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The 1 on 1 Coliseum! Current Match - [email protected] vs Carbon V3


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Welcome to the The 1 on 1 Coliseum. This is a huge contest for everyone to enter. Please read the rules before you enter.


There are 3 floors in the coliseum. The first floor is for members with levels 1-2. Floor 2 is for members with levels 3-4, and floor 3 is for members with 5+ star levels. The higher the floor, the higher the prizes. When you win a 1 on 1, i will decide if i want to put you in a higher rank. All contenders must go against the person i choose. Your opponent will most likely be in the same floor then you. There is 1 champion in each floor. At the end of this contest, all 3 champions will go against each other in the biggest contest yet! Here how this works, both player sends his/her card to me over pm, then i post the card in the first post. I decide the winner over ratings by other players. If you lose to a opponent with a lower rank then you, you are demoted to a lower rank, and the winner is promoted 1 rank. When you are in floor 3 and you win a contest, you get 1 Super Rank Point. Who ever has the most Super Rank Points at the moment is the Super Floor Champ. In other floors, the most in each floor are regular champs. In floors 1-2 when you reach 15 Rank Points, you are automatically promoted 1 floor.


[align=center][spoiler=Entry Fee]

10 points




Floor 1 Prizes: Champion gets 1 REP each 2 days he/she is champ.

Floor 2 Prizes: Champion gets 2 REP each 2 days he/she is champ

Floor 3 Prizes: Champion gets 3 REP each 2 days he/she is champ




Last duel:

Nosferatu Reaper wins against DesCrow


Current duel:

[email protected] vs Carbon V3



[align=center][spoiler=Players (22)]

[spoiler=Floor 1 (2)]

-Inuyasha64 (0 RP)




[spoiler=Floor 2 (12)]

[email protected] (0 RP)

-hirikiri (0 RP)

-Yu-gi-oh Dude (0 RP)

-RaidenKamikaze (0 RP)

-740kt (0 RP)

-SlashByte (0 RP)

-lightdiversion (0 RP)

-Nosferatu Reaper (1 RP)

-Carbon V3 (0 RP)

-Dark Crokan80 (0 RP)

-DesCrow (0 RP)

-Кинг Ирон (2 RP)



[spoiler=Floor 3 (8)]

-QuimicVital (1 SRP)

-Lazer Yoshi (0 SRP)


-WiiOmi (0 SRP)

-Avion (0 SRP)

-.:BuMBleBee:. (0 SRP)

-gustavosuarez (0 SRP)

-.:Dog-King:. (0 SRP)




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