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Sketched monsters contest!


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So do YOU have the power to create a Sketched card? Well if you think you do, enter this contest! You will have to pay 5 points to get into this contest.


You will have to make a card that has no colour and a complete sketch of a real yugioh monster. and enter this wording into the decription area: This card cannot be summoned unless “Sketched World” is on the field. This card cannot attack in the same turn it is summoned. Pay 600 life points each time this monster attacks. When “Sketched World” is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn’t control a Sketched monster, this card may attack your opponent’s life points directly. If a Sketched monster is on your opponent’s side of the field, your attack must target the Sketched monster. This is a complete clone to “………………” but sketched, with higher attack and defence.




Look at these cards and you will get an idea what they look like.


Sketched World:










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