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Rumoured September 09 Forbidden/Limited List

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What's up with Demise at 1?


They made new Ritual support and want to avoid Geartown Demise to be top tier.





Konami officially hates cheap decks. No joke. I first observed this when you could build inexpensive OTK decks running 3 Monster Gate and 3 Reasoning- which got limited.


Then you had to spend money on Tele-DAD or LS.


Now' date=' they're limiting Mind Master and One For One. They don't want Psychic OTK to exist, for around $20


What the f**k, Konami, stop forcing us to spend money.


Also, announcing that CCV is banned a day before it comes out? Smart idea.


I'm ragequitting out of here, this format looks to be garbage.



But SephirothKirby, you don't spend any money on all the duels you play on DMU. Why not just stop IRL only, while still playing the game?

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Unlimits: Some of the smartest moves Konami's done lately.

Points at Breaker


At least they figured out he's a 3 or 0 card.

True' date=' but that doesn't change the fact that they went the wrong way.


HEY can I bring this to you guys attention.


Fact: SJ prints the ban list every time right?


Fact: SJ didn't release this week.


How is there proof? o.O

When does SJ come out in Japan? To my understanding it comes out at the start of the week, so even if it didn't come out in Japan this week, the images could easily come from a leak of nexts week which would have the ban list since next week would be the week the ban list comes out.

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SJ is a weekly manga' date=' so If those images were real then they would have to have been out today. That would mean they have an issue that wan't even printed for 2 weeks.


Wait, when do SJ come out in Japan. Based on when we CAN get manga I'd say it's at the start of the week meaning it isn't that unlikely that this got leaked a few days sooner. Plus how do you get 2 weeks? If it comes out weekly we would know the ban list 100% by next Friday since the ban list always comes near the mid part of the month.

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What the f**k' date=' Konami, stop forcing us to spend money.



Funny, how Kazuki is the awesome dude who makes artwork for low-level support cards, because he wants the game to be fun.

Konami are the evil tards who ban all the low-level suport, forcing us to buy expensive cards.


In short:

Money = Konami's Logic >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheap cards >>>>> Kazuki's Art

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Monster Reborn (About time)

Crush Card Virus (LMFAO turbo pack)

Card of Safe Return (it toke a while but its finally done)

Dark Strike Fighter (OMG THANK U KONAMI!)



Call of the Haunted (Good it desirves this spot... now i need to fined my copies of it)

Judgment Dragon (Lol LS will now only mill JD away)

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind (Everyone knew this was coming)

Cold Wave (Fine simi would have been better)

Solemn Judgment (OMFG i traded my 2 Honests for a playset of these -.- worst thing evah!)

Mind Control (Good call personally)

Summoner Monk (Yep)

Rescue Cat (Only limited not b&!)

Demise, King of Armageddon (with the new ritual support everyone knew this was coming)

Black Rose Dragon (... wut?)



Honest (good call)

Chaos Sorcerer (WTF?)

Bottomless Trap Hole (not like anyone decks more than 2)

Mezuki (Hey zombies see some light)



Raiza the Storm Monarch (Monarch format anyone)

Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest (... or beast format)

Fissure (Good)

Mask of Darkness (O.o um hmmm)

Destiny Draw (Nice now i need to get a 3rd)

Breaker the Magical Warrior (WTF lolkonami)

D.D. Warrior Lady (Should be simi)

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That's not the real list.

The Real List:


Newly Banned:

Card of Safe Return (Awesome)

Dark Strike Fighter (Awesomer)

Monster Reborn (Cool, I guess)

Crush Card Virus (I get to laugh at everyone who spent $200+)


Newly Limited:

Demise, King of Armageddon (It's good I guess but I liked him)

Mind Master (I suppose this is good)

Rescue Cat (Yes!)

Mind Control (People only really ran one anyway)

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind (NO! This is NOT the problem in Blackwings!)

One for One (Terrible)

Solemn Judgment (I puked)

Summoner Monk (Yes!)

Cold Wave (Meh...)

Black Rose Dragon (Retarded)

Call of the Haunted (Bad)


Newly Semi Limited:

Bottomless Trap Hole (WHY?!)

Dewloren, Tiger Prince of the Ice Barrier (God no)

Lonefire Blossom (Horrible)

Chaos Sorcerer (Disgusting)

Mezuki (Only decent one)


Newly Unlimited:

Raiza the Storm Monarch (Very good choice)

Destiny Draw (Good)

Fissure (Konami is showing better logic)

Breaker the Magical Warrior (Meh...)

Green Baboon Defender of the Forrest (With the new ruling might as well)

D.D. Warrior Lady (Awesome)

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That's not the real list.

The Real List:


Newly Banned:

Card of Safe Return

Dark Strike Fighter

Monster Reborn

Crush Card Virus


Newly Limited:

Demise' date=' King of Armageddon

Mind Master

Rescue Cat

Mind Control

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

One for One

Solemn Judgment

Summoner Monk

Cold Wave

Black Rose Dragon

Call of the Haunted


Newly Semi Limited:

Bottomless Trap Hole

Dewloren, Tiger Prince of the Ice Barrier

Lonefire Blossom

Chaos Sorcerer



Newly Unlimited:

Raiza the Storm Monarch

Destiny Draw


Breaker the Magical Warrior

Green Baboon Defender of the Forrest

D.D. Warrior Lady



Yes, this is the correct list.

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What is everyone gonna be playing?

Main Decks seeing play





Other ones




Of those I have BW' date=' GB, and Zombie. Now I just need to fix up my GB deck.



I like how you forgot Recruiter Chaos.

I forgot it because I never heard of it.


What is it?


Shining Angel and Mystic Tomato to fill up the grave and provide Sorc Food, along with DDWL, and other good 1500 or less Monsters that are Light/Dark.


Summon Sorc, poop on their monsters w/ Return + Sorc + other stuff.

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I'll stick with GBs. I only have 1 Rescue Cat so w/e. I was about to get a second, but it turns out I don't need it.


What is everyone gonna be playing?

Main Decks seeing play





Other ones




Of those I have BW' date=' GB, and Zombie. Now I just need to fix up my GB deck.



I like how you forgot Recruiter Chaos.

I forgot it because I never heard of it.


What is it?


Shining Angel and Mystic Tomato to fill up the grave and provide Sorc Food, along with DDWL, and other good 1500 or less Monsters that are Light/Dark.


Summon Sorc, poop on their monsters w/ Return + Sorc + other stuff.


I like your vocabulary choices. That was a good time to use the word. ;-)

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