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The Imafaridofeverything Game!


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Well this game is to test the limit of what your scared of and the person who comes up with the freakiest Thing to be scared of wins!


and no ''Oh, im not afraid of anything, all thesse mild mannered snakes and spiders don't scare me at all oh crums no!


Someone is afraid of somthing!



So i'll start.



Micheal Jackson

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Falling into a pit of despair and entering a state in which you cannot move, see, hear, or feel. Where you are alive, but you can do nothing but live. You lie there by yourself, tormented and having nothing but your own thoughts keeping you there with your own sanity. But what is sanity at that point? You wish for your own death and beg for help, but in the end, your nothing more than a worm.. miserable and waiting for your own death. All your thoughts are questions on if your dead or not, and this lasting until you finally die.


Dark? Yes! Muahaha!

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