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Kabaal the Winged Assassin


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[align=center]Not Many People Consider Me A Top 5 Card Maker Except For, Deity Mitsu & GAK, Somtimes GK. Well I Intend To Change Everyones Mind Starting With My New Single: Kabaal the Winged Assassin!




[image = Awesome!]


Feed Back, Suggestions, Comments, Reps? All Appreciated[/align]

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I like it! But I would have to say that I have seen better cards from you before, but this would be in the top 10 though. And that pic is good! Somehow it seems familiar.....


EDIT: I just reread the effect, and it's good! There are some good strategies, but i just feel that it isn't original like your other ones. So I rate it 9/10.

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