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Pokemon Battle Academy (accepting character bios) prologue up

vengeful lemonS

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hey nexev would your strategy work if you were in a double battle and those were the first two pokemon to come out?


No, the effects of baton pass pases on the effects when they are switched out,. If they are both out baton pass would work on a different foe.



It is important to note that all of my pokemon know Baton pass so they can continue the chain of stat boosters.


In a double battle along with the baton pass I use Porygon Z and take advantage of it's high special attack to disrupt the field with attacks like Thunder, Flamethrower and other high attack specials. If Special defense is higher than the enemy's defense I switch to Rampardos.


Yeah, I'm suprised Monohawks didn't know that.

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Don't worry, since thier are no villages he will be in the least the kind hearted yet narssistic idoit of the school.


You probbaly won't be any idiot, you could however be owned in one round by my Shuckle so everyone knows James Afterthoughts power early on.

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name: Sally Afterthought

pokemon: Slakoth, unlike others Sally's energy made it's abbility not Truant but rather Iron Fist, making it a formidible foe indeed.

age: 12

apperance: Wears tan t-shirt and pants. Short brown hair and blue eyes. Somewhat pretty

dorm:(groundon brown,kyorgreblue,rayquazagreen thats in order from least to greatest) Groundon Brown

bio: Sally is James younger brother who followed James to make sure he wasn't being a lazy bum. She was allowed in the school since her mom got arrested for fraud leaving the Afterthoughts homeless. However Sally was unable to actually go to the classes and just hanged out with the pokemon. She became good friends with them and had a good time at pokemon academy. When she reached twelve she got into the academy but was unable to get anywhere above Groundon because she would call the pokemon by thier nicknames, she would genuinly not know which pokemon the test was reffereing to. (She thought Drifloom was "Floaty" and thus could not ansewer any Drifloom related questions). She hangs around Tomas but only because she likes Bagon, she thinks Tomas is a loser. She knows some tatics from her brother but usually uses a hotheaded instinct approach to fighting. (However half the pokemon in the academy refuse to fight her since they like her so much)

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thanks of course im going to slow down a little more in the actual chapters but i should have done that here aswell

Ps i pmd death dealer like you saib but he nevr responed back and how doyou change your user name?


Dealer Umbra -.-


Also, it's 3 pages for a ff without a chapter...

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