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{{Tournament Style}} LOCK => Victory to Animefan!


You Decide  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. You Decide

    • Card A
    • Card B

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This is an official {{Tournament Style}} match.

First card to receive either 10 votes (use the poll, people), or has the most votes by the end of 2 days, is declared the winner.


The task: Create an effect monster based off a TGC vanilla picture.


Card A


effect: While this card is Face-Up on the Field, Warrior-Type monsters cannot be the target of Spell Cards controlled by your opponent. You can discard 1 Spellcaster-Type monster from your Hand to destroy 1 Trap Card on the Field. You can discard 1 Warrior-Type mmonster in your Hand to destroy 1 Spell Card on the Field. If the targeted card is Face-Down, flip it Face-Up. If the selected card is the designated type, destroy it.


Card B


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