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Pokemon XD: Rain of shadows the story of Zack

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Background: If you haven't played Pokemon XD gale of darkness this is what happened. 5 years after Pokemon Coliseum. Cipher returned to finish what it started, to rule the world. They recreated Shadow Pokemon, but were stopped by a lone teen. This teen captured all 83 Shadow Pokemon and purified them. Cipher's plan was to create the ultimate Shadow Pokemon, a Pokemon that could not be purified. Now a Shadow Pokemon is a Pokemon that has closed the door to its heart. Shadow Pokemon are not afraid to attack and hurt humans. There is much more to the story but thats the main plot. If you want to see the whole story. Either get Pokemon XD gale of darkness for gamecube. Or go on youtube and watch the game.


10 years after the return of Cipher...


Chapter 1:

Its an average day at the Pokemon lab HQ when Professor Krane ran into the purification chamber. He had a strange look on his face. "Professor Krane whats wrong?" A researcher asked. "Cipher has returned!" Krane Yelled. A Spiky red haired man walked into the room. "Zack what're you doing here? I thought you were training Vaporeon." A researcher said. "I was when I saw a ONBS news flash. Cipher has returned." Zack replied. "We covered that." Krane barked. BOOM! Everyone rushed outside. A group of Cipher peons were standing outside. "Its Cipher!" A researcher yelled! "I'll handle 'em." Zack said.




Cipher peon sent out Bidoof!


Zack: "Go Vaporeon!"


Bidoof: level 5

Vaporeon: level 70

The aura detector activates! Oh a Shadow Pokemon!

Bag: >Pokeball

Zack used a Snag Ball!



Bidoof was caught!


"Grrrr.... We'll get you!" The Cipher peon yelled.

The peons ran into the forest.

"Thats a odd Pokemon." Krane said. "I know...Get the purification chamber ready. It looks like Ciphers up to their old tricks." Zack replied.


Chapter 2:

Krane and Zack rush into the Purification chamber. Zack steps onto the platform....

A hologram projector activates.

Set 1-9 all the same.

Chamber one:

Add: Budew

Set normals: Magmar, Moltres

Tempo: [-------- ]

Zack exits the Purification Chamber.

"Ok now that thats over." Krane Said. "I need you to go to Gateon Port." Krane Continued. Zack left the lab and headed to Gateon Port.


To be continued.....


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