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Arterey's (rather short) guide to Ratbox.

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Believe it or not, there are many variations of the deck known as ratbox. Ratbox was my 1st and favorite deck, so I have tried many variations and tested many types of ratbox. This decktype is very flexible; you can change the type to fit your playstyle. In this guide, I will talk about my favorite variations.


-Tradional Rats

The tradiational Rat Toolbox deck uses Giant Rat to search cards out of your deck to counteract your opponent, depending on the situation. the normal ratbox has a few staples which will be listed below.



The synchro variation utilizes Giant Rat search out tuners such as psychic commander or Jutte Fighter. Reccomended to use in combination with another variant (such as warrior). Though very slow, it can make up for it with its consistency. Not reccomended this format.


-Monarch (Personal Favorite )

The Monarch Variation is the more "anti-meta" version of ratbox. This variant is my favorite, as it seem to "have an answer" to everything. It uses the normal "ratbox system" of obtaining any card neccesary from your deck, then uses monarchs when the situation calls for it. Slow, just like most ratbox variants, but can easily keep up with the current meta with a simple LJM.


-Warrior Variant

The warrior variant is the "fastest" version I have made so far, using "The warrior Lady of the Wasteland" to faster search for needed monsters. I find this version to be very effectient when combo'd with the synchro variant. While not as effective this meta, it was amazing when RoTA was at 3.


- RFP Variant

The RFP variant is a creation of my own. While very inconsistent, it can be very powerful when played right. It uses Bazoo the soul eater, Gigantes, D.D. Warrior, D.D. Assailant, and The rock Spirit to remove monsters from your grave, then uses Different Dimension Reincarnation to revive said monsters, along with other removal support for a possible OTK (RFTDD). This variant is one I have not worked much with, so I probbably can't help much here.



Here, I will list some Staples of a Rat Toolbox deck:

-Giant Rat (obvious)

-Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

A staple in any Ratbox, bounces it and 1 of your opponent's monsters on attack.

-Card Trooper

A personal preferance, really, but not needed in most variations. I like him in most variations.

-Exiled Force

At least one copy needed in all Ratbox decks. Amazing card, made even more amazing by Ratbox


Again, a personal preferance. I like at least 1 main decked in Ratbox, but I usually side in another. (Amazing against BW)

-Injection Fairy Lily

Reccomended Side deck, as it will usually screw you over in the OTK meta.


Run at least two of these, hands down. some people prefer The Rock Spirit, but Gigantes is better imo.

-DD Warrior

Good Giant Rat target, can easily dispatch of Synchros and beatsticks alike.

-Nimble Momonga

I run these in all of my Rat Variants (aside from Warrior), it stops the infamous DSF OTK, and it's a free +1 When attacked.


I try to fit at least 2 of these into most of my variations, as it not only increases consistency, but can easily screw over most monsters when attacked. Easy synchro removal.

-Creature Swap

Always put one or two of these in (almost) any ratbox. swap a Nimble or rat, then attack it for... well, anything you wantXD



I apologize about the short length, i made this rather quickly.

Please point out any bad grammar mistakes I made ( I don't care if

I didn't capitalize a word...) or if you think something is better than what i made it out to be (or if you think i should add something)


I'll probbably add more later.

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I love Ratbox. Unfortunately, my DMU version uses anime cards so I can't help you out too much with my own build. The guide is generally fine, no horri-bad errors that I've seen. My Ratbox is a very effective Synchro build, using Giantess, The Rock Spirit and Cat/Airbellum for easy Synchro, your guide makes it sound a lot less effective than it can be,

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I love Ratbox. Unfortunately' date=' my DMU version uses anime cards so I can't help you out too much with my own build. The guide is generally fine, no horri-bad errors that I've seen. My Ratbox is a very effective Synchro build, using Giantess, The Rock Spirit and Cat/Airbellum for easy Synchro, your guide makes it sound a lot less effective than it can be,



I haven't tried synchro since last format... forgot about rescue kitty. ill have to try that once I have access to dmu (on vacation atm)'


oh and ill try koaki ratbox... sounds interesting

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Here's my current DMU(include OCG/ACG cards) Ratbox, if you want to make something like it when you get back - although some changes are needed for next format.



Monsters: 26

1 Card Trooper

2 Exiled Force

3 Giant Rat

2 Gigantes

1 Gigastone Omega

2 Legendary Jujitsu Master

1 Morphing Jar

1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

2 Red Ant Azcatl

2 Rescue Cat

2 Sea Koala

1 Warrior Lady of The Wasteland

3 X-Saber Airbellum

1 X-Saber Palomlo

2 X-Saber Passiul


Spells: 11

2 Burden of the Mighty

1 Heavy Storm

2 Lightning Vortex

2 Mind Control

1 Monster Reborn

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Pot of Avarice

1 Reinforcement of the Army


Traps: 3

3 Royal Decree


Extra Deck: 15

2 Natural Beast

1 Natural Balkion

12 Generic



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