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God card plz see


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here's the god of all gods!


His name is god my friend made this he has a YCM and I know his password he hasn't registered yet!

I fit doesn't have a pic that's becuz we can't see his face!



Plz don't use this in a duel it's disrespectful to our lord in heaven thankyou you may go ahead and print it out and show it to your friends if you want

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ahaha dude, did u really expect people too praise you for this? its got no pic, its got 'INF' atk, its got an effect but it isnt an effect monster, and the grammar sucks


ahahaha the 'do not use this in a duel but you can print it off and show your friends' ahahah that made me laugh, i think the only reason people would show it too there friends would bee too laugh at it

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