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Anime Crazy! The Craziest Anime Club Alive! Originally The MegaVerse Club

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  'GC-Genesis said:

XD i teach you our special tag team jutsu it's called Collabe Ninja Art:Twin Turbine Summoning jutsu:Fang Ferocious and Claw Quickly' date=' i take fang which is a dog and you take claw which is a cat, fang is a fire user and cat is a wind user



Sweet I'm a summoner now.

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yup, But these aren't ordinary summonings because i also taught you Collab Ninja Art:Fusion of Chakra, you and Claw fuse and you turn back into your regular self but with much more power and speed, when i do it with Fang i get more endurance and speed, no strength because we also gain every jutsu that they know and fang has stronger jutsus but claw is stronger generally, so we're the best team put together

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  'GC-Genesis said:

yup' date=' But these aren't ordinary summonings because i also taught you Collab Ninja Art:Fusion of Chakra, you and Claw fuse and you turn back into your regular self but with much more power and speed, when i do it with Fang i get more endurance and speed, no strength because we also gain every jutsu that they know and fang has stronger jutsus but claw is stronger generally, so we're the best team put together



Sounds awesome shall we go back and kill everyone?

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