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TWFF Thecrosses Wrestling Fan Fic (will start when i have more ppl to join)


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Since you have no refs here:

Name: Eric Rons


Description:Brother of Aaron Calips. His father wanted him to be a wrestler just like his brother but he wasn't growing or liking it so he became a referee. He was a referee for TNA and ROH and now he's a referee for WWE.


If it's okay would everyone be able to submit maybe 1 superstar and 1 diva or 2 superstars or 2 divas. If people submit 2 people or more I wil give them 1 rep.

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I'll submit one more Super and Diva

Name: Scott Mitchells

Age: 21


Weight: 240lbs

Signature: One legged backstabber from second rope

Finisher: Top Rope Leg Lariat

Brand: ECW

Extra-Tag Team with Ace but they prefer singles they will still wrestle tag matches when given the chance


another for the stable



Name: Ruby Daniels

Age: 34

Finisher: Swinging Neckbreaker

Brand: ECW

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