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Siding against monarchs.

Which one would you side?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which one would you side?

    • Pulling the Rug
    • Intercept
    • Mask of Restrict
    • Zombie World
    • By the order of the emperor

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So with Raiza and Breaker @3 and a slower format, Monarchs will surely make a comeback. So the side decks must have something to counter them. So lets compare different side deck options.


Pulling the Rug

It negates there effects and destroys them. It also works against cards like Gadgets and Wanghu. This is the best option for me.



It works mainly against Monarchs, 'cause other 1-Tribute monster are hardly seen. Unlike Pulling the Rug it doesn't negate the effect, but you are rewarded with a 2.4k ATK beatstick.


Mask of Restrict

It completely cancels your opponent's Monacrhs, but I prefer Pulling and Intercept, because they get rid of the Monarchs instead of making them wait in the hand, 'till this card is destroyed, which is not that hard with 3x Breaker and Trapeaterman


Zombie World

Just like Mask, but it's immune to trapeaterman and gives some minor bonus to zombies. It's also searchable.


By the Order of the Emperor

I am not going to comment this one :D



Well this is my try at making a good discussion :D

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Pulling the Rug: This one could work. As you said, you can side it against other things too.


Intercept: This one looks like the best out of all of them, but can't the opponent activate it's effects anyway? Like, if it's Raiza, it could save itself by returning it to the deck. (they wouldn't care if they had a recycling tribute fodder, right?) But it looks like it was built for monarchs, even raiza's in the pic.


Mask of Restrict:Unusable b/c exactly what you said.


Zombie World: Perhaps at Zombies only?


By Order of the Emperor: Uh, no. Strange that it's in the The Dark Emperor structure deck.

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I played Zombie Monarchs at the Nationals (old variant only mained 2 Caius/2 Raiza). First game of a match against an LS deck, I lost quickly on bad draws and all he saw was Cyber Dragon and Treeborn Frog, so he assumed I was running pure Monarchs and sided Zombie Worlds against me. Such irony could not have been sweeter.

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