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My Digimon Deck


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This is part deck I hope you like it. [attachment=12666][attachment=12667][attachment=12668][attachment=12669][attachment=12670][attachment=12671]




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Sorry, but they are not very good for several reasons:


1. I can't even read omnimon's effect b/c you wrote so much and the print is too small.


2. Your untitled 3, 7-12 don't show up when you click on the links.


3. The cards I did see, were ok and pretty balanced if I remember right. But the effects were all the same, and I didn't see the point of making Botamon, and Punimon go to the spell/trap zones. I like the idea of sending the weaker versions to the grave to summon the stronger versions, but what was the point of the last part of their effect. Not having punimon, or botamon on the field at the same time or whatever? it's kinda pointless to me. They could have better effects individually, I mean the cards I saw were ok, but it doesn't take much originality to give all your cards similiar effects, and some of the effects seem pointless to me anyways.


4. The pics were ok, but again it's pretty plain and not very original when all you have is a soild black or white backgrounds behind your monsters.


5. Your grammar was pretty good though, especially since this is your first post I'm assuming. Not bad first cards if these are your first cards. I would give you a 2.5/10 if you were experienced, but since your not, I suppose I'll give a 5/10 for effort.


They could still use work. Sorry if I seemed so critical, just giving my opinion. I am assuming your new since this it says this is your first post. Welcome to the site. Not too bad for a newbie like I said, but I can tell you have the potential to do better. I hope to see greater things from you. And again sorry if I seemed so critical, just trying to give some constructive feedback.

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