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Bioshock RP: A life in Rapture

Great Unclean One: VK

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Plot:This takes place during the fall of Rapture. With the war between Atlas and Andrew Ryan still continuing. You must survie in Rapture at least until you die or your out of the city.






Appearance(pic or description):

Weapon (no assult rifles, only weapons found in the game or homemade ones, can only use Big Daddy weapon if your a Big Daddy.):

Side (Atlas or Andrew Ryan or Neutral):

Race(Spilcer, Human, or *Big Daddy):


*if your a Big Daddy you must say what type and make a app for your Little Sister.


Lil Sis App


Age (6-8):



My App

Name:Big Daddy


Bio:Just a regular Big Daddy

Appearance(pic or description): http://media.photobucket.com/image/bioshock%20big%20daddy/Grotesque_triple_sixx/bioshock.jpg?o=12

Weapon (no assult rifles, only weapons found in the game or homemade ones, can only use Big Daddy weapon if your a Big Daddy.):Drill, and a Rivet Gun.

Side (Atlas or Andrew Ryan or Neutral):Neutral

Race(Spilcer, Human, or *Big Daddy):Big Daddy, Bouncer

Lil Sister

Name: Amber

Age (6-8): 7

Appearance: Just like Konata only smaller and has black hair.

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Name: Leon Hart


Bio:Leon Hart came to Rapture in a deep-sea expedition to explore a nearby abyss. When he arrived to Rapture, his entire cre was killed by Splicers, and he is now on a quest to destroy Rapture, and avenge his friends.

Appearance(pic or description):[spoiler= Last Picture taken of him]295507089_8e78481d0f.jpg


Weapon :Plasmids, Revolver.

Side (Atlas or Andrew Ryan or Neutral):Neutral

Race(Spilcer, Human, or *Big Daddy):Human

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Name: David Evans

Age: 34

Bio: David served in the military for 6 years before he was discharged for disobeying orders. When he heard of the so-called 'paradise city Rapture' approached Ryan directly asking to go. He was allowed to go and was given a job to protect Rapture from, as Andrew Ryan says, 'parasites'. When Rapture began to be under threat from Atlas, David was always there to fight the supporters of Atlas. Later he turned to splicing up his body which gave him the power to create fire at the cost of his face. He now wears a mask shaped like a bird but still serves Andrew Ryan with all of his heart. Although, he does have a strong craving for Adam.

[spoiler=Appearance(pic or description)]53welshrasc02.jpg


Weapon (no assult rifles, only weapons found in the game or homemade ones, can only use Big Daddy weapon if your a Big Daddy.): Plasmids (Just incineration) and a revolver

Side (Atlas or Andrew Ryan or Neutral): Andrew Ryan

Race(Spilcer, Human, or *Big Daddy): Splicer

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