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The Reviewers


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Lol, yeah.


[spoiler=What is this club?]

This club is made for reviewers and readers alike. You dont have to be a reviewer to be in this club, you can just be in here to read the reviews. And not only does this club just have to be about reviews, it can be about news of upcoming movies, games, and other stuff. But mainly for movie and game reviews.



[spoiler=Joining form]



[spoiler=If reviewer]

What do you review?:

How often will you review?:

Movie Ratings you can watch?(G-R):

Game Ratings you can play?(E-M):



Only 4 star or higher members can be reviewers. Anyone can be readers though.

If you are 3 stars are lower and you want to be a reviewer, you can still post your application, but you will also have to PM me a review of yours. If I deem you worthy, you are right then a there, a reviewer.






Intern = 0 reviews

Journalist = 5 reviews

Head Journalist = 10 reviews

Scripty Writer = 15 reviews

Writer = 20 reviews

Chain Writer = 30 + reviews




[spoiler=The RIGHT way to review.]

If you are a reviewer, this is the RIGHT way.

[spoiler=For games. Written by sid]

For one thing, be sure to include a nice synopsis of the game's beggining. Dont be afraid to insult the game, if it is bad. We are not trying to tell the people to buy the game, we are just telling them how the game is from our personal point of view.

Each game review MUST include these four categories, in which you describe them in depth.


~ Graphics

~ Story

~ Gameplay

~ Overall (this includes your ratings, scales, letter gradings, and the overall feel of the game.


You CAN include these.


~Online gameplay (This MUST be included if online is applicable.)





Remember, do NOT spoil the ending or any of the plot twists. If you do, you will be banned from the club.

Make sure the game you are reviewing is a game that is played a lot, fairly new, old but able to be played on new consoles, or one that is great, but has yet to be discovered.



[spoiler=Right way to comment on reviews]

If your a commenter and reader, dont be afraid to give constructive critism. Go in depth into the mistakes and stuff the reviewer has left out, as it should better the reviewer. Tell them if they have made any spelling mistakes, left out a category, and anything else. Do NOT flame. Do NOT troll. If you do either, you will be banned from the club.





~Co prez - Sid. (Game reviewer)

~Co prez - Hunter (Movie Reviewer)

~Taiga Yamashita (G&M Reviewer)

~CeDeFiA (Reader)

~.regret (Game reviewer)

~Cypress (Game Reviewer)

~.:MidnightThief:. (Movie Reviewer)

~Insert Name Here (Game Reviewer)

~Avion (G&M Reviewer)

~Zombie Maker (Movie Reviewer)

~BrokenHeart15 (Game Reviewer)

~Viva La Alfred (G&M Reviewer)




[spoiler=Review Archives]

[spoiler=Game Reviews]

~Mass Effect

~Rock Band 2

~Team Fortress 2


~Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

~Pokemon: Platinum

~Halo Wars

~Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice Series

~Cod:WoW: Wii





Me and hunter have discussed this, and he has agreed to be co prez.

He will rule over the movie reviews, and i'll rule over the game reviews.


Hunter, please PM me a good way to review a movie.


Remember to post your reviews as a new topic in both this thread AND in the applicable forum.

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  • Replies 76
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Age: 14

Reviewer/Reader?: reviewer


What do you review?: gamez

How often will you review?: most likely once a month if not more consistanly

Game Ratings you can play?(E-M): T and lower







Your in.


More like twenty minutes.





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Well... kinda. I had a Gamer Review Thread back a month or two ago. I decided to branch off of it and make this club. The people who made those reviews have been pm'd about this club, and im hoping they will re-apply, as they were all very good reviewers.


And not only does this club just have to be about reviews' date=' it can be about news of upcoming movies, games, and other stuff. [/quote']


So, topic anyone?

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Yeah, and from what i've seen, it PWNS prototype. Honestly, the people who made prototype made it look good. But after i played it, i didnt like it as much. It gets very tough to move sometimes, with like 20 hunters bashing your face in, and some missions were just impossible. Good plot though, and the bosses were INTENSE.

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Yeah' date=' and from what i've seen, it PWNS prototype. Honestly, the people who made prototype made it look good. But after i played it, i didnt like it as much. It gets very tough to move sometimes, with like 20 hunters bashing your face in, and some missions were just impossible. Good plot though, and the bosses were INTENSE.



I like challenging games like that.


But, missions D:


I hate running all over places to do things.


But if the game is good, I'll do it.

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Yeah' date=' and from what i've seen, it PWNS prototype. Honestly, the people who made prototype made it look good. But after i played it, i didnt like it as much. It gets very tough to move sometimes, with like 20 hunters bashing your face in, and some missions were just impossible. Good plot though, and the bosses were INTENSE.



I like challenging games like that.


But, missions D:


I hate running all over places to do things.


But if the game is good, I'll do it.


Lolwut? If your talking about reviewing it, i believe it already has been ^^;




What do you review?:movies

How often will you review?:when a new movie that i like comes out

Movie Ratings you can watch?(G-R):g-r

Game Ratings you can play?(E-M):e-t


Game ratings are only supposed to be said if your a game reviewer...

Please improve your grammar as well.

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Age: 15

Reviewer/Reader?: Reviewer for Movies mainly. But can also do more if asked to. (Games, Music, Books, TV Shows, whatever.)

What do you review?: Mainy Comedies and Horror Movies. I go to the Movie theatre A LOT.

How often will you review?: I watch movies Daily, so probably one every week I guess.

Movie Ratings you can watch?(G-R): Rated G to Unrated. Booyah.

Game Ratings you can play?(E-M):Any game possible, bu I don't rate Mature games much.

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