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Konami is merciless ....

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if I had cancer I would make konami make MY card the most broken POS ever and then they wouldn't ban it at tournaments because I HAVE CANCER f*** YOU and then I'd go on to win worlds.


Me too.


I would' date=' probably the kid was too crippled to wish for anything else.


And yeah his name was Tyler, he's probably dead right now.



Nope... alive and kicking, unless he just died =/ That would make me a liar ='(


I said that he's PROBABLY dead, but he could be very much living

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If I had cancer, screw my own YGO card, I'd ask for a cure to the said cancer. If they won't give, I'll sue for no reason, then use that money to fund cancer research and if they don't make a cure by time it'stoo late, I'll sue them and buy myself a young orphan for my soul to inhabit.

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