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Knights of lumaria ( started/acepting) i will be making a new rp for this so plz lock

vengeful lemonS

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rank:(if ace like ace of spades or King of hearts)


demon's power:Negitive Zone:The opponet gets confused and slowed down

Three way flame shower: All three heads shoot a huge flame out tword the target.

apperance:Tall Muscley man with dark demon armor

weapon:Demon sword


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Savior bow his head and went back training, "Blade come on lets go." Savior went to the training room, "I must get stronger!'' After training Savior went back to his room, "What this a letter." Savior read the letter, "What!, Blade grab the bike keys." Savior and Blade got on the bike, "Were we going?" ask Blade, "We're going to see a Ace, He have something to get my memory back." So they took off.

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