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dark abs shop of pokemon & Yugioh cards (now open)

dark ab

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My Shop!

"Come and get quality items here"




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[*]All YCM Rules Apply




[spoiler=pokemon imgs]f19w5w.jpg

i do pokemon backgrounds (pm me and ill pm u back the the choise's of backgrounds)1pt



[spoiler=Yugioh cards]2j1ogsh.jpg

ill make and sell yugiohs (pm me the img and ill pm u back the finished product)3pts



[spoiler=pokemon cards]2vnf7mt.png

i sell pokemon cards (pm me and ill pm u back the choise of imgs)3pts



[spoiler=inverts]28hiznq.jpgaxfo90.jpgsend me img for invert 1pt



[spoiler=yugioh pics]1z5ue0y.jpgyugioh pics to sell 2pts



[spoiler=Yugioh cards 2]2nswb2a.jpgbuy my own cards that are all ready made (pm me and ill pm u back the choise of imgs) 2pts



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pokemon images=image finding illigal

what is the difference between yugioh card 1 and 2

yugioh cards=big time generator illegal made here

pokemon cards=generator illegal made at pokemoncardmaker.org

inverts=inverts are to easy so they were made illegal

yugioh pics=suck really bad

dude read the rules reported

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