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Chaos Sorcerer

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If a deck has at least 6 lights and 6 darks it can likely run two of these successfully.


I think a better topic is why the hell is this now 2?


Konami Worker 1: So...what are we going to move from 1 to two this format?

Konami Worker 2: Let's tape some limited cards on our magical dartboard and throw a magical dart at it!

Konami Worker 1: Croikey, mate! Smashing manouvre!

Konami Worker 2: Inorite? Let's go jogging while carrying a pair of scissors after work, shall we?

Konami Worker 1: I know something funnier! Let's unban Breaker and DD Warrior Lady! They'll al think we're stupid!

Konami Worker 2: Yes, but I still feel like running.





That's why.

Anyways, Ill be running Chaos Countdown due to this baby. Would 7 targets be enough to main 2 DeckDev?

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It's going to 2 because idiots think it's balanced now because it's not as broken as DAD.


You should've used caps. REALLY.



But really, I really don't have any idea what Konami was thinking. Maybe they're trying to make Twilight a better deck in Japan? This also gets me thinking that, if the Japanese meta is so different, then:

1. Why is it so different in the first place?

2. The TCG should get a separate ban list.

Chaos Sorcerer is easily overpowered and really should just stay banned.

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