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Rumoured September 09 Forbidden/Limited List

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But seriously' date=' someone please name a deck that wasn't weakened by this list?



Final Countdown.


Considering Final Countdown has to stall for 20 turns with Gravity Bind, Swords of Revealing Light, Messenger of Peace, Wall of Revealing Light and such, 3x Breakers now in the mix, along with less Solemns to prevent a Heavy Storm, I think they might have some problems.


FC runs 5 continuous Cards at most, and SorL and NS. WorL is even worse than Konami itself.

I think I'm going to run 2 Bottomless against Breaker tough.

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But seriously' date=' someone please name a deck that wasn't weakened by this list?



Final Countdown.


Considering Final Countdown has to stall for 20 turns with Gravity Bind, Swords of Revealing Light, Messenger of Peace, Wall of Revealing Light and such, 3x Breakers now in the mix, along with less Solemns to prevent a Heavy Storm, I think they might have some problems.


FC runs 5 continuous Cards at most, and SorL and NS. WorL is even worse than Konami itself.

I think I'm going to run 2 Bottomless against Breaker tough.


Tundo would like a word with you.

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But seriously' date=' someone please name a deck that wasn't weakened by this list?



Final Countdown.


Considering Final Countdown has to stall for 20 turns with Gravity Bind, Swords of Revealing Light, Messenger of Peace, Wall of Revealing Light and such, 3x Breakers now in the mix, along with less Solemns to prevent a Heavy Storm, I think they might have some problems.


FC runs 5 continuous Cards at most, and SorL and NS. WorL is even worse than Konami itself.

I think I'm going to run 2 Bottomless against Breaker tough.


Tundo would like a word with you.


Tundo is a pretty cool guy. I've met him IRL.


Also, Konami needs to put up the list. >_>

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But seriously' date=' someone please name a deck that wasn't weakened by this list?



Final Countdown.


Considering Final Countdown has to stall for 20 turns with Gravity Bind, Swords of Revealing Light, Messenger of Peace, Wall of Revealing Light and such, 3x Breakers now in the mix, along with less Solemns to prevent a Heavy Storm, I think they might have some problems.


FC runs 5 continuous Cards at most, and SorL and NS. WorL is even worse than Konami itself.

I think I'm going to run 2 Bottomless against Breaker tough.


Tundo would like a word with you.


Tundo is a pretty cool guy. I've met him IRL.


Also, Konami needs to put up the list. >_>




And yeah, I agree. But I hear people saying that they can wait until September the first if they want to.

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Monster Reborn ???

Crush Card Virus OP'd

Card of Safe Return WHY?!

Dark Strike Fighter Really?



Call of the Haunted YAYZ

Judgment Dragon

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

Cold Wave ???

Solemn Judgment That's not right...

Mind Control

Summoner Monk

Rescue Cat

Demise' date=' King of Armageddon [b'] Understood [/b]

Black Rose Dragon




Chaos Sorcerer They wouldn't do that

Bottomless Trap Hole Above




Raiza the Storm Monarch Whatever

Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest

Fissure See Raiza

Mask of Darkness What's it do again

Destiny Draw

Breaker the Magical Warrior Chaos Sorcerer

D.D. Warrior Lady above

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But seriously' date=' someone please name a deck that wasn't weakened by this list?



Crystal Beasts? None of the CB support got touched. Rare Value, Rainbow Ruins, Abundance, ect were unaffected. I don't think you need much of the Limited staples to have a CB deck work.

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But seriously' date=' someone please name a deck that wasn't weakened by this list?



Crystal Beasts? None of the CB support got touched. Rare Value, Rainbow Ruins, Abundance, ect were unaffected. I don't think you need much of the Limited staples to have a CB deck work.


Crystal Beasts are hurt by swapping out Monster Reborn for Call of the Haunted. Call sits in the s/t zone.

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