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The "You Kids Today" Game


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You Kids Today and your Sony Playstations and your Alternative Rock and your MP3s and your Tennis rackets and your pornography and your DVDs and your cassette tapes and your baby powder scented candles and your Christianity and your Beatles and your illegitimate offspring and your "time of the month" and your Gundams and your "Big Bang Theory" and your in growing toenails, and your Lysergic acid diethylamide and your escalators and your sexual intercourse and your prescription drugs and your Friedrich Nietzsche and your pierced nipples and your viagra and your "gay pride" and your Fox News and your Hip Hop music and your...


Basically, continue the ranting.

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...pointless rantings and your blogs and your MySpace and your World War II and your mesh T-shirts and your Hair Dye and your Marilyn Manson and your prostitutes and your Billy Mays and your eye liner and your Rave Scene and your Techno and your foldable boxes and your "2 Girls 1 Cup" and your Christmas trees and your...

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...Telephone booths and your sheeps and your true love and your Inbreeding and your Digimon and your New Wave and your punk bands and your baseball and your Martin Luther King Jr. and your chap sticks and your racist robots and your HBO and your tempeture and your Michael Bay and your mind bullets and your Sundance Film Festivals and your...

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...Pocket Monsters and your Adult Swim and your perverted little comic books and your shoelaces and your Osama Bin Laden and your numerous diseases and your hovercrafts and your 5 dollar candy and your Swine Flu and your Big O and your Woodstock concerts and your fortune telling and your five dollar footlongs and your sugary cereal and your paintball guns and your flamethrowers and your tiny, water-squirting turtles and your androids and your economy crisis and your Steven Colbert and your hidey-holes and your treehouses and your endangered species and your Chinese food and your martial arts and your Magic Bullets and your conventional ovens and your gravel and your rat traps and your calculators and your light beer and your precision-cut lawns and your leg warmers and your tape decks and your false teeth and your toothbrushes and your exersise machines and your green tea supplements and your giant robots and your dentist appointments and your hair gel and your purified water and your Digimon and your...

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...Dick Van Dyke and your achers and your sliced bread and your cordless phones and your fellatios and your texting and your reclining chairs and your plasma televisions and your lesbians and your superheroes and your fan fics and your sexually transmitted diseases and your fiddlesticks and your block busters and your pool houses and your starbucks and your industrial music and your annulments and your Jesus Christ and your sex changes and crock pot recipes and your McDonalds and your balloons and your walnuts and your britney spears and your scientology and your pokeballs and your hula hoops and your hop scotch and your transvestites and your ukuleles and your...

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[spoiler=PG-16] And getting free condoms from High School, when I was a kid, I had to walk 20 Miles up hill, in the snow, 2 ways, when it was 20 degrees below zero with a boner to go to the pharmacy to get one!



[spoiler=Non PG-18 Version] And then your Monsters and Rockstars, and all that stupid illegal drug smugglin from canada, and all that running around naked in the streets covered in blue paint! What the H*ll do you think your - Look! A mosquito!!!!


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