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Anime Crazy! The Craziest Anime Club Alive! Originally The MegaVerse Club

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primary lotus

Ah yes of course so I one up you with the reverse lotus. Although I'll be feeling the effects of the reverse lotus for a while.

EDIT: FC do know of the Tales of video game series cause I'm partially sure that's where you got that from. But if it's from naruto just say so.

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well that ended well i told him i'll go my way and he'll go his i gained a rep from this and he lost one guess who won XD


Recorded phone message: I'm sorry but the person you are talking about has been banished from Andx's memory.

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  'GC-Genesis said:

Forbidden Ninja Art:Revival of Gods' date=' Summons All the dead Hokages plus Akatsuki Game over bishes



No this is where DBZ comes in. Goku/Spirit bomb kills everything cause Goku is a cheater like that. So: SPIRIT BOMB!

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*lands on the ground and looks upon one who would take upoln himself the form of he who fights for beliefs. with the decree in his heart that this shall not be allowed he raises his right hand of destruction as his arm cannon appears.* nightmare barrage.... *devastating blasts of energy are released from the arm cannon screaming towards the mockery of the one true warrior and the are surrounding him....*

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  'Andx said:

Forbidden Ninja Art:Revival of Gods' date=' Summons All the dead Hokages plus Akatsuki Game over bishes



No this is where DBZ comes in. Goku/Spirit bomb kills everything cause Goku is a cheater like that. So: SPIRIT BOMB!


hahah not so fast fatty...its time for super stunner big bang attack ..ill blast you to oblivian

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*........taking great damage from spirirt bomb but still able to fight, the warrior unleashes his deadliest secret, the giga nightmare. shileding himself from the blast he knows that will ensue, he unleashes it, and destroys all who remain on the field of battle except himself, though now at his limit and no longer able to fight*


hah-hah-hah-huff-hah.......i never unleashed that attack in such a sad state.

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  'GC-Genesis said:

Hey i found out why he was mad' date=' because he says that i stole Shadow from him XD Which isn't true at all



lol hahahah shadow i didnt kno you were that kinda guy ill have to watch my self



thx andx and genisis pmed me and said im in already so stop being mean stunnero.


lol i wasnt being mean i dont have the power to accept new ppl thats y i was akin if no 1 was acceptin you..hmnnn tisk tisk tisk

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Well, shadow it's a good thing I have enormous ice wings to gaurd me. Not to mention all the water in the atmosphere to form a shield in fact. *Freezes all the water around to form a really strong shield* Sure is chilly in here.

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