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I need you, to help me.

Black Rose Petal

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This is a contest. Make whatever card you want!


1st place gets: 40 points and 2 rep

2nd place gets: 20 points and 1 rep

3rd place gets: 15 points

4th place gets: 10 points


And all High-Quality cards will be added to my new pack, Portal Through Milleniums.

Any card posted must have PTM - COMP as it's pack number.

Ends Oct. 7th

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lol. Sure....I'm hoping you'll be crediting our cards though.



Any monster Tribute Summoned using this card is treated as a Zombie-Type monster. When this monster would be sent to your Graveyard, place it in your opponent's Graveyard instead. As long as this card remains in your Graveyard, any monster Special Summoned from your Graveyard is Summoned with half its original ATK and DEF, and is treated as a Zombie-Type monster.


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ill enter here is my card:



I like your card' date=' but I'll be fixing the OCG.


lol. Sure....I'm hoping you'll be crediting our cards though.



Any monster Tribute Summoned using this card is treated as a Zombie-Type monster. When this monster would be sent to your Graveyard, place it in your opponent's Graveyard instead. As long as this card remains in your Graveyard, any monster Special Summoned from your Graveyard is Summoned with half its original ATK and DEF, and is treated as a Zombie-Type monster.



Oh, I will. Don't worry.

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im in



Lore:This monster can attck twice in the same Battle Phase by dividing this monsters ATK in half. This monster can be removed from play to Special Summon 1 Lvl 5 or higher monster from your Deck or Graveyard. This monster cannot attack a Machine-Type monster in Defense Position.

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Here you go


Lore:When this card is Tribute Summoned successfully, you can remove from play up to 4 cards you control. This card gains 100 ATK for each removed from play card. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can Special Summon 1 "Different Dimension Token" (Type/fiend/Level3/ATK 0/DEF 0) for each of your removed from play monsters.

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