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Beast/Dragon contest 1st place 3 reps! Finished


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In this contest you must make 3 dragon type monsters and 2 beast type monsters or 2 dragon type monsters and 3 beast type monsters, so it will be 5 cards.


Only one card is allowed to be a normal monster

No spell or trap cards

No fusions and no rituals

Correct spellings

No overpowering or underpowering

No bad grammar


1st 3 reps

2nd 2 reps

3rd 1 rep

I changedd the prizes because you can only give out 6 per contest sorry but i'de still like to win if I entered

some of the winners will need to wait for there reps a bit longer because you can only give out a certen amount a day.

Ends 25th November 2007


Winner Shinigami_Ichigo 3 reps

2nd Dragon Master 2 reps

3rd Scampy 1 rep

Dragon Master i'll have to give you your other rep tomorrow

Scampy i'll have to give you your rep tomorrow

Now you all have your reps.

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Scampy you are winning at the moment because your the only one who's entered so if nobody els enters you win and you get 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize! WHICH IS 9 REPS!!! sorry it's been changed you can only give out 6 reps per contest so if you did get all 3 prizes you would get 6 reps and any way 3 have joined nnow so nobody will get more than 1 prize. At the moment as 3 have entered everyone who has will get a prize if nobody els enters.

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