move Zero Gardna from hand to field

chrid97|>flip Nitro Synchron faceup.

chrid97|>move Nitro Synchron from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Zero Gardna from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Goyo Guardian from extra deck to field

chrid97|>come to Battle Phase.

Thunder Wave|>Cool!

chrid97|>Goyo Guardian attacks their Mist Valley Soldier at #1.

Thunder Wave|>Mill

chrid97|>mill Zero Gardna from top of their deck.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Mist Valley Soldier.

Thunder Wave|>Goyo goes back to extra deck.

chrid97|>crap i forgot

chrid97|>move Goyo Guardian from field to extra deck

Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6900.

Thunder Wave|>move Mist Valley Soldier from field to graveyard

chrid97|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>come to Main Phase 1.

Thunder Wave|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

chrid97|>come to Draw Phase.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>come to Main Phase 1.

Thunder Wave|>flip Robbin' Zombie faceup.

Thunder Wave|>move Neo-Spacian Grand Mole from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>come to Battle Phase.

Thunder Wave|>Neo-Spacian Grand Mole attacks their Opponent LP.

Thunder Wave|>-900

chrid97|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7100.

Thunder Wave|>also, you have to mill a card.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Robbin' Zombie.

chrid97|>mill Plaguespreader Zombie from top of their deck.

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>come to Main Phase 1.

Thunder Wave|>flip Penguin Soldier faceup.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Penguin Soldier.

chrid97|>move a card from field to hand

Thunder Wave|>my grand mole and you facedown

Thunder Wave|>turn Penguin Soldier into attack position.

Thunder Wave|>move Neo-Spacian Grand Mole from field to hand

Thunder Wave|>come to Battle Phase.

chrid97|>changed their LP from 7100 to 6350.

Thunder Wave|>mill 1

chrid97|>mill Dark Bribe from top of their deck.

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>come to Main Phase 1.

Thunder Wave|>move Dark World Dealings from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Dark World Dealings.

Thunder Wave|>haha

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move Counselor Lily from hand to graveyard

chrid97|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>move Turbo Booster from hand to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Neo-Spacian Grand Mole from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>come to Battle Phase.

Thunder Wave|>Neo-Spacian Grand Mole attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Neo-Spacian Grand Mole.

Thunder Wave|>both monsters to our hands

chrid97|>k but

chrid97|>i activate

chrid97|>flip Mirror Force faceup.

chrid97|>activated effect of Mirror Force.

Thunder Wave|>ah.

chrid97|>does my monster still go 2 my hand

Thunder Wave|>good move!

Thunder Wave|>yup.

Thunder Wave|>move Penguin Soldier from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Neo-Spacian Grand Mole from field to graveyard

chrid97|>i was saving the card

Thunder Wave|>move Dark World Dealings from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move a card from field to hand

Thunder Wave|>nice.

chrid97|>move Mirror Force from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move The Warrior Returning Alive from hand to field

chrid97|>move Zero Gardna from graveyard to hand

chrid97|>move The Warrior Returning Alive from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>okay.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>move Wall of Illusion from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>come to Battle Phase.

Thunder Wave|>Wall of Illusion attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

chrid97|>flip Negate Attack faceup.

chrid97|>activated effect of Negate Attack.

chrid97|>mill Negate Attack from top of their deck.


chrid97|>move Negate Attack from graveyard to top of deck

chrid97|>move Negate Attack from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>cool.

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.


chrid97|>drawn a card


chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>move Road Synchron from hand to field

chrid97|>flip Ghost Gardna faceup.

Thunder Wave|>cool

chrid97|>move Ghost Gardna from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Road Synchron from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>hm.

chrid97|>move Road Warrior from extra deck to field

chrid97|>activated effect of Road Warrior.

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move Hero Kid from deck to field

chrid97|>turn Hero Kid into defend position.

chrid97|>activated effect of Hero Kid.

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move a card from deck to field

Thunder Wave|>okay

chrid97|>move a card from deck to field

chrid97|>flip Hero Kid faceup.

chrid97|>turn a card into defend position.

chrid97|>flip Hero Kid faceup.

chrid97|>turn Hero Kid into defend position.

chrid97|>move Synchro Blast Wave from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>okay

chrid97|>activated effect of Synchro Blast Wave.

chrid97|>desrroy ur monster

Thunder Wave|>okay

Thunder Wave|>move Wall of Illusion from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Synchro Blast Wave from field to graveyard

chrid97|>come to Battle Phase.

chrid97|>Road Warrior attacks their Opponent LP.

chrid97|>mill Variety Out from top of their deck.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Gorz The Emissary of Darkness.


Thunder Wave|>move Gorz The Emissary of Darkness from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Gorz The Emissary of Darkness.

Thunder Wave|>created Sheep Token on the field.

Thunder Wave|>moved a sticky.

Thunder Wave|>he heh



chrid97|>flip Black Horn of Heaven faceup.

chrid97|>to stop ur gorz

Thunder Wave|>move Gorz The Emissary of Darkness from field to graveyard

chrid97|>thus stopping your token

Thunder Wave|>destroyed Sheep Token from the field.

Thunder Wave|>hm.


chrid97|>move Black Horn of Heaven from field to graveyard

chrid97|>and now u take 3000 points of damage

Thunder Wave|>changed a sticky.

Thunder Wave|>I already did.


chrid97|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>my life = 3000

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

chrid97|>it says 6900

Thunder Wave|>oh

Thunder Wave|>hey chridman.


Thunder Wave|>one thing I forgot to mention that I saw



Thunder Wave|>Road Warrior has to have 2 non-Tuners to Synchro.

Thunder Wave|>I think you only used 1.


Thunder Wave|>Ghost Gardna?

chrid97|>yea it was a 4 star but not a tuner

Thunder Wave|>What should we do to make this fair?

chrid97|>ill lose 3000 LP

chrid97|>make it even

Thunder Wave|>sounds good


chrid97|>and btw it still says 6900 on urs

chrid97|>changed their LP from 6350 to 3350.

Thunder Wave|>ohh.

Thunder Wave|>lag.


Thunder Wave|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>Alright, I can last one more turn...if you attack that is.

Thunder Wave|>come to Draw Phase.

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>flip Hand Destruction faceup.

Thunder Wave|>activated effect of Hand Destruction.


chrid97|>move Zero Gardna from hand to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Guardian Sphinx from hand to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>move Mystical Space Typhoon from hand to graveyard

chrid97|>move Heavy Storm from hand to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

Thunder Wave|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>i had 2 great cards

Thunder Wave|>move Hand Destruction from field to graveyard

chrid97|>but gained 2 good cards

Thunder Wave|>Chrid. You win, my friend.

Thunder Wave|>move a card from hand to field

Thunder Wave|>Unless you attack.

chrid97|>okay do u end

Thunder Wave|>Then Ill win.

Thunder Wave|>end their turn.

Thunder Wave|>Choice is yours.

Thunder Wave|>If you attack, I win.

chrid97|>dont forget i still have my facedown

chrid97|>move Mystical Space Typhoon from hand to field

chrid97|>activated effect of Mystical Space Typhoon.

chrid97|>ur face-down

Thunder Wave|>which one?

chrid97|>u only have 1 right

Thunder Wave|>flip Robbin' Zombie faceup.

Thunder Wave|>move Robbin' Zombie from field to graveyard


Thunder Wave|>hahaha

chrid97|>move Mystical Space Typhoon from field to graveyard

Thunder Wave|>I bluffed!

chrid97|>move a card from hand to field

chrid97|>activated effect of Road Warrior.

chrid97|>looking into their deck.

chrid97|>move Dark Tinker from deck to field

chrid97|>activated effect of Dark Tinker.

chrid97|>move Dark Tinker from field to graveyard

chrid97|>drawn a card

chrid97|>move a card from hand to bottom of deck

chrid97|>move Hero Kid from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Hero Kid from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Hero Kid from field to graveyard

chrid97|>move Stardust Dragon from extra deck to field

chrid97|>come to Battle Phase.

chrid97|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.

chrid97|>Road Warrior attacks their Opponent LP.


Thunder Wave|>changed their LP from 3900 to 1400.

Thunder Wave|>gg



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The only reason I didn't ban Meta decks is because there is a thing called ANTI-META decks, like Graverobber's F**king Lightsworns in the A**. Also it shows your skill. But if enough people complain, then the use of SERIOUSLY Meta Decks will not allowed past round 3.



And Sweet you seem like a good man so I'll consider it. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT YOU ARE COMPLETELY AWESOME.


A seriously METADECK is:







So far and to my knowledge I may be the only person in the tournament, unless someone tells me other wise.

And Thread Dueling Can turn out well if ppl pay attention amd follow my special go to guide on thread dueling plus it gives us time

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