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Knights of lumaria ( started/acepting) i will be making a new rp for this so plz lock

vengeful lemonS

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Walks up to Robert " 'Father Ace' "bows a little "how did our battle fair?" he says. ~I hope we got rid of some of them.. i've had to work a bit in the previous battles~ "What do you mean! you weren't even there" he says. Then aiming a punch at him "your just lucky your on fire.." then turns back to Robert "have you heard from the scientist at the attempt at fusion? i wonder what happened to that guy". then jumping backwardslanding in a seat nearby looking torwards the scientists.

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Savior start to train with Blade, "We must get stronger, we can't have an repeat of last time."

Savior working on his swordmen ship, "Blade into the sword!" Blade went into savior sword, "Lets try our new move, "Sword of Shadow!'' Blade turn into a third sword,


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"Ace of Spades How nice of you two join us yes i was heading over there now"

~Sir might i ask What would Happen if this new Fusioin is uncontrollable?

"Well if im right all we will have to do is send it to the rebel's area thhey might kill it but they will also take damage"


+Sir we've done some testing and it seems that the only weak point for this creaurte is it's stomach where the human head is located

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