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Rumoured September 09 Forbidden/Limited List

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My eyes fell out when I saw 14 Semi-Limits. This had better be fake... but if that image is our "source", then we needn't worry.


On a completely unrelated note' date=' I notice that Konami hasn't come to bang down the doors of YCM to take down this topic. (Assuming no mods have gotten nasty PMs or something)



If Konami were to do that, they would essentially be admitting that the leaked list was correct. Even if the list were right, it would be far better for them to let it hide in plain sight amidst all the fake lists.

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My eyes fell out when I saw 14 Semi-Limits. This had better be fake... but if that image is our "source"' date=' then we needn't worry.


On a completely unrelated note, I notice that Konami hasn't come to bang down the doors of YCM to take down this topic. (Assuming no mods have gotten nasty PMs or something)


If Konami were to do that, they would essentially be admitting that the leaked list was correct. Even if the list were right, it would be far better for them to let it hide in plain sight amidst all the fake lists.


They took down the list on DGZ. It's possible they don't know the list is on here, but it could also be that a DGZ member pretended to be a Konami rep.

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I can see the list, but I doubt Cold Wave or Mind Control will be limited. They are not the problem, DSF, Rescue Cat, Summoner Monk, and Arcanite are the reason Syncat is so powerful. I'm also very confused why Card of Safe Return would be banned <.<


I also highly doubt Solemn Judgement would just NOW be limited as it's been around since 2002 =/ It also has a significant draw back to not be broken. It's only broken if you know how to use it, and even then, if you are actually fighting someone competent, they can still use it to their advantage.


Also, Chaos Sorcerer at 2... can you say "Chaos Deck Revival?" I understand it has sub-par atk, but if you have 2 that just screams abuse.


Other stuff seems plausible, except maybe D.D. Warrior Lady from limited to unrestricted... huh? and Breaker from 1->3 is also a big jump. I can see it going from 1->2 but that's a test. Then again, this is Konami...

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