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The Last of the Devil Fruit! The Grand Line RP!

Necro Pheonix

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Savior got back to his ship; "Sir you return." Savior look at his crew; "Yes,o we I have so did you get him of the navy ship with out an problem." The crew men nod there heads; "Find than lets set seal the ship is fix so we have no need to stay on this island." Savior turn towards the island; "But before I leave...." Savior set fire to area of the jungle; "Lucci you join the navy hmmmm, we'll see how this will work out." savior ship took off; "So where is he?" Savior ask a crew man; "Sir he is waiting in the captain room." Savior head to his room; " So I see you got cough by the navy Daz Bones are shell I call you Mr.1." The chair turn around; "Than name die after Straw Hat Roronoa Zoro beat me now its just Daz Bones. So what did you free me for I know it;s not for small talk." Savior pull up a chair; "I feel that a big battle will be coming an I can use formerly assassin like yourself on my side so what do you say." Daz smile; "If means me paying back the navy for my troubles than yes I will." Savior ship miles away from the island; "Well that should have found the note i left them say I took you off their hands." They both share laughs;


[spoiler=Name: Daz Bones AkA Mr.1]




Rank: VC-For the Black Flames Pirates

Devil Fruit Name: Supa Supa no Mi

Devil Fruit Ability: ability to turn any part of his body into sharp steel blades

bio: http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Mr._1




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The Navy ship sails up next to Saviours ship, Kazu walking over to look at the pirates manning it. "hmm.. if i were truly Navy they wouldn't have enough men, well lets hope those morons dont dtart a fight". then a small rowing boat hits the side of Saviour's ship and Lucci climbs aboard and starts bringing down the pirates on it a weird look in his eye. Kazu then puts a board over connecting the ships and runs over hand purple he grabs Lucci and holds him. "Lucci, what are you doing to these pirates.?". Lucci then turns back and breaks contact but staying in human form "well.. i guess i lost it at the sight of that" he says pointing at the body of a giant bug. one of Saviours Pirates opens the captain room door to tell Saviour about a leopard human attacking the ship. Kazu and Lucci st slowly walking bck across to the Navy ship dragging the dead body of a bug on and rolling it into the sea.

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Lucci breaks hold at this running back turning into Half-Leopard form. running up to Saviour slicing through ultiple pirates then holding his claws to Saviour's neck. Kazu notices and runs over his arm a blackish purple but not interfering. (Lucci) "listen up you make one more comment like that and consider your life ended". Kazu then hols his hand to the ground a blackness appearing under swallowing them then reguritating them back onto the ship in a bad state of shock. Kazu then drags Lucci back over to his own ship and chains him to a chair so as to not cause much more damage and takes down the plank, Saviour not able to move from the horror and shock from inside the darkness.

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"You come on my ship and tell me what to do!" Savior still unable to move; "I will sink this ship and every devil fruit eater well drop to the bottom." Savior standing on side of him; "My men are always ready to die for there captain and I'll do the same for them." Starting to move his hand; "So what do you want?"

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ooc: oh wait nevermind just read the 2nd or third last line o myn

IC: Kazu looks at saviour while hes on his own ship. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING MORON?". then throws an apple over it bouncing on your head as the shock wears off. "im on my own ship dummy.

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Haro appears by Saviour, Kazu, and Lucci. "Guys! ... Saviours drunk again isnt he? Here ill take him back to his cabin. Im sorry for any trouble he has caused. He has a small drinking problem and now hes trying to get over it." Haro grabbed Saviour and disapeared, then reapeared by Kazu and Lucci. "Oh, Yeah! Heres what i came to say. I dont know if you did it yet, but you should check your ship for some sort of tracking device. The Navy might put 1 on every one of their ships in case such a thing as it getting stolen happens."

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"Thanks!" Savior straighting up; "Next time knock, the blades that are point at the back of your head is Daz." Giving Daz the sign that its all right; "He's not to talkative right now.'' Daz walks back to the chair; "You came just in time cause that black rum was really oil and I was ready to blow those ships up."

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Looks at Haro and holds up a blackbeeping device he had in his pocket. "you mean this?". taking the power supply out of it the ship bumping slightly then goes back on course. Kazu then looks at Lucci. "are you ready to be unchained now?". (Lucci) "chained? what do you mean chained?" he then notices chains "oh..".

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"im not sure about him either. He seems trustworthy but, i have learned to not trust anybody. Plus, he seems able to control Lucci, who is a great asset and has a temper problem. we will have to trust him for now." Har poofed to Mr.1 and put his hand on his soldier "so... your on our side now. What is your motive for going against baroque works? and how do i know i can trust you?"

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A boat slams against the side of Kazu's Ship a humanoid eagle flying from it onto the deck. "ahh.. Pell you made it did you bring the others?". (Pell) "no but i brang Eneru, he decided to stay on the ship until it's raised". Kazu walks over commanding a few pirates to pull the ship up, Eneru then appearing behind him in a spark of lightning. "so glad you could join us so you are ready to bring down the selected others?". (Eneru) "if it means you'll leave me alone then yes i'll consider it". Kazu then walks over extending a plank between his and Saviours ship walking over, as his arm glows slightly the pirates step aside as he walks over and politely knocks on the door of the captains cabin.

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Kazu's hand glows purple And he holds it near the ground. "i would rather not but if you enage me i wll submerge you". he then looks up at Saviour. ":the reason i came over was to tell you o two new allies for us, Pell and Eneru". he then stands his arm stops glowing and he walks away back torwards his own ship.

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Ooc:Need more bad guys.

Savior look as Kazu walk off; "Navy dog!"

[spoiler=baroque works app]





devil fruit:Dia Dia Fruit (which allows him to turn into diamond. It is unknown currently if it's a Paramecia or a Logia.)

bio:After Crocodile die Alliance rose up to take over.


name:Miss Halloween



rank:Mr.0 (Right hand)

devil fruit:Smoke-Smoke Fruit (allows the user to transform into smoke at will.)






devil fruit:Rumble-Rumble Fruit. (allows user to transform into electricity at will as well as control it.)


name:Mr. 4th of July




rank:Ms.1 (Right hand man)

devil fruit:Boom-Boom Frui. (Turns the user's body and secretions into bombs. )




Mean while on an Island; "Mr.0 call all of yall here for a meeting." Mr.0 walk in the room; "You all hear what happened to Crocodile and his baroque works. Now its time for us to step up." Mr.7 stand up; "Do you think we ready for this?" Mr.0 look at Mr.7; "Yes! all we need is the King King fruit than no one will be able to stop us!" Miss New Years Eve; "So where is this King King fruit?" Mr.9 started to talk; "See no one really know where the fruit is. It's suppose to be the last devil fruit on earth." Mr.0 laded out a map; "Its some where in this area of the world so we will look here first. I all ready sent Ms.1 and Mr. 4th of July out there."

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Haro let go of the blade. "hm... Pel of alabasta. this is odd. Why would a man of the royal army of alabasta go away and help him? there is something suspicious about him, thats why i was ready to kill. I heard the boats against his. I suspect he is planning more than he is letting on." Haro started to walk out of the door. "im going to tell the crew to go full speed ahead. I have a feeling Baroque works must be catching on. Ill go alert Kazu too. Ill go check things out there. see ya." Haro poofed to Kazus ship and approached Kazu. "hey, were going full speed ahead now,k? soory for getting a grip on my sword there, im just on edge is all. I trust you, but i know that baroque works has ways of making people do wha they want, even if they dont know it. were going to stop at the next island to try refresh some supplies, fruit and stuff. see you later." Haro walked over to pel. "so your the legendary Pel, guardian of Alabasta. It is an honor to meet you, im Haro. If you dont mind me asking, why did you leave your post on Alabasta to help Kazu?"

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Pell looks at haro "that would be none of your business would it?". Kazu walks up next to Pell. "be nice to our buddy or talk to Lucci about what might happen if you don't treat the crew properly". his hand then glowing purply black fora couple seconds then turns back to normal. "sorry about his rudeness, the others should be arriving at the next island only two of them but two is enough i guess". Eneru appears next to Haro in a bolt of electricity "now you would be the one who can teleport am i correct?". A ghost like figure then floating infront of Kazu. "ahh.. Perona so i assume you have the camp ready?", the ghost replying (somehow) "yess.." before turning and floating away.

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