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Guess That Yu-Gi-Oh card!!! and get REP!!! Seson III, 9th riddle


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Batteryman AA x3 = 9000

Hoshiningen x3 = 6000

The Calculator x3 = 8100

Hunter Owl x3 = 7500

Golbin King x3 = 6000

Theban Nightmare x3 = 9000


My best guess is goblin king + theban nightmare, assuming that the odd ones out are in DEF mode





just read your above post...dammit

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Greed and Sixth Sense?

Assume you always draw 6 cards with sixth sense.


6 cards x 500 damage per draw=3000.


6(3) x500=9000!


6(2) x 500(2)=12000!


6 x 500(3)=9000!


I might have the right idea' date=' but the wrong cards...



somewhat close but no (dealing damage to yourself? that is stupid)

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