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Skull Servants for Dummies: Kuroda's Own Card Game Guide

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I've seen a lot of these guides these days (3 to be exact) and wanted to make one for myself, so here it is.


[align=center]Skull Servants for Dummies: A Card Game Guide

By Kuroda Naoki[/align]


[spoiler=I. Skull Servant Basics]

First, take a look at Skull Servant, it's a weak Level 1 Zombie with no effect. How can you make a deck around this card? Take a look at King of Skull Servants and The Lady in Wight. That's how. So, the main goal of the Skull Servant deck is to get as many Skull Servant/King of Skull Servant/Lady in Wight to the Graveyard, and then get out King of Skull Servants with a high attack ammount. Just remember that Skull Servant decks is not, and will probably never be, a meta deck, and is used mainly for fun.



[spoiler=II. Supporting Monsters]

There's a lot of Monsters and Monster Combos that can work in a Skull Servant deck, except for Skull, KoSS and Lady like these:


1. Zombie Master

Can get a Zombie monster, like KoSS out of the Graveyard and at the same time send a Skull or Lady to the Grave.


2. Pyramid Turtle

Having three of these guys in the deck is a great way of Deck thining, it can also summon KoSS to the field.


3. Plaguespreader Zombie

Great Zombie Tuner. Can Special Summon itself from the Grave and can be used in combination with Skull and Lady to summon Revived King Ha Des and Archfiend Zombie-Skull.


4. Revived King Ha Des

Zombie Support. Prevents the effect of monsters attacked by your Zombies. Can only be summoned by using PZ as material, tough.


5. Archfiend Zombie-Skull

Great Zombie Support. Prevents ALL of your Zombies from being destroyed by Effects, which is great when you have that 5000 ATK KoSS out and there is nothing that can stop it. It has the smae restrictions as Revived King Ha Des. Released in ANPR.


6. Goblin Zombie

Deck thinner that can add KoSS to your hand when destroyed.


7. Mezuki

Can remove itself from the Graveyard to Special Summon a Zombie from said place.


8. Elemental Hero Prisma + Flame Ghost

Activate Prisma's effect, select Flame Ghost and send Skull Servant to the Grave.


[spoiler=III. Supporting Spell and Trap Cards]

Of course there is also a lot of support for Zombies and Level 1s that affect Skull and KoSS. They are also DARK which is a great thing.


1. Allure of Darkness

Great draw power for decks that uses DARK monsters. Nuff said.


2. Veil of Darkness

This card is actually great in this deck. Did you draw a Skull that you don't want? Just discard it and draw a new card,a nd power up your KoSS at the same time!


3. One for One

Discard a Skull or Lady to bring out a KoSS. Obviously works better if you already have some Skulls in your Grave.


4. Pride of the Weak

Not that great support, but can still help a lot if you are out of cards in your hand when you have a powerfull KoSS on your field.


5. Graceful Revival

Can revive your fallen KoSS without the need to remove a Skull from your Grave.


6. The Truth of Nonresistance

This card can summon two of KoSS or Skull to the field, if your LPs is attacked directly and you have either KoSS or Skull on your hand, that is. Released in SOVR.


7. Foolish Burial

Can send Skull, Lady, PZ and Mezuki to Grave.


8. Crush Card Virus

Both Skull and Lady is DARK with -1000 ATK. Nuff said.


[spoiler=IV. Deck Example]

Monsters: 20

3x Skull Servant

2x Goblin Zombie

3x King of the Skull Servants

1x Mezuki

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

2x Pyramid Turtle

2x EH Prisma

1x Spirit Reaper

3x The Lady in Wight

2x Zombie Master


Spells: 14

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Foolish Burial

1x Giant Trunade

2x Gold Sarcophagus

1x Monster Reborn

2x One for One

2x Veil of Darkness

2x Pride of the Weak Ones


Traps: 6

2x Graceful Revival

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn Judgment


Extra Deck


1x Flame Ghost


Generic Synchros + Archfiend Zombie-Skull and Revived King Ha Des


NOTE: The Truth of Nonresistance is not in this deck because I couldn't make space for it. It's a good card in these kind of decks, however.


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This is a good Deck, and all I need is a few of the Spell and Trap Supports, EH Prisma, and I think a Doomkaiser might be good in this? I reckon you add a Zombie World as well, to get the DK. D's effect to full potential. Here's my opinion of how to get a lockdown/swarm turn going:


Activate Zombie World first. You S.S. Doomkaiser, bring back any Zombie in opponent's Grave, use Mezuki's effect to bring out PZ, tune that with the ressurected opponent monster to make Ha Des, then activate PZ's revival effect, then attack. Chain this with Urgent Tuning to send Lady and Skull (Or Any Skull/KoSS/Lady Combo) to Grave as well as remove PZ from play to SS Archfiend Zombie-Skull. Then, if you havent Normal Summed that turn, Summon KoSS. This is a swarm that will just annihilate your opponent, cause if you discard 3 SS and 1 KoSS for the Archfiend Synchro Summon, and have a Lady or two in the Grave already, you have a 4000+ATK KoSS, a 2450 Ha Des, a 2500 Archfiend and a 2400 Doomkaiser. And since all your Zombies are immune to any Monster and destruction effects through Archfiend and Ha Des, that would win you the game, really. I dunno, it's just my view.

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Your strategy would work, but according to the members of this site Urgent Tuning sucks (altough you can do some badass combos with it) and Skull Servant decks don't tend to rely on your opponents graveyard so much.


Also, BAD NEWS EVERYONE! One for One has been Limited for some odd reason, which I hate!


You could add Zombie World to fill the gaps from the remove Solemns and the removed One for One, and then remove the DSFs in the extra deck for Doomkaiser.

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How about LS Hybrids?


Skullsworn sounds cool.


I would build it like this for Sept '09:


3 Skull

3 Wight

3 King

3 Zombeh Master

2 Mezuki

1 Goblin Zombie


2 Lyla

2 Garoth

2 Ryko


3 Book of Life

2 Allure

2 Recharge

2 Opti-Camouflage Armor

1 Zombie World

1 One for One

1 Foolish


3 Bribe

2 Bottomless

2 Limit Reverse

1 Threatening

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