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Rumoured September 09 Forbidden/Limited List

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Guest Chaos Pudding


Monster Reborn

Crush Card Virus

Card of Safe Return

Dark Strike Fighter



Call of the Haunted

Judgment Dragon

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

Cold Wave

Solemn Judgment

Mind Control

Summoner Monk

Rescue Cat

Demise, King of Armageddon

Black Rose Dragon




Chaos Sorcerer

Bottomless Trap Hole




Raiza the Storm Monarch

Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest


Mask of Darkness

Destiny Draw

Breaker the Magical Warrior

D.D. Warrior Lady

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Guest Chaos Pudding

What's the source for this list?


It hurts my deck' date=' but I'm still curious.



Apparently it was "leaked" on DGZ, and a Konami representative asked that they take it down.

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OK, but now that I think about it...



Monster Reborn

Crush Card Virus

Card of Safe Return

Dark Strike Fighter



Call of the Haunted

Judgment Dragon

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

Cold Wave

Solemn Judgment

Mind Control

Summoner Monk

Rescue Cat

Demise' date=' King of Armageddon

[b']Black Rose Dragon[/b]




Chaos Sorcerer

Bottomless Trap Hole




Raiza the Storm Monarch

Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest


Mask of Darkness

Destiny Draw

Breaker the Magical Warrior

D.D. Warrior Lady


This thing's covered in fakeness. Did the Konami rep somehow prove that they were from Konami? O.O

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Monster Reborn Sup

Crush Card Virus YEAH KONAMI WILL DO THIS!!!!!!111

Card of Safe ReturnSame as above

Dark Strike FighterI was going to say: "same as above"' date=' but banning him will be sooo great [/b']



Call of the Haunted To replace Reborn

Judgment DragonThey didn't ban DAD so they won't ban this guy either

Blackwing - Gale the WhirlwindLimiting Wirlwind will be better

Cold WavePromotes OTKs. BAN!

Solemn Judgment lololololoolololololololollolollollollollollollolololololololoolololoololololol

Mind ControlSo limit this and don't ban B-Con ... NICE!

Summoner MonkTo completely destroy the OTK (kind of unneeded)

Rescue CatSame as above, but it's needed :D

Demise, King of Armageddon And ARA will still be at 1, because ...?

Black Rose DragonWhy?!




Chaos Sorcerer*look Solemn Judgement*

Bottomless Trap HolePointless

Mezuki If they ban COSR then this can be unlimited



Raiza the Storm Monarch funk YEAH!

Green Baboon, Defender of the ForestRulings killed him


Mask of DarknessFinally

Destiny Draw :)

Breaker the Magical Warrior *see Chaos*

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Monster Reborn

Crush Card Virus - it took them this long to freakin' do that?

Card of Safe Return

Dark Strike Fighter



Call of the Haunted - I need a copy D:

Judgment Dragon

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

Cold Wave

Solemn Judgment - Konami' date=' you suck. But at least I can (hopefully) get one now, at a cheaper price[/b']

Mind Control

Summoner Monk

Rescue Cat

Demise, King of Armageddon

Black Rose Dragon




Chaos Sorcerer - lolwut?

Bottomless Trap Hole - same as above




Raiza the Storm Monarch

Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest


Mask of Darkness

Destiny Draw

Breaker the Magical Warrior - KONAMI WTF?!?!

D.D. Warrior Lady - same as above


And I expected that RotA would be at 2 D:

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Alright' date=' let me make this clear.


The content of the ban list cannot be used as an argument of the ban list being fake, or real.


The reason is that we're talking about Konami.


REALLY now? From what I gather, none of the list have made smart choices... There's a 90% chance that they will never learn, so we can disprove.

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I did some searching for you guys.


This was on a Japanese board:



新禁止 4種 banned

《ダーク・ダイブ・ボンバー》 dark strike fighter

《死者蘇生》 monster reborn

《生還の宝札》 card of safe return

《死のデッキ破壊ウイルス》 crush card virus



新制限 12種 limited

《裁きの龍》 judgment dragon

《終焉の王デミス》 demise, king of armageddon

《召喚僧サモンプリースト》 summoner monk

《BF-疾風のゲイル》 blackwing - gale the whirlwind

《ブラック・ローズ・ドラゴン》 black rose dragon

《メンタルマスター》 mind master

《レスキューキャット》 rescue cat

《精神操作》 mind control

《大寒波》 cold wave

《ワン・フォー・ワン》 one for one

《神の宣告》 solemn judgment

《リビングデッドの呼び声》 call of the haunted



新準制限 6種 semi limited

《オネスト》 honest

《カオス・ソーサラー》 chaos sorcerer

《氷結界の虎王ドゥローレン》 dewloren, tiger prince of ice

《馬頭鬼》 mezuki

《ローンファイア・ブロッサム lonefire blossom

《奈落の落とし穴》 bottomless trap hole



新解除 7種 newly unrestricted

《異次元の女戦士》 d.d. warrior lady

《風帝ライザー》 raiza the storm monarch

《魔導戦士ブレイカー》 breaker the magical warrior

《森の番人グリーン・バブーン》 green baboon, defender of the forest

《地割れ》 fissure

《デステニー・ドロー》 destiny draw

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I did some searching for you guys.


This was on a Japanese board:



新禁止 4種 banned

《ダーク・ダイブ・ボンバー》 dark strike fighter

《死者蘇生》 monster reborn

《生還の宝札》 card of safe return

《死のデッキ破壊ウイルス》 crush card virus



新制限 12種 limited

《裁きの龍》 judgment dragon

《終焉の王デミス》 demise' date=' king of armageddon

《召喚僧サモンプリースト》 summoner monk

《BF-疾風のゲイル》 blackwing - gale the whirlwind

《ブラック・ローズ・ドラゴン》 black rose dragon

《メンタルマスター》 mind master

《レスキューキャット》 rescue cat

《精神操作》 mind control

《大寒波》 cold wave

《ワン・フォー・ワン》 one for one

《神の宣告》 solemn judgment

《リビングデッドの呼び声》 call of the haunted



新準制限 6種 semi limited

《オネスト》 honest

《カオス・ソーサラー》 chaos sorcerer

《氷結界の虎王ドゥローレン》 dewloren, tiger prince of ice

《馬頭鬼》 mezuki

《ローンファイア・ブロッサム lonefire blossom

《奈落の落とし穴》 bottomless trap hole



新解除 7種 newly unrestricted

《異次元の女戦士》 d.d. warrior lady

《風帝ライザー》 raiza the storm monarch

《魔導戦士ブレイカー》 breaker the magical warrior

《森の番人グリーン・バブーン》 green baboon, defender of the forest

《地割れ》 fissure

《デステニー・ドロー》 destiny draw



So this horrible ban list is actualy legit?

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Alright' date=' let me make this clear.


The content of the ban list cannot be used as an argument of the ban list being fake, or real.


The reason is that we're talking about Konami.


The content can indeed be used to determine whether Konami did or did not make the banlist, if you can put yourself in their mindset.


Konami has no mindset.

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