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The Advertise Game

Hitsugaya The Ice God

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In this game you advertise anything on YCM your in or you made and every advertisement you post i will add one score on the scoreboard. Every 50 posts, the person with the most advertisements wins that round after this happens all points are deleted.


[spoiler=Rules]1.only one advertisement per post

2.no copying advertisements

3.no re-posting advertisments

4.you may join something they advertise

5.you may post banners but do not have to



[spoiler=Advertisment "App"]Username:

Advertisment:(link or a banner with link)

Owner of Above:




my first advertisement will be an RPG of my own



Advertisment:(link or a banner with link)http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-146507.html

Owner of Above:kyuibi

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