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The (Almost) Neverending Food chain!


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Here, we know that the food chain starts from the Sun, I'll state the rules:


1. No mythical creatures

2. No Imaginary Animals or Cryptids

3. Specify yourself. Don't just say 'Animal', 'Plant' or 'Fungi'. Say something like Llama, or Venus Flytrap, or Mushroom!

4. Make sense.


That's that. How to play this? I'll show you the correct example..


1st Poster(Me) : Sun

2nd Poster : Grass (Obtains energy from the sun, Is a plant)

3rd Poster : Cow (A herbivore, eats grass)

4th Poster : Tiger (A carnivore, eats cows)

5th Poster : Vulture (A carnivore, eats Tiger when it is dead)


You can post a Decomposer or Detrivore, but just no Dragons, here's a wrong example:


1st Poster: Sun

2nd Poster: Treant

3rd Poster: Phoenix

4th Poster: Dragon

5th Poster: Godzilla


Just abide and it's fine, so I'll start...



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