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This is The Dark Realm. Here we talk about anything but everyone must be on the same topic. The topic also has to be appropriate for this fourm; so PG-16 and under. I will host random card contest and GFX contest when I want. Also, the main adjective is to reduce spamming on this fourm. So, if you see someone spam anywhere on the fourm you can either report them or neg rep then once. Show proof of the spam and that you negged/reported, you will receive a positive rep from me.



1. The King/Queen have the right to reject any member.

2. No spamming.

3. No double posting, triple posting, ect.

4. No flamming.

5. All YCM Rules apply.
















[spoiler=[b]What the Rankings Mean[/b]]

King/Queen: Are the leaders of the club and will host/judge the contest. They cannot enter the contest.


Prince & Princess: If the King/Queen are not online these 2 are the leaders until the King/Queen gets online. These two have the right to accept/reject a member, but the King/Queen can over rule them.


Knights: Are the rule enforcers of the club. So if someone breaks the rules in this club neg rep them once. They can also accept members but the King/Queen can or rule them if they think otherwise. These are the only members who can neg someone for breaking rules this club.


Jesters: Are the normal members. They have no special rights.


I will choose what spot you get to be in.

All members, when they see someone spam report/neg them.






These are the requirements you need to join this club.


1. Must be a 5 star member.

2. Must have 50+ total reps.

3. Can only have 5 neg reps. Anymore and you are automatically rejected.

4. Must be somewhat active on the fourm.


I might add more but if you already accepted and then I add some more requirements then you dont have to worry about them. They wont effect you.



[spoiler=[b]Registration Form[/b]]

How many stars:
How many total rep:
How many neg reps:
Are you somewhat active on the fourm:




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