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Ancient Prophecy Sneak Peek Need Week

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I traded away most of my cards that I didn't want but were worth something for more Koa'ki Meirus (unfortunately only 1 Drago), 3 more Alien cards, and 1 of each of the video game promo Phantom Beasts. All I need is one more set and some Beast-Warrior support and I can try out a Phantom Beast deck.

Sadly I didn't get Kasha. I still had a lot of fun though.

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Man, my place wasn't a n00b fest, but i didn't know that YGO nerd is synonymous w/ overweight and bad hygiene. I got the biggest pieces of sh[:x]t ever for my packs though the best card i got was Undead Skull and that says alot. I mostly traded, no point in dueling since prizes were just given out instead of won, got the Ha'Des and once i get some more interesting trade fodder i'm probably gonna get Doomkaiser and PSZ finally! And i gots a Thought Ruler.

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I went to the one in Reno, and the dumbass store owner didn't order enough, so I was 2 people late. I drove TWO HOURS to watch a bunch of idiots and 9-year olds pull amazing cards and win mats. I called the day before, and they didn't even recommend that I reserve, even though people had WEEKS in advance, I am really...angry...

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Sorry guys, I was meant to post a while ago but I've been very busy.


I cam 14th out of 36 which was quite bad for me and the only holo I pulled was XX-Saber Faultroll which was quite annoying because I couldn't use it but I did pull 2 Advance Draw, it's an interesting card...I can't see much use for it but I might use it in a fun deck.

During my 2ed round, which I won, my opponent ticked for me to drop by mistake and spent about an hour trying to enter me in again, that was fun, I felt sorry for the guy, he was shaking but I was ok with it.


Over all.

It was an alright day, could be better but I had fun

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