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Lightning Bagon

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Idea from Hitokage


In this contest, you must make 3 pokemon cards that evolve from each other.(ex. Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken)

In the effect of 2 of the cards, it must state a way to get its evolution out on the field.


Entry fee:

4 points



No copy anyone's card

No spaming

No flaming

No fake types(easier to judge)

All other YCM rules apply

Have fun




I will be judging on the following:



Balance of the card




1st:1 rep 6 points

2nd:1 rep 3 points

3rd:3 points


Hitokage:mudkip line


bagon47:cindaquill line


matimanymow:treecko line(Wating for points & cards)


Ovechkin Rocks:unkown line


Note:Idea from hitokage

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Ahh, I was looking at this thread and was saying to my self, this is just a copy of mine, but then I read the disclaimer.

I'll join.




[spoiler=Lore]This card can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 "Marshtomp" on your side of the field. During your Main Phase, you can draw 1 card from the bottom of your Deck. If it is a Level 4 or lower monster, increase the ATK and DEF of this card by half of the DEF of the drawn monster until the End Phase.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my cards:




[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 1 "Roilu" on your side the field and by removing from play 1 LIGHT monster. When this card is Special Summoned your opponent has to remove 2 or more LIGHT, FIRE, or WATER monsters in his Graveyard. This card gains 200 ATK for each card removed from play. For each card removed from play your opponent loses 100 Life Points for each card removed from play.




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