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QuimicVitalvsInstinct QuimicVital won


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card a

2 votes


[spoiler=[b]Effect:[/b]] During each of your Standby Phases, put 1 Counter on this card. Decrease the ATK of this card by 200 for each Counter on it. When this card comes into play, Special Summon as many "Colubrid Tokens" (Beast-Type/WATER/Level 3/ATK 800/DEF 1200) as possible in Defense Position on your opponent's side of the field. These tokens cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon. As long as this card's ATK is below 2000, it can attack your opponent directly.


card b

6 votes


[spoiler=[b]Effect:[/b]]During each of your End Phases, place 1 ''H2o Counter'' on this card. Remove 2 ''H2o Counters'' from this card to Special Summon 1 monster with "H2o Monster" in it's name from your hand or Graveyard. When this card attacks, you can Tribute 1 monster you control to destroy all face-down Monster Cards on your opponent's field. When the effect of an Effect Monster is activated, increase the ATK of this card by the Level of the Effect Monster x500 until the End Phase of this turn.


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On an aesthetic level, I like card A much better.

Card B has better OCG.


Effect-wise, Card A is more practical, although probably a little OP.

Card B seems UP, actually, although I could see how it would be useful.


I'll go with B for more creativity, better OCG, and slightly better balance.

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