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Discussion: Mind Master

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Guest PikaPerson01



You can pay 800 Life Points and Tribute 1 Psychic-Type monster, except "Mind Master", to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Psychic-Type monster from your Deck in face-up Attack Position.


Konami, apparently, thinks this card is limit worthy. Am I missing something? <_<

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Brain Research Lab


Both players, during their respective turns, can Normal Summon 1 Psychic-Type monster in addition to their Normal Summon or Set for the turn. Each time a Psychic-Type monster is Normal Summoned this way, place 1 Psychic Counter on this card. If you would activate the effect of a Psychic-Type monster you control by paying Life Points, you can place 1 Psychic Counter on this card instead. When this card is removed from the field, its controller takes damage equal to the number of Psychic Counters that were on it × 1000.





I think something with Barrel Behind the Door...

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Konami' date=' apparently, thinks this card is limit worthy. Am I missing something? <_<


Appearently the fact that its a level 1 LIGHT-Attribute monster, makes Konami think it's dangerous.


There is an OTK involving him. I don't remember it' date=' but I am pretty sure that this doens't make him limit worthy.


It's a cool OTK actually. It involves that Brain Lab card coming in ANPR.

The OTK is long, But when its finished you have like 2 double attackers with about 7000ATK each, and a Mind Master with like 4500


Do the math.


I think something with Barrel Behind the Door...

Barrel Behind the Door is only used for a counter' date=' incase the Field Spell gets destroyed before you can finish the OTK.

There was a perfect video on these 2 Japanese duelist, one of which used the Psychic OTK. It was amazing.

All the other videos on lolYoutube are of stupid noobs and there "LOL80 CARD SIEKIK DEK!!!111"

But this OTK is relativley close

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Considering the OTK, Brain Research Lab should probably be banned instead. Without the Field Spell, this combo would probably cost a lot of Life Points, probably at least 8000. Who agrees with me?

As for Mind Master, it's not really limitworthy, it's just good. That Life Point cost is the main killer of that card.

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Considering the OTK' date=' Brain Research Lab should probably be banned instead. Without the Field Spell, this combo would probably cost a lot of Life Points, probably at least 8000. Who agrees with me?

As for Mind Master, it's not really limitworthy, it's just good. That Life Point cost is the main killer of that card.




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Considering the OTK' date=' Brain Research Lab should probably be banned instead. Without the Field Spell, this combo would probably cost a lot of Life Points, probably at least 8000. Who agrees with me?

As for Mind Master, it's not really limitworthy, it's just good. That Life Point cost is the main killer of that card.





Are the Earthbound Immortals really that influential?

I know there are many ways to destroy this card, and when it is destroyed you take damage, but counterability doesn't balance a card. This card basically gives Psychic decks an easy chance to win even if they can't pay for their effects.

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Considering the OTK' date=' Brain Research Lab should probably be banned instead. Without the Field Spell, this combo would probably cost a lot of Life Points, probably at least 8000. Who agrees with me?

As for Mind Master, it's not really limitworthy, it's just good. That Life Point cost is the main killer of that card.





Are the Earthbound Immortals really that influential?

I know there are many ways to destroy this card, and when it is destroyed you take damage, but counterability doesn't balance a card. This card basically gives Psychic decks an easy chance to win even if they can't pay for their effects.


so your in favor of banning thier Equipt too? If you say yes to that may the Yugi gawds pass judgment on your decks now.

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Considering the OTK' date=' Brain Research Lab should probably be banned instead. Without the Field Spell, this combo would probably cost a lot of Life Points, probably at least 8000. Who agrees with me?

As for Mind Master, it's not really limitworthy, it's just good. That Life Point cost is the main killer of that card.





Are the Earthbound Immortals really that influential?

I know there are many ways to destroy this card, and when it is destroyed you take damage, but counterability doesn't balance a card. This card basically gives Psychic decks an easy chance to win even if they can't pay for their effects.


so your in favor of banning thier Equipt too? If you say yes to that may the Yugi gawds pass judgment on your decks now.


How would "Yugi Gods" passing judgment on my decks solve anything? I don't run Psychics or any of the meta decks, so I don't see the point. Plus, if something bad happened to my decks I could always build another one. Not everyone plays competitively you know.

As for the Equip card, if you're talking about Psychic Sword, then no. If you're talking about Telekinetic Charging Cell, well it's powerful, but not necessarily banworthy. While it can also perform the OTK when equipped to Mind Master, you would still need to find a way to summon the other Psychic monster and you would still lose a lot of Life Points for the other cards. Mind Master and Krebons are pretty much the only great combos TCC has, so it's quite well-designed, maybe a bit on the powerful side.

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So did my friend >___>




Because Konami doesnt want kidchaor to come back and be all: "HEI GUIZ, SIEEKIKS R NOW TOP TEER, SO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA UR ALL NOOOOOBBBZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!1111111111one"

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  • Yeah, Lab OTK is sh*t now. This card facilitated the OTK, just summon another psychic, send it off for 3 different krebons and a psychic snail (or just snail if you have 3 krebons, w/e) and then use Telekinetic Power Well on those krebs, search out reinforced human borg and 2 power injectors. Just build a solid field and swing.
  • Some of the choices on the new list really deserve it like CCV, DSF, and stuff like baboon that was nerfed and no longer needs any restriction, but there might've been better ways to circumvent stupid changes.

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Considering the OTK' date=' Brain Research Lab should probably be banned instead. Without the Field Spell, this combo would probably cost a lot of Life Points, probably at least 8000. Who agrees with me?

As for Mind Master, it's not really limitworthy, it's just good. That Life Point cost is the main killer of that card.






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You don't need the field spell for the OTK you can perform it with that TCG exclusive equip.


As true as that is, even with the equip, you will still lose a lot of Life Points from the OTK, and you need to already have a Psychic-type monster on the field. The field covers all the costs and gives you that extra summon.


@yugiohrulez!, they apparently add more spice to the game, though they're more like an archetype. They have a cool strategy though.

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