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Everlasting Alliance Club Contest -- Members Sign Up Now!!


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Alright, well, This is our first club contest. In order to insure that this is fair, no spamming, trolling, flaming, etc. All club and YCM rules apply. Everyone will get a prize!!


Entry Fee: 5 points ( seeing how everyone gets a prize, its only fair)

End Date -- Monday, August 17th.



(point winning are decided when the total number of entries is known)

1st -- ?? points, move up a rank in the club, 3 + reps (From me)

2nd -- ?? points, moves up a rank in the club, 2 + reps (From Me)

3rd -- ?? points, 1 + rep (From Me)

4th to last - remainder of points left over will be divided between you.

Judging Scale -

OCG ?/20

Pic. ?/10

Effect ?/10

Overall thoughts ?/10

Total ??/50


Challenge -- Special Summon only monster that has something to do with counters (Tiger has an execption)


Contestants: yu-Gi-Oh for-life, DMG=3, Fanmie (needs to pay), CeDeFiA, Tiger, BlackHawk.

May the best card maker win!!


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heres my card the pics not to good im bad at them points on the way




This card cannot be normal summoned or set this card can only be summoned by tributing Sonic The Hedgeog equiped with Flame Ring from your side.When this card is brought into play place 1 Hedgeog counter on this card.While there is a hedgeog counter on this card your opponent cannot select any other monster as an attack target

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You can use 1 of the 4 possible effects:

-When this card is selected as an attack target by an opponent's monster, you can remove this card from play to draw 1 card and end the Battle Phase.

-You can remove from play this card and 1 face-up monster you control to draw 2 cards.

-You can remove from play this card and 2 cards from your Hand and place 1 card from your Graveyard on the top of your Deck.

-When this card is in face-up Attack Position, you can send 3 cards from your Hand to the Graveyard to draw 3 cards from the top of your Deck.[/align]

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[spoiler= Lore ]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 3 Warrior-Type monsters from your Graveyard. Each time this card destroys a face-down Defense position monster on your opponents side of the field, place 1 Death counter on this card (max. 4). Each time this card is attacked, you can remove 2 Death counters to destroy the attacking monster.



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[spoiler= Lore ]


Whenever this card destroys a face-down Defense position monster on your opponents side of the field' date=' place 1 Death counter on this card (max. 4). Whenever this card is attacked, you can remove 2 Death counters to destroy the attacking monster.[/b']




Did you make that card a little too quickly? It has no Attack or Defense.

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[spoiler= Lore ]


Whenever this card destroys a face-down Defense position monster on your opponents side of the field' date=' place 1 Death counter on this card (max. 4). Whenever this card is attacked, you can remove 2 Death counters to destroy the attacking monster.[/b']




Did you make that card a little too quickly? It has no Attack or Defense.


Yes, yes I did.

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