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Forceful Stop [disc]

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I can see this used occasionally in swarm decks, to remove a card that's currently useless on your side of the field, or to get rid of an enemy monster that you took control of, as you can use this on your own battle phase.


I wonder' date=' can you send it as a cost to end the Battle Phase?




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  • Not as good as T-Roar cuz it can get stopped before you use can use it' date='
    and it requires that you send a card, but what are your thoughts?
    [*']It kinda got looked over, but can it see any play in a deck with swarming,
    or something / anything?


right 2 points

1."Not as good as T-Roar "

2. it dosnt even exist



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  • Not as good as T-Roar cuz it can get stopped before you use can use it' date='
    and it requires that you send a card, but what are your thoughts?
    [*']It kinda got looked over, but can it see any play in a deck with swarming,
    or something / anything?


right 2 points

1."Not as good as T-Roar "

2. it dosnt even exist




1. I wish you would shut the hell up.


2. If you think topics are so stupid, why are you going out of your way to post your idiotic crap in each one?


3. It exists in ocg.








not discard? D:

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  • Not as good as T-Roar cuz it can get stopped before you use can use it' date='
    and it requires that you send a card, but what are your thoughts?
    [*']It kinda got looked over, but can it see any play in a deck with swarming,
    or something / anything?


right 2 points

1."Not as good as T-Roar "

2. it dosnt even exist




1. I wish you would shut the hell up.


2. If you think topics are so stupid, why are you going out of your way to post your idiotic crap in each one?


3. It exists in ocg.








not discard? D:


i wish YOU would shut the hell up


how exactly is it idiotic?, when im singlehandadly trying to save the tcg board, but your too sheet a player to understand im sorry


idc if it exists in ocg, the simple fact is a fuckign terrible card and soes not require discussion and it takes attention away from things that should be discussed, plus there is no discussion if people are just goign to say "bad card", now isnt that idiotic?

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  • Not as good as T-Roar cuz it can get stopped before you use can use it' date='
    and it requires that you send a card, but what are your thoughts?
    [*']It kinda got looked over, but can it see any play in a deck with swarming,
    or something / anything?


right 2 points

1."Not as good as T-Roar "

2. it dosnt even exist




1. I wish you would shut the hell up.


2. If you think topics are so stupid, why are you going out of your way to post your idiotic crap in each one?


3. It exists in ocg.








not discard? D:


i wish YOU would shut the hell up


how exactly is it idiotic?, when im singlehandadly trying to save the tcg board, but your too s*** a player to understand im sorry


idc if it exists in ocg, the simple fact is a fuckign terrible card and soes not require discussion and it takes attention away from things that should be discussed, plus there is no discussion if people are just goign to say "bad card", now isnt that idiotic?


Dude, you need to calm down.


Also, what GOOD card actually NEEDS discussion? If we never discuss the "lesser" cards, new strategies will be less likely to emerge.


Pile that onto the fact that people have been saying more than just "bad card". This thing has some potential.

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^ I'm with Burnpsy. I see potential....

idc if it exists in ocg' date=' the simple fact is a fuckign terrible card and soes not require discussion and it takes attention away from things that should be discussed, plus there is no discussion if people are just goign to say "bad card", now isnt that idiotic?


....and an annoying troll....<,<

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  • Not as good as T-Roar cuz it can get stopped before you use can use it' date='
    and it requires that you send a card, but what are your thoughts?
    [*']It kinda got looked over, but can it see any play in a deck with swarming,
    or something / anything?


right 2 points

1."Not as good as T-Roar "

2. it dosnt even exist




1. I wish you would shut the hell up.


2. If you think topics are so stupid, why are you going out of your way to post your idiotic crap in each one?


3. It exists in ocg.








not discard? D:




how exactly is it idiotic?, when im singlehandadly trying to save the tcg board, but your too s*** a player to understand im sorry?

Its funny that, you only act like an idiot on every thread and act like a fail troll. And there you go with the star thing. I am obv a bad player because i don't have 6 starts. Its sad i am probably better than you and you claim to be so good yet you have demonstrated nothing to prove it.


You my friend, are one of the worst memebers on the site.


Also you claim we are idiots but yet we can spell and try to find the good in cards like this and all you wanna do is discuss lolgbsandls cards.

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right i am acting liek an idiot by trying to get nice structured debate?

i am a fail troll? but im not trolling


did i mention the fuckign stars, stars have nothign to do with anything, they represent post count, you are just crap at the game?!


i claim to be soo good yet demonstarate nothign to prove it, im sorry i won my locals 2 weeks ago and came second on sunday just there, i also run a metaworthy deck proof enough?




look my spelling/typing skills have nothign to do with anything, find what good in cards all theese bastarding discussions lead nowhere none of theese cards are considerd good or in


and yes i do want to discuss glad beasts actually, as the new banlist hits them pretty hard

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  • Not as good as T-Roar cuz it can get stopped before you use can use it' date='
    and it requires that you send a card, but what are your thoughts?
    [*']It kinda got looked over, but can it see any play in a deck with swarming,
    or something / anything?


right 2 points

1."Not as good as T-Roar "

2. it dosnt even exist




1. I wish you would shut the hell up.


2. If you think topics are so stupid, why are you going out of your way to post your idiotic crap in each one?


3. It exists in ocg.








not discard? D:


i wish YOU would shut the hell up


how exactly is it idiotic?, when im singlehandadly trying to save the tcg board, but your too s*** a player to understand im sorry


idc if it exists in ocg, the simple fact is a fuckign terrible card and soes not require discussion and it takes attention away from things that should be discussed, plus there is no discussion if people are just goign to say "bad card", now isnt that idiotic?


This, I mean if we are going to discuss a card, then at least post on How/Why it should be used.

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wow and i thought i was the only one who has been having it rough here.


OT: it is a decent trap card but the cost is what makes me have second thoughts on. their might be a way to have a combo to make it more worthy in a deck(i'll check on it with further study.)

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right i am acting liek an idiot by trying to get nice structured debate?

i am a fail troll? but im not trolling srsly stop being stupid.


did i mention the fuckign stars' date=' stars have nothign to do with anything, they represent post count, you are just crap at the game?! [b']If i am crap at this game then you are the mold that grows in 8 week old spoiled milk.[/b]


i claim to be soo good yet demonstarate nothign to prove it, im sorry i won my locals 2 weeks ago and came second on sunday just there, i also run a metaworthy deck proof enough? For some reason you have nothing to prove that and you can say that to compensate for your thinning skills.




look my spelling/typing skills have nothign to do with anything, find what good in cards all theese bastarding discussions lead nowhere none of theese cards are considerd good or in Then stay away from these topics rather than act like a dick.


and yes i do want to discuss glad beasts actually, as the new banlist hits them pretty hard

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Alright, everyone kindly calm the **** down, or I WILL do something about it.


Anyway, the card is slightly inferior to Roar. The problem is that inferiority is in its unchainability, which, on second glance, makes it not very good at all.

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